(no subject)

Sep 10, 2010 00:17

[OOM: Martha Jones has a hell of a day, and a hell of an evening. Luckily, there’s a scruffy time-traveller who can give her a bit of time off.]


The Doctor steps into the bar and holds the door open for Martha to step through. “Welcome to Milliways, the bar at the end of the universe!”

Martha facepalms. “You have got to be joking.”

“Nope, it’s right at the end of the universe, just check out that window over there.” He waves an arm airily.

“No, no, I don’t mean that. I thought you were promising me some big amazing trip, but I’ve been here loads!”

This time, it’s the Doctor’s turn to stare at her. “...Seriously?”

“Seriously. Been here, done that, drunk the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. I even read the manual.” It had been fascinating, albeit slightly disconcerting, reading. She’d made notes.

He drags a hand through his hair, thoroughly bemused. “Well, since we’re here... fancy a pint?”

She grins. “So long as you’re buying!”

He grumbles at her half-heartedly. “Just because you saved my life...”


There are, therefore, one Doctor and one doctor-to-be sat at the bar with a beer apiece.

They’re definitely botherable.

[Tiny tag: Teller]

ace (pyro), the doctor, martha jones, oom, yrael, sameth

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