Lives Intertwined Cannot Be Unbound~CHAPTER 2

Jun 07, 2010 08:41

Characters: POTC, OFCs
Rating: PG-PG13
Summary: What happens to Jack, Barbossa and Elizabeth after At Worlds End? Their lives will forever be mingled, whether they choose to admit it or not. **A/N** This is post AWE, nix the final scene after the credits.
Disclaimer: However much I would LOVE to claim my pirate crew, I cannot. Disney owns them, but I get to choose their course.

He waited until the coast was clear. Too often had he been caught and he had had enough. Didn’t people realize who he was? He wasn’t supposed to get caught. But he still managed to anyway.

He found his way into a little shop and stopped as he set foot inside. He swayed and looked around.

At least, if anything, he found a shop where he could “borrow without intention of returning” some parchment and ink. He was always in need of that for his logs.

He pretended to be looking for something in particular amongst the books. He “ah-ha’d” when he saw the “one” he was looking for and flipped through the pages. When he was displeased with what the writing had to say, he threw the book over his shoulder and began browsing some more.

“May I help you with something, sir?”

Jack lazily turned and looked at the frail man.

“Just browsing,” he slurred. “Waiting for me ship to be stocked.”

“Shouldn’t you be in the tavern then? Isn’t that was pirates do?”

Jack furrowed his brow and pouted.

“What makes you think I’m a pirate?”

“Just a hunch. If there is anything you need, let me know.”

Jack bowed. “Thank you. If I feel inclined to acquiesce your request, then I shall approach you with my concerns and queries.”

The man looked at Jack skeptically and went about his business.

When Jack saw that the coast was clear, he pocketed a small jar of ink and a quill.

“You lack in the writing utensils,” he said strolling up to the counter. “How am I to put to hand the thoughts brewing about if ye have no instrument that I can acquire to writ what is in me mind?” He shook his finger at the man. “Shame.”

“Let me check my back stock. I’m sure that I have something there for you, sir.”

Jack watched as he headed behind a door. He noticed a little satchel of money on the counter. He smirked, picked it up and stuffed it into his shirt. He patted it as he sauntered out the door.

“Foolish bugger. Now, I need to get me some rum.”

Jack walked off to the little alley close to the port. He could tell that he was heading into the lower ranking area of the town.

He dodged drunken men laughing and hanging on women. He wandered the little street till he found the familiar sign hanging above the door.

“Well, if it ain’t the famous Cap’n Jack Sparrow.”

Jack moseyed on into the tavern and walked up to the woman who greeted him. She was petite with dark, brown hair. It was piled high on her head in intricate curls. She wore a dress of ruby red, tight at the waist, full at the skirt.

“Bella,” he flirtatiously slurred.

She narrowed her eyes and slapped him across the face. She harrumphed, placing her hands on her hips.

“What was that for, love?” he asked as he placed a hand on the burning sting on his cheek.

“You promised you would write to me. I haven’t received a letter in all the time that you had been gone. You are a bloody pirate!”

“How can I scribe you when I have nothing to scribe with?” He pulled out the ink well and quill. “You spy this? I recently attained this from a quaint little shop and now I will be able to pen my thoughts and desires to you, dearie, when things go erroneous on the ship.”

“Oh, Jack,” she smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.”I cannot be mad at you long.”

He pulled her into his arms and dipped her. He saucily smiled at her and she giggled. He leaned in close as if to kiss her.

“Now, woman. Get me a pint. I’m parched.”

He pulled her back up again and walked away. She stood there dazed and bewildered. Her confusion quickly turned to anger and she stomped her foot.

“You are despicable, Sparrow!!”

He kept walking, without looking back, and waved a hand in the air. He pulled a pint of rum off a tray from a passing barmaid and sat at a table in the back corner. He let the liquid slide down his throat and slammed the glass on the table. He motioned for the barmaid to come over.

“Ye might as well leave that whole tray here, lass. I’ll be awhile.”

She shook her head, rolling her eyes and took his empty glass.

When she walked away and he knew that he was not to be disturbed, he dug into his jacket and pulled out a piece of parchment. He unrolled and glanced at it. He turned the pieces until he saw the Aqua de Vida, The Fountain of Youth. It was going to be much easier trying to study the map without the continuing bounding of the dinghy over the waves.

He truly missed his Black Pearl. He cursed Mr. Gibbs for falling asleep on the dock with his teddy bear. He let Barbossa sneak away with the ship while Jack had his folly with Scarlett and Giselle.

Now, he floated on the waves in a dinghy. A dinghy. What kind of grand entrance could he make this time? He smirked at his thoughts and shrugged knowing full well that he had travelled in far worse; a casket using a dead man’s leg as an ore. He shivered at the thought.

“When I see you again, Gibbs, it’s the brig for you for a day or two,” he murmured.

He looked over the map, studying its symbols and drawings. It couldn’t be that easy, he thought.  It couldn’t just be floating out in the middle of the ocean, just waiting for someone to come along and take it.
Jack pulled out his compass. He closed his eyes and thought hard.
“I know what I want. I know what I want, I know what I want,” he chanted.

He looked at the compass and saw the needled spinning.

“Bloody hell!” he roared, slamming the compass on the table.

A few heads turned with disgruntled looks.

Jack glowered, raised his hands at his sides and mouthed “what?” They all turned back to their business.

“That’s what I thought.” He went back to the map. “Not this bloody again. Can’t you ever just decide what you bloody want, you stupid, filthy, mangy, codswallop piece of dung!?” he grumbled as he shook the compass hard in his hands.

He opened it back up again and saw that the needle still continued to spin. He rolled his eyes back in his head, slumped in the chair and put the compass back on the table. He finished the rest of his rum and put the things back on his person.

“Guess it’s back to Tortuga to see if there are still any bloody decent sailors that would be willing to commandeer a ship.”

He got up from the table and left a hefty tip. He sauntered through the maze of pirates and sailors to the exit.

“Oi! Sparrow!”

He stopped in his tracks, grimaced and turned.

“Yes...Bella?” he hesitated, smiling sweetly, waiting for a smack on the face.

“Not even a good bye kiss, then, for me? You didn’t even as so much say hello.”

“Hello, good bye,” he said in a sweeping bow.

He raised his eyes and smirked at the narrowed gaze staring him down.


“You are quite right, dearie!” he shouted sarcastically, pointing to her. He turned on his heel and walked out the door.

He heard a glass smash against the doorframe close to his head and kept walking.

Barbossa lifted the parchment in the air to show the crew what they were after. His smile faded as he looked through the hole in the parchment.

“Sparrow,” he said under his breath.

“Yes, Captain, we do feel that we should have some grievance for taking the Pearl away from Captain Sparrow again. It wasn’t right,” Ragetti murmured, twirling his wooden eye between his fingers.

“Not right, you say?” Barbossa countered. He slammed the ruined parchment against the ship. “I’ll tell you what’s not right, then. What’s not right, is having me crew feel the need to go all noble when Jack Sparrow himself is a lying, conniving, scheming, treacherous snake.”

“But, beg pardon, sir,” Ragetti stammered. “The Pearl really is Cap’n Jack’s ship. So, in all reality, we should be going back to get him.”

Barbossa steadily walked up to the five men standing before him.

“Is that the way you feel then, Master Ragetti? How would the rest of the trip in the brig with no food, no water, not even a speck of daylight to brighten your mood do ye? Or, we could throw you overboard and let the sharks have their way with ye. What say you to that, then?”

Ragetti swallowed hard. He shifted his eyes between his mates looking for them to help him out. Pintel held his eyes wide in fear and faintly shook his head as a sign that he wasn’t going to get involved.

“Tis not a good hypothesis, then?”

“You are precise in your thinking, Master Ragetti. So, if you would please, if you still want to live, I suggest you get back to work on the ship.”

“Aye, Captain.”

Barbossa watched as the men rambled down the stairs to their stations. He turned back to the slowly fading shoreline. He was surprised that Jack hadn’t come back to get the ship. It seemed that spending time with the women was more to his liking. He smirked at the thought of Gibbs passed out cold on the dock. So much for a first mate then.

“Oh, who’s a good boy?” he asked the little monkey on his shoulder in a childlike voice. “You are. Yes, you are. Oh, my good little boy.”

He raised his head as he peered out to the open sea. He thought a good pilaging of Spanish ships would do the crew good, then back to Tortuga in a few months time to replenish their perishable supplies.

“Raise the sails! Put the wind in them, boys!” he bellowed. “I want full speed to Starboard. Let’s get us some treasure, lads!”

They all pumped their fists in the air and hollered out cries of cheer.

Prologue/ Chapter 1

jack sparrow, disney, barbossa, will turner, pirates of the caribbean, walt disney, elizabeth swann, fan fiction, creative writing

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