
May 20, 2011 22:02

It's not often that this particular redheaded woman is seen in the bar with anything on the table in front of her other than a laptop, but there are apparently exceptions to all trends because today the laptop is closed and set to the side so that there's room for the massive plate of pasta in front of her. Spaghetti carbonara with a huge crusty ( Read more... )

enzo matrix, wonder woman, hal jordan, barbara gordon, axel

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Comments 236

overcame_fear May 21 2011, 02:27:47 UTC
Hey, isn't that? It is!

Except, damn. When they met before he was in costume. That's going to make this tricky....

Ah, tricky, hell. Just go in, throttle on full. It'll work out fine!

"Hi there!"



twiceahero May 21 2011, 02:43:46 UTC
Babs glances up. Then she looks him over (partly to see if she can pick out his age at this point in time, and partly just to mess with him).

"Hey. Have we met?"


overcame_fear May 21 2011, 02:56:32 UTC
"No, you haven't."

"You would have remembered."

Babs is getting 'Possibly infuriatingly confident but nonetheless somehow magnetic, anyway, stance #23'

Dinah keeps track of them. Of course, she denies that. But Hal knows the truth.


twiceahero May 21 2011, 03:05:36 UTC
She recognizes that one. It's better than #12, but not really as effective as #9. At least in her opinion.

"Yeah? You do seem rather... memorable."


themysciradiana May 21 2011, 02:49:40 UTC
It's a lot closer than some people might have imagined.

Whether one of those people is the tall brunette who just walked in through the door is up for debate.

"Gearing up for a long night?" Diana asks, smiling wide and bright as she makes her way over to the other woman's table. "Or just taking shameless advantage of food you don't have to cook?"


twiceahero May 21 2011, 02:57:28 UTC
"More the latter than the former," Barbara answers, looking up with a warm smile. "Join me? The bread is excellent."


themysciradiana May 21 2011, 03:01:09 UTC
"I really should spend more time here -- doing the same thing, of course," Diana offers a quiet laugh at the same time as she takes a seat.

Reaching for the bread comes right after that, prefaced by --

"Thank you for the invitation, it's much appreciated."

Manners die hard with Diana.


twiceahero May 21 2011, 03:08:19 UTC
"What? I'm going to pass up a chance to spend time with one of the most impressive women I know?" Babs grins.


killitwith_fire May 21 2011, 03:01:25 UTC
Well hey, look who it is.

"Yo." Axel grins, and gives her a bit of a wave.


twiceahero May 21 2011, 03:09:37 UTC
"Hey, you," Barbara answers with a gentle smile. "Join me?"


killitwith_fire May 21 2011, 03:56:27 UTC
"Sure thing." Since he was already headed in her direction anyway, the invitation is appreciated.


twiceahero May 21 2011, 04:06:58 UTC
"You want some pasta?" She isn't sharing, but she'd be glad to order more!


a1enzo May 21 2011, 21:41:55 UTC
Enzo takes the opportunity to see just how close he can sneak without her noticing. Assuming she hasn't already.


twiceahero May 22 2011, 02:33:45 UTC
Well, whether she notices or not, she doesn't give any appearance of noticing. She just digs into her pasta.


a1enzo May 22 2011, 03:34:45 UTC
He can be pretty quiet for a kid wearing combat boots. On the other hand... he's wearing combat boots.

In her ear: "Good meal?"


twiceahero May 22 2011, 03:44:29 UTC
"Excellent," she agrees without missing a beat.

Sounds like she's suppressing a little laugh.


divisionrogue May 22 2011, 03:24:18 UTC
Nikita hadn't been back here in two weeks; a lot had happened in her own life. She'd thought she'd never see it again, since her original entry was back in D.C.

But surprise, surprise, walking into the walk-in closet in the suite she was sharing with Michael brought her here.

She stopped, checked her entry, and reassured, headed for the bar. "Hey." A nod to the red-headed woman, then Nikita's nose twitched. "That smells incredible."


twiceahero May 22 2011, 03:31:08 UTC
"And tastes even better," the woman answers with a huge grin. "I bet if you asked nicely they could get you some of your own."

And there is an empty seat across the table. Barbara has her own chair, so it's clearly not something she needs for herself.


divisionrogue May 22 2011, 03:34:12 UTC
Conversations struck up here with friendly people were always interesting, so Nikita slid into the nearby chair and signaled to a wait-rat. "Nikita. And you've just reminded me I haven't eaten for 10 hours." She gave Barbara a small deprecating smile. "I wasn't sure I'd get to visit this place again. I just changed residences." What with the last one getting trashed and blown up and all.


twiceahero May 22 2011, 03:44:01 UTC
"Barbara," the redhead answers, setting down her fork for a moment so that she can reach across the table and offer her hand.


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