Bailey could very well be suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, which is very treatable and definitely not as scary as cancer. But the vet couldn't rule out small cell lymphoma (which I guess is better than LARGE cell lymphoma? I didn't ask him what the difference is). Biopsies might be needed if he doesn't do better after getting his shot and going home with some lovely icky medicine I get to torture him with twice a day. I am now $189 poorer. *sigh*
Funny how people think he's a girl because of his name. I actually named him after a MALE Bailey.
Oh, and he totally peed in the carrier and made a huge mess and got pee all over me and the girl trying to clean him up. Ew. Poor guy.
Then, at home, I expected the usual hissing from the other cats because Bailey had strange other!animal smells on him. Usually the cats hiss and growl but leave the offending kitty alone. For some reason, Anakin was feeling unusually predatory. He was stalking poor old Bailey. He attacked him a couple times and I yelled and Bailey would go hide - only to be followed by Big MeaniePants Anakin, who is a LARGE kitty but made himself even bigger by puffing his tail up all aggressive-like. I picked up Ani and was gonna sit with him and calm him down - not a very smart thing to do with an angry cat, but he'd never been REALLY vicious to me before - and he totally attacked me. Gah! You must resist the Dark Side, Anakin!
Bloodied my cheek, ear, hand, just under my eye, and got blood on my jammies. Ooooooooo that pissed me off - I threw him in the bathroom and locked the door, where he spent several hours. I felt mean after a while and let him out and he was sweet and cuddly again.
This morning, he's back to growling at and stalking the Bailey cat. But I left for work and am just hoping he'll sleep all day like he usually does.
I got my car battery fixed yesterday too. That was only $50. Four years ago it was $70. How in the hell did it get cheaper? I went to the same place and got the same type of battery put in. Weird.
I tried to write while I was waiting and couldn't get around to anything creative. I hope my muse isn't leaving again.
Tonight is a busy night at home for me, but now it's even busier - I have a friend coming to stay with me for a couple days to get away from... stuff. :( So I don't know when I'll catch up on everything LJ. I'm woefully behind on my f-list and probably won't have time to catch up at work today (unless no one's around to RP; I always put RP first at work. Heh)