
Nov 29, 2010 17:19

Had a great week last week.  All our friends know around here now, so it's a huge weight off our shoulders.  We had Thanksgiving with our friends and that was really nice.  We tried to really relax and stay in without doing much, so when it gets busy again, we'd have the energy.  On Sunday, I put up the Christmas tree.  Today, I feel like an old woman.  I wore out my legs doing all that lifting and running around.  My lower back hurt earlier today, but that's since gone away.

Things have been fairly good, really.  The next few weekends will be a bit crazy with all the winter gigs.  I'm just hoping that most of my fatigue goes away in the coming weeks.  I wear myself out too fast.

Tomorrow, I need to go in to my endocrinologist and get my blood drawn again.  I should have gone in last week, but I figure a couple days off isn't too bad.  And besides, I won't even be back into town until the 1st of January.

work, thyroid, symptoms, tests

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