Lives Intertwined Cannot Be Unbound~CHAPTER 4

Jun 23, 2010 07:54

Characters: POTC, OFCs
Rating: PG-PG13
Summary: What happens to Jack, Barbossa and Elizabeth after At Worlds End? Their lives will forever be mingled, whether they choose to admit it or not. **A/N** This is post AWE, nix the final scene after the credits.
Disclaimer: However much I would LOVE to claim my pirate crew, I cannot. Disney owns them, but I get to choose their course.

Jack pushed his way on to the Pearl in to the captain’s quarters. He slammed the door and locked it, spinning around. He frowned at the mess before him.

“Really?” he said as he walked closer to the table holding charts and other mapping paraphernalia. “Is is that hard to keep a place in order!?” he yelled back to the door. He grunted and went about looking at the maps. Ones he thought to be of no use, he threw on a pile to burn in the middle of the night.

There was a bang on the door.

“Open up the door, Sparrow!”

“Not a chance, Barbossa. My ship, my quarters.”

“Now, Sparrow!”

“No!” he defiantly retorted.

Jack heard a growl on the other side of the door and heavy footsteps treading away. He smiled and went about sifting through the maps. He was ready to throw one over his shoulder when he decided to take a second glance at it.

“Isle de Muerta.  Barbossa, you will never learn,” he said, throwing it over to the pile.

He picked up a candle and moved into the bedroom. He sniffed and grimaced at the foul smell Barbossa had left behind. He raised his arm and sniffed his armpit and shivered.

“Not any better, but better than this miasmal stench.”

He set the candle down and pulled the linens from the bed. He opened the window and thrust the sheets into the open ocean. He went to the bureau and pulled out some cleaner ones and smoothed out the wrinkles.

Flopping down, Jack kicked off his boots and sighed. He placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

He was glad to be back on the Pearl. How he missed her. Slowly, his eyes closed as he felt the waves below the ship lull him to dreamland.

Barbossa glared at Jack as he emerged from the captain’s cabin. Jack saw the distaste on Barbossa’s face and playfully stretched his arms up into the air, yawning. He lazily walked up to Barbossa, who was behind the wheel.

“Sleep well, mate? I do hope that hammock swung you comfy.”

Barbossa narrowed his eyes at Jack and turned away.

“Is that all you have for me then, Barbossa? Just a glare and a head turn? I really do think that you can muster up some form of retaliation.”

Jack smirked and swayed to the movement of the Pearl. He playfully placed his hand on the the handle of his sword waiting for Barbossa to do something. Barbossa kept one hand on the wheel and used his other hand to pull his dagger free. He lunged into Jack’s face. Jack didn’t move, but smugly let his smile hang on his lips.

“Ye make think this be yer ship, Sparrow, but ye are a poor Captain.”

“If you plan on living in the past with another mutiny, Barbossa, you had better rethink your steps. The Pearl belongs to me. And now that she is back in my hands, along with the charts from Sao Fang, I think it is I who has the upper hand. And as long as I am alive and breathing, you will do as I say. Or, if you are so inclined,” Jack swung his hands across his torso to the side of the ship, “be my guest and jump ship. I’m sure there be plenty waiting for you in the Locker, mate.”

“This isn’t over, Jack. I don’t give up easily on what is rightfully mine.” Barbossa’s eyes darted to the opening in Jack’s shirt where he knew the charts were kept. “You had best keep an eye on your backside at all times. That supposed first mate and Quartermaster of yours isn’t very good at guarding things.”

Jack twitched his upper lip. “I will be having a few words with him about that.”

Barbossa replaced the dagger back into its sheath and brought his eyes back on the horizon. He clenched his jaw and watched Jack move away from the helm and yell orders to the crew. Deep down he knew that Jack was right about the Pearl, but he didn’t want to give it up. He was more worthy to be Captain than Jack had a right to be. Jack never had a plan. He just foolishly went along and clumsily got away from attacks. But he needed Jack since he was the only one that could understand the maps.

“Mr. Gibbs!”

The old man turned on his heel and smiled at Jack as he came closer. He saw that Jack was perplexed about something and waited for Jack to continue speaking.

“I want you to keep an eye on that traitorous snake,” he said as he nodded his head to Barbossa. “I have a feeling that my back is going to be in need of guarding with this one aboard again. I don’t trust him. Never really did like him since the beginning, anyway. But, we need him. He’s a strong sailor and he knows these waters. Hate to say it, but possibly better than I. And if we are to find the Fountain of Youth, we are going to need a strong crew.”

“Aye Captain.”

Jack glared at Gibbs.

“Don’t mess this up, mate. I’d hate to do anything to ye, but with that slip up on the docks in Tortuga, we would never be in this predicament of having Barbossa with us, if ye’d not fallen asleep at port in the first place.”

Mr. Gibbs slowly lowered his head. “Sorry, Jack. I don’t know what happened.”

“And ye looked like a fool with that teddy bear in your arms. How do you think it looks with ye on me crew?”

“Guess it’s just a comfort of mine. I got rid of it already. Lost at sea.”

“Good. Now, get back to work.”

“Aye, Cap’n!”

Jack watched Gibbs as he bellowed to the crew members. He brought his gaze back up to Barbossa who had his eyes fixed on the horizon, ever so slightly turning the wheel. Jack ran his hands along his collarbone, patting his pectorals to make sure that the charts were still there. When he saw that all was safe on the ship, he headed below deck to the rum storage. He needed something to take off the edge of Barbossa breathing the same air on the ship as him. He grabbed two bottles and headed back up to the Captain’s Quarters.

He pulled out his compass and unrolled the map. He twisted and turned the pieces about creating new patterns with each pivot. He drew his face closer to the parchment and studied the ink. An image of an ominous black cloud hung over the place where the Fountain of Youth had originally been. It spread wide across the waters between the islands.

Jack spun the pieces a few more times to see what else he could come up with. The image of the Fountain of Youth came back again. This time, it brought words with it. “Furia del Infierno, mujer despreciada.”

“‘Hell’s fury, woman scorned’,” Jack muttered. “ What could that mean?”

He got up from his desk and headed on deck. He squinted against the sun’s blazing heat.

“Barbossa!” he said as he slammed the parchment on the pedestal next to the wheel. “Take a look at this! Cotton! Man the wheel.”

The old man took over the wheel and Barbossa peered over the map.

“I was wheeling around with it and this is what came up.”

“Furia del Inferno, mujer despreciada.”

“Yes. ‘Hell’s fury, woman scorned.’ It’s lying right over the Fountain of Youth and spread across the waters. This ain’t no ordinary hurricane, mate. There’s got to be some curse or spell upon this thing.”

“Aye. Or some goddess.”

“Calypso?” Jack asked in disbelief. He snorted. “Not likely.”

“How ‘not likely?’”

“Sea goddess, mate. Fountain of Youth is on land. What can she do on land?”

“I’m sure there are plenty of ways and things that she can do on land. Especially if the item in question is close to the sea. Water still falls on shore, does it not, Lad?”

Jack grumbled to himself. He knew that Barbossa was right. In some way, at least.

“Show me the Fountain of Youth the way you originally found it.”

Jack raised his hands in the air and pushed Barbossa out of the way. He moved the pieces of the parchment around until his saw the fountain.

“There,” he said as he stabbed his finger at the picture of the giant goblet. “That’s what I first saw.”

Barbossa gazed at the map. “Next move.”

Jack rolled his eyes and turned the pieces again. This time it showed the cloud.

“Ah. Again.”

Jack moved the pieces again until the cloud was cleared and the fountain showed along with the phrase.

“A warning,” Barbossa said as he stroked his beard.

“This is what you arrived at? ‘A warning?’ Seriously, mate, I could have told you that. I thought that you were going to go into some long story about how Calypso was scorned by her lover, meaning Jones, yet again, and she hid some precious sea water in a goblet so she could be with her true love, only to find out that he was a yank and she brought all hell’s fury with her in the form of a hurricane, hiding the goblet, and setting a warning to all who tried to recover the said goblet.”

Barbossa looked at Jack and pursed his lips. “A warning is as suffice an answer ye need, Jack.”

“Are you up for the challenge, then, Barbossa? Cuz’ if not, you can always take the long boat back to Tortuga then.”

“You mock me, Sparrow. What makes you think that you are up for the challenge?”

“You forget what I have been through.”

“And so do ye.”

Jack raised his chin prominently in the air. “Fountain of Youth, then?”


Without lowering his head, Jack whipped out the compass and let it spin. When he heard the needle stop, he crossed his eyes over to it.

“Hard to starboard! Raise the sails! I want full canvas!”

Barbossa smiled and nodded. Jack returned the favor with a hint of gold shining from his mouth.

Prologue/ Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3

jack sparrow, disney, barbossa, will turner, pirates of the caribbean, walt disney, elizabeth swann, fan fiction, creative writing

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