What do you want me to say?

Jun 04, 2007 23:06

Date: Thursday, 7 June, 2001
Time: early afternoon, just after this
Location: Spinner's End
Characters Involved: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape
Rating: I doubt more than PG for potential language

Lie to me. -- BtVS )

misc: prewrites

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subtle_simmer June 5 2007, 07:08:51 UTC
Severus was enraged the likes of which he had not suffered for a very, very long time. How dare she claim to have ever 'loved' Remus and then so callously tell Remus that the youngest daughter-of-his-heart was going to be executed in such a way? Not the slightest drop of sympathy or compassion or even an attempt to gently break the news, but to spew it with hate and vitriol...

Had she not left at the very instant she had done, Severus would have shown her hexes to make her know he had been a Death Eater!

As it was, the wand in his hand trembled with the effort to hold back his fury. Remus could not be burdened with this, now.

Severus was a master of delayed-gratification-vengeance. Nymphadora Tonks would rue the day she ever let her Black Blood spill forth.

"She'll not speak to you that way again," he retorted, his voice harsh with fury. "Not if I have to pluck out her tongue."

His own grief thundered inside him like a maelstrom, wanting release, vent, blood, destruction, vengeance"Had she stayed another moment, I'd have ( ... )


m4moony June 7 2007, 14:10:32 UTC
Thin, strong arms clamped tightly around him and Remus gave in to the trembling he'd been trying valiantly to stave off since Nevin first invaded their home that morning. He clung desperately to the only lifeline he could see in this entire fucked up situation, the door at his back the only thing preventing him from dragging them both to the ground in a miserable heap.

"I don't think I can do this," he said thickly, inhaling deeply with the hopes the beloved scent of Severus would help him to remain calm. "I laid four of them to rest on that mountain. That was supposed to be the last. We were supposed to be safe, the war over. We have lives, jobs, lovers. I can't lose another one, Severus. Not now. Dammit, not like thisHe could feel tiny tremors through the wiry muscles under his hands, as though it was almost too much exertion for the arms surrounding him to hold so tightly, yet neither man seemed willing to let go. Raising his head, he kept one arm wrapped tightly about Severus' waist, the other hand carding soothingly ( ... )


subtle_simmer June 7 2007, 22:03:50 UTC
It was impossible not to be sympathetic to Remus' hopelessness. Severus tightened his arms around him still further, as though willing himself to be strong enough to support the unsupportable ( ... )


m4moony June 11 2007, 00:10:30 UTC
Eying his lover critically, Remus pursed his lips rather than lecture on the need to take care of themselves so they would be able to take care of the others, or Mandy herself should they succeed in bringing her home. Still, he doubted how much sleep the other man had gotten. He would need to find a way to convince him to get some more sleep later -- Nymphadora Tonks' accusations of uncaring be damned!

"That's right. Boundless shagging. Shame I missed it." Sighing heavily, unable to find true humor in the jest, Remus leaned against the door at his back, pulling Severus closer again into an embrace more of comfort than desperation. His arm remained firmly wrapped around the other man's waist, as though as long as they remained together, neither could falter. His free hand stroking idly through fine dark hair. He could hear the bitterness lacing Severus' tone and was reasonably certain he could surmise the source.

"Don't let her words affect you. She doesn't know and can't seem to understand...well, anything. To borrow Mad- ( ... )


subtle_simmer June 15 2007, 03:43:57 UTC
"Why do Weasleys or Gryffindors do anything?" Severus asked, unable to bring the slightest levity into his exhausted voice. "One of 'their own' is threatened, so they close-up-shop and make an absolute spectacle of themselves. I believe they consider it a show of solidarity. I would call it stupidity. What is to be gained?"

Following Remus' motion so he, too, could look out the window, he lifted the corner of the curtain. A curtain which had once been moth-eaten, threadbare, and so dusty one could not tell what colour it was. Someone - June or Rollins or Mandy - had replaced the old curtain with a filmy bit of antique-white coloured gauze overlaying a subtle green chamois.

Sure enough, a not-so-small circus seemed to be taking place in their front garden.

In spite of the fact that Severus knew this display was for Rollins, Remus and the others, he could not help but feel heartened by it. Surely the Ministry could not go through with this madness when the publicity would kill them in public opinion ( ... )


m4moony June 18 2007, 03:46:33 UTC
Remus grinned, a true, mischievous grin of the sort only a former Marauder could have mustered. The employees of Weasleys Wizard Wheezes were indeed camped out in their front garden, a heartwarming show of support.

"If it proves too expensive, I've got most of a year's salary saved that I'd be more than happy to donate to the cause." Chuckling darkly, he turned away from the window. "If that's too steep for them, I wonder what other sort of daydream potions they might be able to come up with..."

He really shouldn't be advocating such thoughts. Remus Lupin was not a man who pursued vengeance, as a rule. It was a waste of time and energy that could be spent on taking care of those people he truly cared about. The taste for revenge had been drained from him when he killed Peter. Still, there was something attractive in the thought of releasing a little aggression against Broderick Nevin after all that man had put he and his pack through.

"I'm just glad he's here and not in charge of the guard on Mandy," he said more seriously, ( ... )


subtle_simmer June 19 2007, 06:32:40 UTC
Because Severus had spent so much of his life living in self-enforced isolation, it was difficult, now, to break old habits. Forty years worth of coping strategies surged easily and naturally to the fore.

Had it been only himself he had to worry about, he would have shut himself away, pretended not to be the least bit affected by the present state of affairs, and made all sorts of self-vows never again to let anyone 'close' to him.

There was something very powerful in the sensation of being needed. Something strong, indefatigable, uplifting even though he'd always thought such a thing would be a burden - until he'd experienced it.

Remus needed him. No matter what, he could not let Remus down. Not after he'd failed so badly already. He couldn't make things worse.

"Very well. There is nothing to be gained here in any case," he agreed, soaking in the warmth of the embrace even as the sense of being needed actually made him feel stronger. Severus had never had someone to lean on in times of distress, nor to share distress with ( ... )


m4moony July 17 2007, 20:15:45 UTC
"The same could be said of you," Remus returned dryly, sliding his arm around Severus' shoulders as they turned to head back up the stairs. "I will rest if you make the same attempt."

Bargaining his own health was low, but it was easier than admitting he did not think he would be able to relax at all, even with Severus beside him, and at least, if Severus was there, Remus had that warm reassurance of his lover's presence.

Thank the gods he had Severus to lean on. Remus knew he could not have faced this alone. Nor would he have wanted Severus to face this alone, not when the other man had already lost so many he held dear. Remus then felt entirely selfish as he realized this whole time he had been thinking of what he needed, what the pack needed. Shamefully, this was the first he'd thought of Severus and the deep pain the other man would feel if Harry was unable to make the Minister see reason and Mandy truly had to face execution in the morning. After Albus, Remus was afraid of what that would do to him ( ... )


subtle_simmer July 24 2007, 03:26:44 UTC
"A magic wand?" Severus retorted with a sorry attempt at wry humour. "One with the power to make political idiots suddenly comprehend reason would be sufficient."

Of course, he possessed such a device, already, if he didn't have scruples against the Imperius Curse. Unfortunately, despite all his protests over this past year, he really was grateful not to be rotting away in Azkaban and wasn't particularly keen on going back ( ... )


m4moony November 18 2007, 04:28:49 UTC
"Tall order," Remus huffed in an equally sorry attempt at humor, "but I'll see what I can do."

He could see right through Severus' attempts at reassuring him of the other man's 'fine-ness'. The mere use of the word 'fine' had become almost like a code word between the two of them over the course of their acquaintance. It was a simple thing to determine how 'not fine' the other was by equating it in direct proportion to the effort with which he attempted to convince his lover he was, indeed, 'fine'.

Of course, the problem was the same could be said of each of them.

Still, Severus was willingly climbing back into bed and pulling Remus with him. So, it seemed he was going to at least pretend to try to rest. If Severus could go through the motions to put Remus' mind at ease, Remus could do the same.

Sliding into bed alongside his lover, Remus reached for his wand to summon his journal. He took time enough to scribble a quick note to Harry; then set the book aside and nestled up beside Severus. Tired arms wrapped around the other ( ... )


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