
Sep 10, 2010 00:17

[OOM: Martha Jones has a hell of a day, and a hell of an evening. Luckily, there’s a scruffy time-traveller who can give her a bit of time off.]


The Doctor steps into the bar and holds the door open for Martha to step through. “Welcome to Milliways, the bar at the end of the universe!”

Martha facepalms. “You have got to be joking ( Read more... )

ace (pyro), the doctor, martha jones, oom, yrael, sameth

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Comments 98

thedoctorwho September 9 2010, 23:35:35 UTC
"This is usually my big finish," he notes. "So, all right, I still owe you a trip. Fair enough?"


took_a_year_out September 9 2010, 23:40:29 UTC
Martha smiles. "Fair enough." She lifts her glass. "Cheers."


thedoctorwho September 9 2010, 23:47:47 UTC

Then, after a moment, "Here I was impressed by how well you were taking the weirdness all in stride. And now it turns out it was all old hat to you, possibly even boring considering the sorts of things that go on here."

Not that he's disappointed, exactly. He knows it's not everyone who makes it here in the first place.


took_a_year_out September 9 2010, 23:55:12 UTC
Martha chuckles. "Oh, nothing about today was boring - or old hat. Especially not the bit where we were on the moon."

Or the bit where he kissed her. But anyway.

She cuts him a look, half teasing. "Not disappointed, are you?"


makesthings September 9 2010, 23:43:49 UTC
Sameth has made a wax carving of a penguin to make a mold from and he's currently trying to see if it will balance, when they enter.

Martha's statement catches his attention as the penguin falls over, "There's a manual?"

Today he's fairly clean since working with wax is neater than other things in the forge and still in nice quality medieval clothes.


took_a_year_out September 9 2010, 23:56:59 UTC
She slides him a grin.

"Apparently! Bar gave me a copy when I asked, anyway." She glances at Sameth's creation. "What are you making?"


makesthings September 9 2010, 23:59:23 UTC
"A penguin toy for Guppy's son. What's it called?"

A manual might actually be useful as he gets the penguin to stand up again.


took_a_year_out September 10 2010, 00:13:47 UTC
"Ooh, I've heard of him. He's like the resident medic, right?"

Martha smiles. "The Multiverse For Dummies."


mogget_cat September 10 2010, 02:05:47 UTC
There's this look, from about ankle-height. Cats have perfected this look. They teach it to their kittens.

It says quite clearly: You know you love me. And often, instead of being presumptive or arrogant (or despite being presumptive or arrogant), it's very convincing.

Yrael has had a lot of time to practice this look, but he has met a small handful of people who are immune. Still, he finds the odds are on his side.



thedoctorwho September 10 2010, 02:26:41 UTC
The Doctor looks down and smiles when he recognizes the little furball. He reaches down for a quick scritch behind the ears. "I don't have anything for you, but she might," he says, indicating his companion.


mogget_cat September 10 2010, 02:42:09 UTC
The not'cat glances at Martha, considering her as it purrs and leans into the scritching. After a moment, it looks back over at the Doctor.

And the Doctor's beer. >_>


thedoctorwho September 10 2010, 18:56:09 UTC
The Doctor notices the direction of the glare and shakes his head. "After the day I've had, I've earned this. But if you introduce yourself to my friend, I'll buy you one of your own. Deal?"


doesntsaymuch September 10 2010, 03:23:03 UTC
Teller always enjoys seeing a familiar face. Especially around Milliways, where the unfamiliar is common.

He's got a bag of M&Ms, which he offers to Martha as he slides up to the Bar.

Her friend can have some too. Teller likes to share.


took_a_year_out September 10 2010, 21:17:18 UTC
She turns to him with a smile. "Oh! Hello, Teller."

Yay, sweets! Like she's going to turn them down. "Thank you!"


"...Wait. You're a magician, right?" Suspiciously, "These don't do anything odd, do they?"


doesntsaymuch September 10 2010, 21:19:35 UTC
What? Teller have anything that secretly does something odd?

Clearly, she's thinking of someone else.

To prove this, he shows that they're perfectly safe by eating a few.


took_a_year_out September 10 2010, 21:27:27 UTC
Martha laughs. "All right." She takes a few. "Thank you!"

Om nom nom.

"This is apparently the Doctor, by the way."


nitro_is_ace September 10 2010, 14:38:07 UTC
Ace is busy picking her jaw up off the floor.

He came in with somebody. That's two supremely rare events all smushed together.

And frankly?

She couldn't be more pleased.

Stunned, yes. But very pleased. There's even bonus points since the gal with him looks less like the 'heels and screaming' type and more of a problem-solving type, which is perfectly brilliant.

So, obviously, because she's so chuffed about how things are going... she ought to go over there and give him a hard time, right?

"Y'know," She drawls from behind him, hands on her hips, "Most folk introduce new friends. Or at least say hullo. Didn't they teach y'anythin' at little Time Tots school?"


thedoctorwho September 10 2010, 18:54:09 UTC
"Well, I did want to prepare her for you," the Doctor replies without turning around. "It's not polite to spring a pyro on those not ready for her, either. Martha, meet Ace. Ace, this is Martha Jones."


took_a_year_out September 10 2010, 21:21:39 UTC
"Hi." Martha holds her hand out with a smile. "He was just telling me about you," she says. "...And haven't we met? You told me about Dubya."


nitro_is_ace September 10 2010, 22:10:05 UTC
Ace mentally rewinds (and considering the time differential, it's a long rewind), her expression slightly unfocused.

"Good lord. Yeah, hullo, y'didn't tell me you were hangin' out with this guy." Hey, if he doesn't turn around, he doesn't get a hug. Which... isn't much of a threat, but whatever. Her handshake is firm, if a bit boisterous.
"Hope he's been sayin' good things. The rest is an utter lie. I never scorched the ceiling of the laboratory, whatever he says."


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