kdrama: City Hunter eps 13-14

Jul 08, 2011 21:50

Show, what are you doing having two whole episodes without Sae Hee?  Don't you know she was desperately needed?  Particularly to hug Prosecutor and ruffle his hair and maybe let him lay his head in her lap and cry a bit.  (Also, at the end of ep 14, I may have been hoping that Yoon Sung would be waylaid by the slightly-vampiric-looking assassin and Sae Hee would suddenly how up and be the one to rescue prosecutor.  I MAY HAVE WISHED THAT DESPERATELY.)

So, basically, these episodes were about Prosecutor's actor showing that he can do manpain and angry/intensive as well as Lee Min Ho can, and Na Na and Yoon Sung being ridiculously cute and Na Na not putting up with his bull and being all "You moron I know you like me, stop faking!  Also, when do I get my mask?  And don't you think we should beearing gloves if we don't want to get caught?"  I feel that when she called Prosecutor to save Yoon Sung from getting caught, though, she should have said that she saw strange people at Sae Hee's.  Prosecutor would have been halfway across town by the time she finished.  (Also, the scene at her place where he pulls her on top of him?  That was mean, writers.  Just mean!  And about the 5000th wasted chance for smoochies.)

I've kind of suspected that Babystealer was probably in love with Yoon Sung's mom, what with his insistence that she be safe and taken care of, just way way away from Yoon Sung.  But unlike, say, EVERYONE ELSE, he doesn't seem interested in actually threatening her.  i'm really curious if he was planning to try to find another donor from her or if that, like, slipped his mind.  I actually think some of his evil stuff is not thinking outside of his teeny teeny corridor of revenge.

I feel bad for Babystealer's flunky, though.  He's pretty much realized what a sociopath he's working for and doesn't know how to deal with it.

I find it hilarious that the targets are all basically the same, just increasingly evil.  Well, expect the persident, who is no doubt the final target.  IIRC, he was the one who objected to the government bretraying Yoon Sung's dad and the others.  it will probably end with him coming clean and resigning.  I doubt they'll be killing Da Hye's daddy, though.  (Really, I think most of the protagonists are safe, though I see some of Na Na, Yoon Sung and Prosecutor's coworkers being potential red shirts.  The only major character I'm really worried about is Sae Hee.  Drama, if you kill her, we will have words.  STRONG words.

kdrama, kdrama: city hunter, dorama

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