What do you want me to say?

Jun 04, 2007 23:06

Date: Thursday, 7 June, 2001
Time: early afternoon, just after this
Location: Spinner's End
Characters Involved: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape
Rating: I doubt more than PG for potential language

Remus closed the door on 'Dora's -- no, Tonks -- parting words and leaned forward to press his head against it in defeat. He'd seen it coming. He'd known he was losing her friendship. But to have it happen finally, here and now, amidst the worry and fear of Mandy's arrest was simply the last he could bear.

What had she expected of him? She was the one who kept pushing, who couldn't set aside her feelings about he and Severus long enough to search for Mandy. Instead she had argued and thrown insults, spoken to them as if they were children with no idea how to protect themselves, let alone those in their care. Dammit! Without Severus half of them wouldn't even be alive to be arrested in the first place!

Nor did he believe for a moment this had nothing to do with the fact he and Severus were together. Not when her insults continually circled back around to the fact he was 'shagging' the other man.

Slamming his fist into the wall to release a little of his pent-up aggression, he growled in frustration.

Fuck it. He was tired of being the convenient doormat of a werewolf who rolled over and played dead at the first hint of disapproval from those people who were supposed to be his friends. This wasn't about 'Tonks'. This was about Mandy.


It couldn't be true. It couldn't be as hopeless as she said. He wouldn't let it. His brain refused to accept the possibility that there was truly nothing he could do to save Mandy.

No, he would write to Harry. He was the Wizarding World's Golden Boy. Surely they would listen to him? They had to!

Denial is a merciless state.

Turning from the door, intent upon writing Harry before finding Severus to apologize for 'Tonks' behavior, he was surprised to find his lover already standing behind him. His focus had been so fully on the anger he was finally allowing full reign to, he had not fully been aware of Severus' return.

"Just couldn't stay away, could you?" Remus' lips twitched into a half-hearted attempt at his usual teasing grin. But only for a second. "I'm sorry. She had no right to blame you for any of this. She will not be speaking to you like that again."

misc: prewrites

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