Tonight was a first! I made an vegetarian meal for my family. Well, I'm sure we've had meatless meals before, but this was meatless on purpose. It was super! :D
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25 ways to cut some calories every day. I already did most of these. -_- The ones below are ones I can work on! Reading stuff like this, it blows my mind every time about how psychological and behavioral eating is. It's a habit, a brain thing, a chemical thing. Change only a few habits and you can become healthier. It's not hard, either
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Snack crackers? Nutella? Pop tarts? Yep-- these can be homemade! What's great about making these at home is that they're cheaper, healthier, and probably tastier. Here's the snack foods page, and here's the page for other foods made from scratch. You can make tofu at home. Mind=blown.
This was a really interesting article on perceptions and aspirations about body image for women and men. Pop culture and fashion change so often that's it's hard to keep up. It's even harder when ideas about body image change, because you are born with your body and genes. You can't change your body to fit transitory cultural or fashion seasons.
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So I've been eating healthier since January, and I've developed this craving conversion calculator. These other food choices are just as -- scratch that -- even more satiating than what you're craving, and so much more worth it in the end. You only gotta trick your taste buds and brain; your stomach couldn't care less
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Wow! Ok, avoid: sour cream coconut milk baked goods garlic bread bag of popcorn and definitely any chowders by Progresso. Holy Kaulitz, 1/2 a can of soup is equal to an entire 16-20 pound roast turkey.