R.I.P. my beloved Snickers... the kitties don't use their journal anymore, but it's still a nice place for memorializing. Only two of the original five remain.
Blood donation was a no-go again, and the only stat I have to report is my hemoglobin: too low to register according to my right hand, 10.5 per my left (no, I don't expect anyone to care, I just keep track of whatever "free checkup" stats I get on this blood tag!). I totally stole a bag of Cheez-its on the way out, though :D
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Kitty update: I'm taking him back Friday for an endoscopy. He has to be put under for it, which adds to the expense but I think I'm glad - poor kitty! I don't want him awake to have stuff rammed down his throat. I'm actually *gasp!* taking the day off instead of coming in late and leaving early. My boss is pretty cool about time off. I don't
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Remember how my cat Bailey was sick and I finally took him to the vet and got drugs and stuff and thought everything would be okay? He's lost a whole pound since then. He weighs 7.5 pounds. A year ago he was 13 pounds
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