How Does My Garden Grow?

May 28, 2013 10:46

Quite nicely, thank you.

I hit the Plimoth Plantation plant sale bright and early Saturday morning, despite the drizzle. I picked up the usual necessities -- basil, parsley (both flat & curly this year), and dill (only one plant, but they had to get it for me special. There does seem to be a tiny dill in the garden already. I guess it reseeded.). I also got a lavender and rosemary to replace the ones that died and a clove pink because why not. And some more violas for the front. And they gave me a complimentary English daisy (for being a member) which also went in the front.

The basil, parsley and dill went into the bed with the skirrets, lovage (which got a much needed cutting back), thyme, chives, tarragon (and second generation baby dill).

The rosemary, lavender, and pink got potted. They join the mint, strawberries, and sorrel.

I used to have some horehound in a pot, but it didn't come back last spring. I figured I'd reuse the pot which had just been sitting around full of dirt, growing weeds. I started ripping out the weeds and quickly realized that amongst the weeds there were tiny horehound plants!

I also planted some wormwood seeds because I used to have a wormwood which was unkillable until it died. I like to have plants that tend not to die. I have a rather Darwinian gardening philosophy.

And this is what it looks like:


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