education, films, art, job, life

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  • 30 Days of Monsters art dump

    lullula Jul 25, 2012 02:25

    So on Tumblr, chairman_wow reblogged a 30 days of monster people art challenge, and I've been doing it \o/ It's quite fun :D

    The first 9 are here under the cut. )

    tv, teen wolf, art

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Jan 12, 2012 16:27

    So er, ashling_lily posted some of her art, and I thought that since part of my new years resolution is to draw more, I might share some of mine? :D? It's not great, but I like most of what I've done!

    Of course, feel free to skip! It won't break my heart... too much... jk jk )

    art, life

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Oct 06, 2010 03:30

    Read more... )


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  • Skirts! With Zombies!

    lullula Sep 17, 2010 03:40

    Ages ago I posted about a skirt I made from a couple of old shirts, and promised to take pics, and now I finally have!

    Tell me now, why are all stupid breathing? )

    craft, art

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Sep 13, 2010 22:54

    On Friday I'm going to FantasyCon! Huzzah and all that. We're even staying in the con hotel, which will be cool.

    Except I have to shell out £120 on Thursday v..v;;; So I'll probably have about... £40 to my name. Aheh. Urgh. Most of that is apparently petrol money. Oh well, I'm sure something'll come up.


    Gacked from everyone everywhere:

    Ask ( Read more... )

    zombiebang, meme, art, life

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  • Zombie art! :O

    lullula Sep 12, 2010 19:01

    So um, I followed nuclearxsquid's lead and signed up for art over at zombiebang v...v;;;; I felt guilty that there were so few signups...

    Since I haven't drawn anything in forever and ever and ever, I decided to get some practice in:

    Here be two not-particularly-gory zombies. )

    zombiebang, art

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Sep 01, 2010 22:49

    On Tumblr, there's been a minor kerfuffle about crediting artists, and I thought some of the responses to it were interesting.

    Someone posted a graphic, white text on a black background (this one), without linking or crediting the original artist. The person who created this saw it, reblogged it and added, "Here’s some goddammed, dumb ass fool ( Read more... )

    art, lj

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  • *fistpump* I am determined!

    lullula Jun 30, 2010 11:51

    And what am I determined about? To actually update this journal. With journaly things ( Read more... )

    photos, art, life

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Feb 03, 2010 01:19

    I found my phone! So that's good. Um.

    Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one reason why I like you. Then put this in your own journal, and spread the love.

    lady_laguna here is an original sketch just for you: a floating lady, whose arm is way too long ._.; I think I'll probably paint her as well, but later.

    meme, art, life

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