Herbicide Homicide #2

Mar 08, 2011 09:44

OK, I actually called the city yesterday to find out what happened to the field behind the house.  Turns outt our suspicions were correct, and they apparently sprayed Round-Up (tm) weedkiller on the entire set of fields.  So now instead of a beautiful field of waving green grass, it is now a dessicated wasteland that looks like it was either hit with a nuclear bomb or is a potential recipient of a super-fund clean-up grant.  Not sure where all the birds, lizards, snakes, insects, pollinating bees, gophers, squirrels and mice that used to live in those fields will go.

Thier reason for this scorched-earth policy?  It 'cost too much" to mow the fields each year.  So they solved the problem by killing everything.  Words cannot express how pissed I am about this.  The same city that becomes hysterical if your lawn doesn't look like something from a Hallmark card seems to have no problem denuding acres of grass to save some money.  Is it any wonder I'm such a misanthrope? 

life in la

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