Just been... a little bit inactive. I've been reading my friends list and all, just not felt much like posting or commenting as much as usual.
Anyway, I'm working on a thing. I'm doing the face fixes and various other very minor fixes to my clean EAxis templates, and I decided that instead of doing this to the uberhood itself, I'm going to make suburb versions of the templates using
Mootilda's tutorial. This will enable anyone with OFB and the necessary EP for each 'hood to mix and match as they want, and easily make their own uberhood! Plus it is possibly a cleaner and safer way of building an uberhood than the "hacky" method that I was using.
You'll need
this mod by Mootilda which will allow you to pick from a list of several subhood templates, instead of being stuck with only the option of Bluewater Village.
Belladonna Cove will only be available as a base 'hood for now, because the families in apartments get screwed up if merged into an existing 'hood (which is also why it is the base for the uberhood). To make it into a subhood I'd need to move the families out of the apartments, which requires opening the 'hood ingame, and that creates additional problems. Maybe I'll figure out how to deal with that, maybe not.
So far, I'm done with Desiderata Valley, plus fixes to Belladonna Cove + one stealth hood. It's pretty fast to do, so expect some downloads soon!