Lightning Struck Twice

Jul 18, 2010 08:24

I had that same vision! Happy man I adore moving about hurriedly. Me folding the pastel sheets so I didn't seem useless. Him tapping me and saying, "I love you so truly and deeply." All airy and light and bright. Then it gets dark. This time it's a hooded figure. I ask him what's wrong and he said with his back to me in a very deep (almost demonic deep deep) voice say, "You're getting out... and that dog shortly after you." I look up to see John and he's there and there are those ribbons of light and an outstretched hand but this time he's holding onto the doorway. But he wasn't rushing in. He was being pulled out. I saw a blue ribbon around his neck and on his torso and arms. Someone/Something is trying to keep John away. Not just keep John away but pull John away. I try to rush forward to reach John's hand and I'm inches away and the dark hooded figure, the one who told me to get out and take my dog with me, trips me and my hand falls under John's. I missed by an inch abut it might have well been a mile.

I don't know what to make of it now. Why the show of lights? Why not just tell me? And who's/what's trying to pull John away? I assume, from the energy ribbons that it's some being like him. Is he even a "him" anymore or is he an "it" or something else all together? (okay, that was a sidebar but something I've been wondering about) Why is there a duality? Am I supposed to learn some lesson here? Because if I am then what's the message? Anyone got a clue? Any idea would be welcome. Someone... anyone give me their insight. Anything! On any part of it!

emotional, visited, scared, confused

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