a week off... ahhh

Nov 23, 2010 11:42

So, Thanksgiving week is my week off...technically...

But, the college is still holding classes Monday through Wednesday, and my day at the college is Tuesday, so here I am.  My first two students didn't show up, so I could have come in at 1:00 instead of 10:00.  This makes me very sad.  So, what am I doing?  Playing Angry Birds on my phone and reading up on LJ.

I'm tired today and really didn't want to get out of bed, so the fact that my first two students failed to show up (and failed to tell me in advance that they weren't coming) makes me a bit angry.  I have the right to feel angry.  So, I'm angry (like the Angry Birds...but, I won't fling myself against walls).

My mom sent me a package of maternity clothes yesterday.  She sent along 4 shirts she bought and a June birthday bracelet.  <3

We talked on the phone yesterday as well, and they'd like to bring down a bunch of stuff.  Apparently, my dad made me a cradle when I was born, so they'll bring that.  Also, they'll bring along the rocking horse that he made me as well.  :)

My mom also said something very interesting.  She said that she didn't find out the genders of her first two children, but then when I came along (due to my sister's complications), they did a bunch of testing and found out I was a girl.  She said it was so much better when she knew.  Good to know.  I've really heard the argument both ways, so I'm kinda caught in the middle.  I think it's really a decision that can be made only by the parents.  Now, in my situation, I'm the kind of person that has to think about something for a pretty long time before actually doing it.  (I mean, hello...how long did we talk about having a kid before we actually did it?!)  So, I'm probably leaning towards finding out.  I dunno...I got a good couple months to wait.

testing, planning, work, clothes

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