Lives Intertwined Cannot Be Unbound~CHAPTER 3

Jun 14, 2010 08:10

Characters: POTC, OFCs
Rating: PG-PG13
Summary: What happens to Jack, Barbossa and Elizabeth after At Worlds End? Their lives will forever be mingled, whether they choose to admit it or not. **A/N** This is post AWE, nix the final scene after the credits.
Disclaimer: However much I would LOVE to claim my pirate crew, I cannot. Disney owns them, but I get to choose their course.

Jack stood slowly in the little boat and lowered his sail. He stood proudly, hand on the mast and confidently raised his chin in the air. He darted his eyes across the men laughing and pointing at him. He pursed his lips and clenched his jaw.

How is it that the great Captain Jack Sparrow always found himself in these situations?, he thought to himself.

He let the boat roll across the waves until he was close enough to jump off and walk on the pier. He straightened his hat and glanced forward, hand on his sword.

Making his way into town, he headed to the Faithful Bride. He knew he could find good company and a satisfying drink. He smiled to himself when he saw two figures with their backs turned to him. At once, he knew who they were. They were nigh inseparable.

Slowly, without trying to make a sound, he walked up to them. He placed his hands on their waists and poked his head between theirs.

“What say you fine ladies come and take a drink with me?”

They jumped at his touch and turned to look at him. The blonde rolled her eyes while the redhead smirked. They pulled themselves away from his grasp and walked forward.

“Oh, do come now, dearies! I meant no harm!” he said as he followed them.

They stopped in their tracks and turned to him.

“The last time that you were here, you promised us a ride on your ship and you produced-- what did he call it again, Scarlett?--oh, yes. A dinghy. So much for that ride on your magnificent vessel then,” Giselle replied with an annoyed air.

“Yes, and you left us with Gibbs,” Scarlett whimpered.

“Who started talking about sea turtles of all things,” Giselle said with a roll of her eyes.

“Well, Gibbs has gone a little to the heat, if you know what I mean,” Jack explained, rolling his finger in the air next to his temple. “Seems the years at sea have played with his brain.”

Scarlett placed a hand on her hip.

“He said that you were the one that road the sea turtles. That’s about as far fetched as the story of you having a ship, Jack.”

Jack smirked and splayed his hands at his sides.

“Darling, I’m Captain Jack Sparrow,” he cooed. “Am I not allowed to have legends about me being birthed? But that, my dear, was not a lore. It was all in truth.”

Jack swayed a little in his spot waiting for them to respond. When he saw that they defiantly stood waiting for him to come up with a better explanation than that, he let his smile fade and dropped his arms to his sides.

“Fine. Believe what you want, loves. But,” he said as he flirtatiously drew closer to them, “you can’t deny that you don’t want to spend some quality time with this captain then, aye?”

The women felt Jack move his eyes over their upper bodies. When he returned his gaze to their eyes, they couldn’t help but let the agitation boiling inside subside. They looked to each other in agreement.

“Fine. Just for a little while,” Giselle replied.

Jack clapped his hands together and smiled. “Wonderful! Now,” he moved between them and placed his hands on the smalls of their backs and ushered them into the Faithful Bride. “Let’s get me some rum.”

They walked into the the bar and Jack moved them to a table off to the side, away from a fight that just broke out. He pulled Scarlett out of the way of a flying stein. She gasped and then giggled when she saw what he moved her from.

“Why, Captain Jack Sparrow has gone all gentlemanlike rescuing ladies from flying objects,” she swooned.

“Don’t think that I”ll do it again. I don’t want my reputation to be tainted as a pansy.”

He pulled the chair out for Scarlett. She held her head high, lifted her skirts so the hem came off the ground and slowly lowered herself into the chair.

“Then you shouldn’t do such things as this, Jack.”

“Consider it a peace offering.” He walked over and pulled the chair out for Giselle. He placed a light kiss on her cheek.

Giselle smirked at Scarlett’s glare. Jack watched the two women competing over him and he was satisfied with his actions.

“I shall return,” he smiled as he bowed. He walked away and headed to the bar.

“He likes me better, you know,” Giselle commented, playing the her curls. She dreamily watched as Jack swayed away.

“No, he doesn’t,” Scarlett bantered. “If he did, he would have moved you out of the way and not me.”

“But he kissed me on the cheek.”

“That doesn’t mean anything.”

“I was never told that he didn’t love me.”

Scarlett narrowed her eyes and snickered. “But he called you fat.”

Giselle placed her hands on the table and slowly raised herself out of the chair. “Are you implying that I am?”
Scarlett mirrored Giselle’s action.

“Maybe I am,” she snottily commented. “What are you going to do about it, then? I’m sure that corset of yours is holding back a good deal of rolls that are just waiting to explode out of it when the night is over.”

Giselle dropped her jaw in disgust. She reached her hand over the table.

“Now, ladies,” Jack said interfering the cat fight. He placed his hands in the middle of the table, pushing a pint into each of the girls faces, forcing them to grab the drink and stop their actions. “Sit.”

Jack slammed the first pint and took the next one in his hands as he watched the women slowly sit. He could see that their anger was burning in their ears.

“As much as I enjoy watching you two fight over me--gives me great pleasure,” he smirked, “I did not bring you two lasses here to argue over me in such a way. There is plenty of me to go around.”

“Jack? Do you love me?” Giselle blurted.

Jack nearly choked on the liquid. He set the pint down and looked at her, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

“I beg your pardon, dearie?”

“Do you love me?” she looked at him with a serious gaze.

“I love what you do with me, darling, but I do not love you. My first and only love is the sea.” He took a drink from his glass. “You should know this by now.”

Giselle narrowed her eyes and turned to Scarlett. She, in return, smirked. Giselle slowly stood and played with Jack’s dreadlocks. She bent down close to his ear.

“You do now, do you?” she whispered in his ear.

He grunted as she ran her hand down his arm across his chest and under his shirt.

“Then maybe you’ll like this as well,” she saucily remarked.

He looked at her when she stood erect, a smile sweetly playing on her lips. She quickly pursed her lips and drew her hand back, bringing it quickly forward and slapping Jack hard on his face.

“Don’t insult me, Sparrow!” she said as she watched his grab his cheek. “I may not be a noblewoman, but I have feelings. And you don’t seem to care about anyone but yourself.”

Scarlett stood and repeated Giselle’s action on his other cheek. She harrumphed and followed Giselle out.

Jack watched the two ladies start walking out of the tavern when they were stopped by two other men. They flirted with them and sat at their table. Jack was saddened for a moment that he would not be able to get some gratification from their arms, but he was also glad that they were gone. He knew that he needed to find a crew. And a ship. Since Barbossa had so lovingly taken the Pearl away from him yet again.

Barbossa watched as the shoreline drew nearer. He could smell the stench in the air that blew across the winds from the port. Stale alcohol, dirty pirates, and manure filled his nostrils as he shivered. Tortuga was not clean city. But, all in all, it was a safe haven for pirates.

“I want this ship stocked and ready to go by morning. You know what we need, Ragetti, and I am seeing that ye get it done in a timely manner.”

Ragetti nodded then skittishly walked off.

Barbossa stepped off the Pearl in search for the nearest tavern to quench his thirst. He had had enough of rum and he needed a more hearty drink. And a woman’s arms. Preferably a blonde. He made his way to the Faithful Bride and glanced around. He needed somewhere quiet to gather his thoughts. He had the Pearl, but without the charts, he was lost as to where the Fountain of Youth could be. He cursed Jack Sparrow under his breath.

Jack was spinning the compass on the table, lost in thought. He occasionally looked up to see if there was anyone even remotely respectable to join his crew. He looked to his left and saw a crippled old man, lanky and hunched over. He looked to his right, he saw young sailors that could possibly have potential to be great sea men, but they were pups and their liquor controlled more of their emotions and brains than their own heads did. And they were vulnerable. The women flaunted themselves at them and they willing went to them. They had no backbone to stand up to them. They used only one muscle.

Jack chuckled to himself. He remembered those days when women couldn’t stop throwing themselves at him. He was handsome, striking, mysterious. All the women seemed to love that. And things really never changed much when he came to port. He always could find a slew of women just waiting to hear his stories and be held in his arms.

He moved his eyes over the bar and found that no one was to his liking. He pursed and took another drink of his beverage. He spit it out as he watched a figure come waltzing through the door. He gathered his things and quickly darted behind pole. He peeked around and watched the man come further in the bar.

Barbossa stopped in the middle of the tavern. He sourly looked over the men. They reeked of lust and stale ale. He moved to the bar and slapped his hand on the counter.

“What’ll it be, sir?”

“The strongest ale ye have. Me throat is parched and immune to the taste of fetid rum.”


The man walked off and Barbossa surveyed the air around him. He was displeased to see some of his crew already at work on some willing women. He rolled his eyes. He squinted when he saw a shadow looming in the corner. It darted between the people in the bar, making its way to the exit.

Barbossa placed his hand on his pistol and followed the shadow.

“I think ye owe me somethin’, lad,” Barbossa said as he cocked his pistol. “Hand it over.”

Jack stopped in his tracks at the barrel clicked in his ear. He slowly raised his hands chest high.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. Think you got me mixed up with some other poor bloke.”

Barbossa pressed the cold steel against Jack’s temple.

“Ye be given me those charts right now, Jack, or it’s the last bit of light ye will see.”

Jack quickly turned to Barbossa and pulled his pistol out as well and held it against Barbossa’s chest.

“Ye stole my ship. I don’t owe you anything.”

“You were foolish enough to let that old sailor watch the dock by your ship and he fell asleep. You are a poor excuse for a captain, Sparrow.”

“You are a poor excuse for a crew mate. You probably knocked him out making it look like he fell asleep.”

Barbossa rolled his eyes. He was getting tired of Jack’s childish behavior.

“Hand over the parchment and you can walk away with nay a scratch.”

“Hand over my ship and you can walk away. Period.”

Jack and Barbossa glared at each other. Both were stubborn and set in their ways. They knew neither was going to give in to what the other wanted.

“We could go on all day about this, Barbossa, but seeing as you were the first to lead a mutinous crew against me, you are the one that should be doing as I say. The Pearl has and always will be mine. And,” he said, pulling out the parchment and waving it in his hand, “you will never get to where you want to get to without this. And since I am nigh willing to release the parchment, you are just going to have to go on your way or let me have my ship back.”

Barbossa continued to glare at Jack.

“Out of the question. It was your foolishness that lead you to lose you ship on numerous occasions in the first place, Jack.” Barbossa held out his hand. “Hand ‘em over.”




Barbossa huffed and pulled Jack to him, pulling the parchment out of Jack’s hand.

“Thank ye, Jack,” he said as he turned and walked out.

“The charts aren’t going to help you, Barbossa.”

The older pirate stopped in his tracks.

“And what do ye mean by that? If they weren’t going to help, why were you so willing to hold on to ‘em?”

Jack opened his mouth to say something and closed it. He repeated this action and put a finger in the air.

“Diversion. Had to think of something so you wouldn’t walk away.”

Barbossa pursed his lips and turned.

“But really! They won’t help you!”

“You said that already, Sparrow.”

“You don’t know how to read them.”

“How hard could it be?”

“You remember when we were in the Locker? All the puzzles that needed to be deciphered? I was the only one that was able to decode the thing.You only saw the map of the seven seas.”

Barbossa turned and clenched his jaw. He knew Jack had a point.

“And since I spent prodigious time with the enchanted thing, it seems only fitting that you surrender my ship back to me and let me have the charts. Seems like a fair deal, don’t you think?”

Barbossa glared at Jack.

“So we have an accord?” he smiled confidently.

Prologue/ Chapter 1/ Chapter 2

jack sparrow, disney, barbossa, will turner, pirates of the caribbean, walt disney, elizabeth swann, fan fiction, creative writing

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