Title: Kawaii vs Kakkoii Author: mar-coon-ah Pairing: Tadaiki Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Crack Summary: Daiki wants to be acknowledge as a Kakkoii boy, not a Kawaii one. His mom pampered him so much, so that people always misinterpret him.
Title: After Festival Author: mar-coon-ah Pairing: Tadaiki Rating: Pg-13 Genre: Fluff Summary: Confession, a tradition after school festival. Will Daiki follow the tradition as well?
Title: Cruel Day Author:mar-coon-ah Pairing: Tadaiki Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance Summary: My pray was answered, my wish came true, yet it’ll be crushed again.
Title: My Boyfriend Author:mar-coon-ah Pairing: Tadaiki Rating: PG-13 Genre: Fluff, Crack Summary: My boyfriend is a bit weird. I just got inspired by a manga I’ve read recently. Well…, it’s just one of the scenes though… Kinkyori Renai by Mikimoto Rin Sensei.
Title: Most dangerous creature Author:mar-coon-ah Pairing: Inoobu, slight Tadaiki Rating: PG-13 Genre: Fluff/Crack Summary: Side story of Takaki-san’s Partner.