do i spy a suju fic rec or 15?

Jan 05, 2008 22:43

Classes start back up for me on Wednesday, Jan 09 (your birthday, mistress!) and I'm heading back tomorrow. I have roughly a million things to do before the semester starts (and let's not get into after the semester starts, hah), so I'll be...more away from LJ. I won't declare a hiatus (I predict another year of those, but not yet), but I will be less good with fandom and commenting. Just so you know.

So to get some stuff out of the way:

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LOL @ Big Bang. I love these boys, even when they're sluttin' it up with ...slightly unnecessary female stereotypes in their MV. (Hell, slightly unnecessary females, period.) But how funny is Seungri in an afro, ahaha. And TOP is hot even in pink, yess. I also love GD's bling bling bling sunglasses and captain's hat. (And all of GD. Always. Forever. Yes.)

And of course the obligatory fic recs!

title: ...And Then There Was The Time by sleepy_sheep137
stats: KangTeuk, PG, fluff
summary: Kangin lists all the times he fell in love with Leeteuk.
reaction: This is short and cute and feel-good in the extreme. It made me so happy that it took the "freefall" theme and made it not angsty. In fact, the fic made the theme sweet and WAFFy. I love it lots. The other two drabbles on the page are also super, super cute.

title: areas of my expertise by tongzhiai
stats: Kibum/Donghae, R-ish, pre-smut? IDEK
summary: Donghae pulls away. "Wait."
reaction: She writes the most frustratingly teasing KiHae. As in: WHY IS THERE NOT MORE? WHY ISN'T IT LONG AND FULL OF SMUT? ;_; No, seriously, this little ficbit is glorious and full of beautiful, beautiful, hot KiHae and Kibum being a total playa. You should all watch the YSMM episode that sparked her writing too. It's just--gah. I always want more of the KiHae she writes.

title: Calendar by fading_sun_sock
stats: Leeteuk-centric, PG, angst
summary: It’s been a long time, Shiwon says with a sad smile, and Eeteuk just stares down at the days, months, years, crossed off on the calendar.
reaction: This is one of the few fics I've seen dealing with the military requirement of all males in S. Korea, especially concerning SuJu. This fic does it exquisitely. Who wants to imagine Teukie off in the army? He is made of such fail, how will he survive? This fic makes me ache for him, ache for all the changes it means for SuJu's future--in a good way, maybe, I haven't quite decided. This fic hurts, especially because I love Teukie and I love the SuJu family dynamic even more, and this fic is not particularly kind to either. It's not unkind in a bad way, more of a...inevitable, time-brings-changes-life-goes-on kind of way. And that's why I cried all over it and memoried it, because while it hurts, it is still an incredible piece of writing. (Please don't let this be the future. ;___________;)

title: clarity and those who don't have it by puppycadet
stats: Eunhyuk/Donghae, PG, humor
summary: But then Eunhyuk's phone buzzed and after that he was mostly just grateful that he wasn't the type of person to squeak.
reaction: I think this is the cutest EunHae fic I have ever read. XD Granted, I seem to tends toward angsty EunHae (BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT; the good writers have got to stop writing the broken EunHae because it makes me so sad). This fic is so, so, SO cute. It is funny and light-hearted and has many, many classic one-liners. Some of them made me laugh out loud, they were that awesome. The other members are hilarious as they wander in and out of this fic, but Eunhyuk = ♥. And Donghae = ♥♥♥. He's such a spaz but so cute--and like phasera mentioned--not one single mention of aliens in this! He can be cute without it, I swear!

title: Cold Mornings by fading_sun_sock
stats: Kibum/Donghae, PG, fluff
summary: "Come on." Kibum says in a soft kind of voice, smiling as Donghae plops himself dwon, still rubbing at his eyes. Kibum wraps his arms tightly around Donghae because, well, the boy's body is still warm and soft from sleep and he just looks so cute squinting up at the light like that, Kibum can't really help himself.
reaction: CUTE SNUGGLY KIHAE FIC OF SNUGGLES. YESPLS. Plus mentions of Kyu-love! Random descriptions of sleepy!SuJu! KIHAE SNUGGLES. ::expires of joy:: ♥ Donghae is a tad too cutesy for me to totally buy into, but I don't mind because there is KiHae snuggles. In case you missed that.

title: day/month/year by tongzhiai
stats: Leeteuk/Leeteuk (some KangTeuk), R, slightly supernatural
summary: Eeteuk stretches himself until he finally splits. In two.
reaction: ...this is a twisted and very hot take on the Teuk/Teuk prompt for the 100 SuJu Fic Challenge. It's a little painful but mostly just wonderful. Poor tired Teuk learning how to love himself (literally)--from himself. The KangTeuk scene is cute and clever but, hi, holy crap, it cannot override the hotness that is Teuk/Teuk for me right now. Oh my god, my brain stalls at the thought. The ending is very, very heartwarming and sweet and this doesn't come from my bias only, I promise. (It's kind of sad how I have to include a disclaimer in every KT fic I rec. XD "It's good because it's good, not just because it's KT and I am inherently biased.")

title: double the fun by puppycadet
stats: Yesung/Kibum, Donghae/Kibum, PG, supernatural element
summary: Heechul didn't see why they needed one Kibum, much less two.
reaction: slightly angsty. But mostly it is a well-written mindfuck because the ending makes you go "...!!! WHAT. WAIT. I NEED TO KNOW--" But oh you can't, because there is no more. It's wonderful writing and I don't love it the way I love her happy, funny fics, but I love it in a totally different way. It makes me "aljflsk D:" in a good way.

title: Fever by i_shiki
stats: Hankyung/Eunhyuk, PG-13, humor
summary: "Hangeng?" Hyukjae asked, carefully. "Did you just grab my ass?"
reaction: Something about this pairing is growing on me...probably the good fics for it, hah. Hyukjae is just too cute and so earnest. He's just too adorable not to love, especially when flustered. I love the easy, casual flow of this. And the ending is super cute because ahaha. Ninja!KiHae is love.

title: fire, flight, and fantasy by puppycadet
stats: Donghae/Kyuhyun (...friendship?), PG, humor, fantasy AU
summary: Just because you haven't seen one, doesn't mean they don't exist.
reaction: THIS IS TOO CLEVER AND CUTE FOR WORDS. IT IS A FANTASY AU WITH DITZY!KNIGHT!DONGHAE AND DRAGON!KYUHYUN. THERE ARE OTHER THINGS. IT IS ALSKFJLD INDUCING WITH THE FUNNY AND THE CUTE. OMG. I love SuJu AUs, yes, I do. Especially when they are written as well as this fic. Pure brilliance with lots of amazing details and characterization and humor. ♥

title: flesh entertainment by tongzhiai
stats: Eunhyuk-centric, PG-13, gen
summary: Eunhyuk watches porn. And so what.
reaction: Everyone knows about Eunhyuk's association with porn, right? Well, this deals with the subject a little more in depth, with some thoughtful writing, and it's really, really wonderful. I love Hyuk, god, so much. This fic is not only thoughtful and compelling, it's also funny and light-hearted. It deals with the porn issue fairly realistically, but without overweighing it with Epic Angst. Hyuk is priceless. Sungmin is just fantastic and I'm biased, but so what? XD (And there's a tiny bit of KangTeuk. Just a little. But it made me :D :D :D like crazy. Oh whiny-for-his-hyung!Kangin ftw.)

title: Home by fading_sun_sock
stats: Heechul/Donghae (friendship), PG, angst/comfort
summary: “Hyung, I want to go home,” Donghae says, and Heechul stops trying to bury his head under his pillow, stops trying to block out the younger boys voice, stops moving for a moment altogether.
reaction: ;______________; HAE. HOMESICK HAE. ;________________; I love Heechul so, so, so much. I love Hae so, so, so much. THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE CINHAE IN THE WORLD PLS. I wish I could rec this properly but I can't get over the ;_______________; that gets me every time I look at/read this fic. My heart breaks for Donghae so much but I hurt for Rella too just because he would react this way, to hide his own needs, his own insecurity, his own homesickness. CinHae friendship is one of the BEST THINGS IN THE UNIVERSE. CinHae is one of the best things in the universe, period.

title: I Want You To Stay Forever by fading_sun_sock
stats: Kibum/Leeteuk, R, drama/angst/sluttiness?
summary: Later, Eeteuk lies flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling and trying to get up the energy to leave. “How long do you want me to stay?” he asks, tilting his head to the side so he can see Kibum’s profile out of the corner of his eye.
reaction: Hi, this is hot. There needs to be more KiTeuk in the world. (Along with a whole lot of other things but, yes, KiTeuk.) This is intense and hot and full of wall-slamming and hot and mentions of Kibum jealous over KangTeuk fanservice ftw~ This fic makes me very, very happy even though the end is kind of depressing and broken. I can't get over the KiTeuk part, okay? It makes me too :D to be properly D:. But the fic is awesome either way. (Okay, the mention of the accident did make me tear up a little. It's powerful writing and the end is actually pretty bitter and unhappy. But, guys, there is good KiTeuk fic in the world.)

title: It Starts Like This by fading_sun_sock
stats: Siwon/Hankyung, PG, romance/mood piece
summary: There are plenty of boys in the group, ten to be exact, excluding the two of them-so why is it that he feels so protective of this one in particular?
reaction: I have no idea how to describe this but it's a beautiful ShiHan that manages to be so without the angst. It just...flows. The writing just, I don't know, it just really works together from beginning to end. The interactions between Hankyung and Siwon are described with care and leave this lingering impact... From the pacing to the formatting, everything is cleverly interwoven. It's just a lovely fic overall. From the review I left: I have a few favorite scenes to pick out and they're the first time Hangeng asks Shiwon why he's here, the curiosity turning into fear, and the very last section. ♥ (Also the KangTeuk section, but that's irrelevant to the ShiHan, heh.) :D Definitely a good read.

title: Moments Like These by murasaki_plum and nemesis_cry
stats: KangTeuk, R, gen/romance/life/idek
summary: Otherwise known as "Five times Eeteuk and Kangin were almost caught, and the one time they were."
reaction: I knew I was going to love this fic as soon as I read the summary--but the summary doesn't do the fic justice. I expected something silly and cute, but this fic just...blew me away. It was far more realistic and thoughtful than anticipated, which was a very pleasant surprise. I really feel that the authors pinned down Kangin and Teukie's voices and characteristics--not quite as happy/silly as on camera, but retaining just enough to keep them recognizable as the same people. The first section stood out to me especially because as good of a dancer as Teukie is, he is also made of fail a lot. I can't imagine that he didn't make mistakes all the time and have to work so hard to get where he is now. All the sections are lovely though and make me melt a little bit because I can imagine real KT interaction is something like this--a little awkward sometimes but a lot of love (platonic or otherwise). And the ending is a perfect feel-good conclusion to a wonderful fic. I am so biased here, yes, but you should all listen to me when I say: Read This Fic. The KT is handled extremely well. ♥

title: the trouble with the good life by puppycadet
stats: Kangin/Siwon, PG, humor, high school AU
summary: Kangin kicked Heechul under the lunch table and Heechul kicked back even harder.
reaction: I always love a good HS AU. And this is more than just a good HS AU--it's a superbly hysterical one. It is too perfect for words: SuJu as rich bitches. I am rolling with glee here, seriously. This fic's humor and flow is just--classic. From Kangin's narration and manly man thoughts about his crazy friends, to the roles the other members play in the HS AU, to perfect Siwon and the adorable puppy love. alkdjfld The scenes with the other members (Heechul! Teukie! HAE!) are the best, because her dialogue and interaction is A++. There are some priceless lines here. (And she made me buy into the Kangin/Siwon! Like a lot! Happily!)

Oh, and I owe this fic verse a huge, in-depth rec, but for now:
cityverse cityverse cityverse
READ IT. It will own you and you will love it.

Yes, read these fics! While you still can! I am going to waste the rest of tonight because tomorrow is all about getting back to business (augh)--except for the EHB9 break. Of course.

i am a crazy fangirl, shut up my otps make me happy, this is the big bang, pretty asian boys top me, random slice of life, i read too much, suju has too many members, !!!

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