A Few Weeks

Sep 19, 2011 21:30

So, ok, I didn't realize it's been like 3 weeks since I posted anything worth reading.  Here we go:

Labor Day weekend I spent at NYRF with Kat.   We lucked out and Eamon let us hire him to help out, give food and privy breaks and annoy people into the booth.  Then Lexi volunteered for the remaining Sundays.  Woot!!  Kat and I decided to play with her a little.  There's never been anyone in the booth before noon every other weekend.  Lexi's never been in the booth before.  She showed up, opening cannon sounded and Kat and I walked out of the booth - we were finally able to shop together.  We only did it because we knew there would be no one there.  Poor Lexi.  Poor us actually.  The universe decided to get back at us and flood the booth.  Lexi held her own and we were off to a good 2nd day.

The weekend after Labor Day (last weekend) mom and I made our annual trek to Cape Cod.  We took a four dayer so that we would have plenty of time.  Dad was supposed to join us for an overnight.  It never happened.  We indulged in our three pleasures: beaching, fine dining and shopping.  Sometimes we combined them.  Shopping for amazing chocolates and candies, for instance.  The weather was perfect for everything we wanted to do.  Mom actually slept.  The first day some thirteen hours.  I think she was making up for the entire year's lost sleep.  I could have used another few weeks of that.

This past weekend was the Girardi family reunion.  Or is that Gilardy?  Gerard?  I saw at least all three versions of the last name.  Anywhoo, these are my grandfather's people.  I've never met most of them, at least not that I can remember.  I met my Great Uncle Val and Great Aunt Ann.  They're both coming on 90 and doing very well.  A whole passle of cousins.  I've been hearing stories about all these people for years.  Most of my life really. Finally nice to put faces to names and see if they stack up to their stories.  And once again, just like my grandmother's side of the family, they all look alike and nothing like me.  I did have fun though.  I'm glad I canceled all the other plans - faire and booth splitting in NY with Kat- and went.  Aunt Ann is already pushing for another party, soon.  We finally resolved the argument of where my great grandfather was born and whether he's Italian or French.  He's Italian.  Maybe.  He's from Naples which changed hands from Italy to France to Spain about every 3 weeks depending on who's Pope and what campaign he was running at the time.  So, perhaps we're all wrong and the family is really Spanish?  I'm sure I'll die in my sleep soon for even making the suggestion.

Next weekend is the open of CTRF.  Kat's staying at NYRF, I'm working for Tatterdemalion and Carlos gets the PF booth.  He's got himself and 3 minions for The Wee Tent.  I think they each get a corner to work.  God help the patron that walks in up the middle.  Fur will fly.  We'll be camping this year.  Can you say electric blanket?  I can. :-)

potted fox, travel, faire, family, weekend update

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