education, films, art, job, life

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    lullula Oct 12, 2010 14:05

    Browne urges there to be no limit on student tuition fees.

    This makes me so, so, so angry! I can't even properly express just how awful I think those plans are. Education is so important and so necessary that to make it so only a few can really access it is completely disgusting ( Read more... )

    education, rant, links around the world

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    lullula Aug 26, 2010 13:18

    So uh, got a letter from the OU today. "Sorry, your form is wrong and you can't get it in for the deadline, wanna pay us £650? Y/Y 8D ( Read more... )

    education, craft, lj

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    lullula Apr 19, 2010 19:03

    So I've been kind of neglecting LJ for a bit, sort of a case of lethargy and nothing to say. Life's been carrying on as normal, the days are bright and sunny, I have a serious lack of money, I'm totally addicted to Stargate Atlantis ( Read more... )

    education, life

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    lullula Mar 20, 2010 22:26

    Firstly a meme:( Gakked from seagreenish )

    education, meme

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    lullula Mar 11, 2010 23:20

    So, in case we forgot, I'm at uni, right? Which probably means I should be doing some sort of work ( Read more... )


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