Latest Bits & Pieces

May 23, 2013 10:08

I've been going to the theatre pretty much every weekend. It started with a trip to NYC and The Nance, then a week off, then Punk Rock, She Kills Monsters, From Denmark With Love, and wrapping up with Faerie Tales on Saturday. I'm not complaining.


If you're looking for a special occasion meal, I highly recommend Kitchen in the South End. It's conveniently located across from the BCA.


Cherry tree has put forth many proto-cherries. I wonder what I'll do with them this year, other than make syrup. 'Cause I kind of have to.

Herb garden is doing nicely. I think new_man might have a chive blossom omelet this weekend. We'll see what's available at the Plimoth Plant Sale to round things out.


Albert appears to have discovered toys. Previously his favorite way to play was for you to toss him a toy and he'd bat it away with as minimal effort as possible. And then he's wait for you to go get it. Repeat. These days he's vigorously whacking a jingly mouse around the upstairs hall. By himself.


I'm going to 3 weddings/wedding celebrations this summer. Two in the same weekend. I really need to figure out what I'm wearing to all of them.

gardening, fashion, theatre, cat

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