Found this on a forum. The sad part is many of the 10mm Auto fanboys believe too many of these as fact.
10mm is so awesome, it beat Lootie to all the good beer.
Fred Thompson wants 10mm as his vice-presidential candidate.
10mm is why bad things happen to bad people.
Iran's nuclear program is a cover up for trying to build a 10mm pistol.
10mm is so awesome, it wards off vampires and werewolves.
Clint Eastwood wanted Dirty Harry to carry a 10mm, but they hadn't invented it yet so he had to settle for the .44 Magnum.
Jack Bauer isn't manly enough for the 10mm.
The only way to carry a man-purse and not look gay is to put a 10mm into it.
The Roman Empire collapsed because they stopped sacrificing virgins to a 10mm handgun left behind by an irresponsible time-traveler.
NASA mounts 10mm guns to all their spaceshuttles to take out Soviet satellites.
Anyone who disses 10mm is probably a godless commie.
Eskimos have fifty words for snow, but their word for 10mm is synonimous with 'buttkicking'.
You ever wonder why aliens never visit us? We invented 10mm and now they're too scared to reveal themselves.
Oppenheimer helped invent the atom bomb, but what he really wanted was a 10mm.
10mm is so awesome, it would have replaced the Mk.19 but the army wanted to give the enemy a sporting chance.
10mm is so awesome, it kicked Bill Clinton's dog the day he entered office.
10mm is so awesome, it's the only 80's fad that's still cool. shakes head in disbelief
Titanic was actually the result of an ND with a 10mm. My bad.
Movie tough guys smoke unfiltered cigarettes, 10mm smokes bad guys.
10mm is so awesome, it once made some kid crap his pants.
Ninja are only visible to people who carry a 10mm.
10mm is responsible for bad Chuck Norris jokes.
The 10mm is so awesome, the bullet actually hits the target before the primer goes off. LOL
The Death Star from Star Wars: A New Hope was actually a transport ship for 6 linked 10mm pistols and 1 billion round of ammunition.
Therefore, it only takes 6 10mm bullets to destroy a planet.
The craters on the moon were caused by a drunk redneck with a 10mm.
The Grand Canyon was created when an Arfcommer tried to bumpfire a 10mm AR-15.
Don't tell the Russians, but the only weakness of the M1A1 Abrams MBT is the 10mm.
If you shoot a 10mm out of the front of a jet airplane going Mach 2.5, it creates a black hole and the quantum flux pattern destroys all sentient life within 3700 meters.
The 10mm is the reason that mainland USA has never been invaded.
Chris Angel is so amazing because he carries a 10mm cartridge in his pocket.
Smith and Wesson tried to make up for the .40 S&W by inventing the .500 S&W Magnum. It only slightly surpasses the 10mm in power, but it's nowhere near as cool.
Cycling the slide of a 10mm automatic pistol is more effective on burglars than racking the slide of a shotgun.
10mm is so awesome, it's the cause of global warming.
10mm is the only caliber Chuck Norris fears.
10mm is so awesome, when it was loaded, the cartridge jumped up and punched Sarah Brady in the face.
No matter what you shoot with it, 10mm will kill it deader than a hippie under an Israeli bulldozer.
.40 S&W is a 10mm set on Stun. My personal favorite of the list.
You wanna know why dinosaurs are extinct? Time-traveling 10mm fanatics.
10mm is so awesome, that Jeff Cooper invented a gun just for it.
10mm is so awesome, it blows aliens apart in a spray of acid.
You know that scene in Saving Private Ryan, where the Captain shot the panzer with his pistol and it exploded? Yeah, that's what happens when you get a custom 1911 in 10mm.
10mm is so manly, the FBI had to switch to .40 S&W because it's staffed entirely by girls and wusses.
10mm is so awesome, anyone who holds one instantly has his sex appeal double.
You ever notice that Miami Vice started sucking as soon as Don Johnson ditched the Bren Ten?
The phrase "big brass ones" actually refers to spent 10mm casings, a measure of manliness.
10mm is so awesome, the Geneva Conventions don't apply to it.
10mm is so awesome, it even makes a Glock worth owning.
Arnold Schwartzenegger was the only on set manly enough to carry the minigun in Terminator 2, but when they asked him to fire a 10mm handgun he sat down and cried like a girl.
The Soviet Union collapsed as a direct result of the invention of 10mm.
You know that satellite the Chinese shot down? They used a 10mm and are hoping we don't notice.
10mm is so awesome, it automatically makes anyone who owns one cool.
10mm is so awesome, it makes Schumer's (edited) shrink into his pelvis just looking at it.
10mm is so awesome, it got its inventor laid.
Remember the damage Katrina and Rita did to New Orleans? It all could have been avoided if someone had just shot the hurricanes with a 10mm.
Hiroshima was actually the result of a Glock 10mm kabooming. ha ha ha ???
10mm is so awesome, it neutered John Kerry merely by existing.
10mm can cure sociopathy with direct application.
You know the Tunguska event? That's what happens when you dual-wield 10mm MP5's while the A-Team theme is playing. almost a chuckle
10mm usually vaporizes its victims on impact, but sometimes leaves a bloody corpse behind as an example to the others.
Bigfoot owns a 10mm.
James Earl Jones and Barry White both have incredibly deep voices. Both keep a 10mm in their waistband. Coincidence?
10mm is so awesome, Fort Knox threw away all the gold and stocked up on Norma.
Yes 10mm Auto fanboys are that rabid.