It's sad how much I've thrown myself into Eurovision and it's awesomeness. It makes sense in a weird way when you think about how much I like international music (I don't *hate* American music, I just get bored with it very easily...or maybe that's just American radio that plays the same 20 songs over and over, ad infinitum), because it's
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So I went to check my mail today on the thin hopes that maybe my Ark Of Truth soundtrack had gotten here today. It was shipped the 18th, so it was possible, but I wasn't really expecting it. Man, am I glad I did go check. My mailbox was full
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That's right! The soundtrack for my favourite new movie of the year (though it may be bumped down by Continuum later) is now available for preorder! And the awesomest part of it? It starts to ship 18 April! That's in less than 3 weeks. *iz bouncing*
I can now add another language to my list of languages for which I have music. At least, I'm pretty sure I don't have this one. I lost a crap load of music awhile back and now I need to recount. I know it's still above 15, but I'm not sure how much above
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And for those who either have no interest in Atlantis or don't have access to the episode until it airs in your area, I give you a new musical obsession for Down Under who you should totally check out.
I was YouTubing awhile back and came across a couple of new French artists. Unfortunately, I'm having issues getting their music anywhere except YouTube. Damn import fees. Although I may have just found a way to save them
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So I keep finding artists that I really like for their music, but have crappy lives. And I know that if I told most people, "OMG, I totally love their music," they'd probably laugh at me. Then again, they can bite me
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So you people might have noticed that I have fallen in love with Doctor Who and Torchwood. If you haven't...well...I have. While searching around for Who related stuff and looking at biographies of the principle actors, I discovered that Billie Piper was a singer as well as actor. My first thought was "she can sing?" My second: "cool!" So I
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