title: 어머님의 자장가 (Mother's Lullaby) artist: 사랑과 평화 (Love and Peace) album: 한동안 뜸했었지 (Gone for a while) track no.: 4 preview: on youtube requested by: anglvue
title: AB형 여자 feat. 5zic of M.I.B. (AB blood type woman feat. 5zic of M.I.B.) artist: lyn album: LoveFiction track no.: 4 preview: on youtube requested by: zeroseven_note: This was a bit odd to translate because there is a lot of sayings that mean things that are different from a direct translation. I tried my best to express them in sayings in English,
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title: 노래 불러 (Sing a song) artist: 원 모어 찬스 (one more chance) album: First album (also on their self-titled EP) track no.: track 11 on the first album; track 4 on the EP preview: on youtube requested by: lindeyyy
title: 나에게만 너를 말해주기를 (tell me about you only to me) artist: 디어 클라우드 (Dear Cloud) album: Grey (2nd Album) track no.: 8 preview: youtube requested by: chaoua note: i'm a little rusty on translating... feel free to ask me questions on translations.