Random stuff

Feb 04, 2011 21:37

I got a bugfix for ACR2 recently, the bug was making all married sims completely faithful (rejecting all ACR interactions from others), even romance sims. The fix worked, but now even super-jealous family sims can stand right there in the room and watch their spouse ACR-make-out with someone else, and not care... The second they initiate non-ACR romantic actions, though, all hell breaks loose as normal.

Meh. D:

In other news, I saw what may possibly have been the worst movie I've ever seen this week. Splice. I hated it even more than The Last Airbender (which was just really bad, especially compared to the series on which it was based.) I was expecting an interesting sci-fi/horror type thing, and instead I got ridiculous, un-scientific, incredibly sexist tripe. I was angry for a whole day after seeing it. If you haven't seen it, please don't. If you have, how did you feel about it?

Also, I have blisters in my hands after playing the drums in Guitar Hero. :P

rl, off-topic, rant

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