5 Question Meme

Sep 13, 2011 17:15

I got these questions from stefka.  If you reply, I'll give you a snarky answer,  I barely have time for a real post, let alone make up 5 questions for y'all.

1. How did you come to begin producing "Marlenium?" (and is that, in fact, the correct spelling?)
The pads of my fingers keep peeling.  Annoyingly so in the summer, bleedingly, painfully so in the winter.  I tried all the commercial creams, a bunch of perscriptions creams, worked with a dermatologist (no, not that one), and got no where.  Kate gave me some of her goo, and it helped a bit so I began researching what might help.  I came up with a mix of every natural moisurizing, and/or healing substance I could find and starting making it in a mason jar.  One day I was at grinning_fox's house and she was having an issue with dry hands because of the leather work.  I had my mason jar with me and gave her some.  She said it was the only thing that finally helped.  Her mother asked to borrow some but didn't know what to ask for and just started calling it Marlenium.  Hence the name was born.  If I ever get an exact formula down with consistant results for the stuff, they're going to put it on the farm website with the soap sales :-)

2. What would your dream home be?
Big, open, airy, pool, palm trees, rose garden, big deck, kitchen with gas appliances, warm

3. What's your favorite way to eat lobster?

4. What is the calorie content of the Diet of Worms?
42 + air.

5. I know you're a Pandora fan. Has it turned you on to any/many new musicians you hadn't previously discovered, and now really like?
Pandora is how I found Lily Allen and Madeline Peroux.  I love them both, for different reasons.


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