(no subject)

May 01, 2006 16:28

1.What does your LiveJournal name mean?
My drag name, my namesake, my great-grandfather.

2. Elaborate on your default photo.
Molly Picon: enough said.

3. Do you still talk to your ex? Why?
That's a no. A depressing and categorical no. And to broaden this question - I have no speaking relationships left with ex-friends either. I'm an 8 - exes are exes.

4. What's your current relationship status?
It's good, I can tell you that. Status? ech.

5. What exactly are you wearing right now?
come on, i'm at work - not fair. black button-down, black pants, DOC MARTENS (I found them on the street 2 years ago and they fit me, ok? what do you want? They manage to count as "work shoes" so i don't have to invest in office-wear and that pleases me). Really though, I have fucking good fashion so don't start just cuz I can't play sexy secretary every day cuz the whole fashion-camp gets a little boring when you actually have to do highly-sexualized tasks all day for a powerful man.

6. What is your current problem?
um...awaiting the 2-yrs-coming CRASH of self.

7. What do you love the most?
Singing and being in a band, good smells of all kinds, FOOD, touring, performing, the idea of justice, liberatory theory.

8. What makes you happiest?
writing music, connecting with people, good smells, good food, good relationships. ALso more specifically: halvah, raspberries and blackberries, pomegranates, jasmine.

9. Are you musically inclined?
Well yes.

10. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be?
um a lot of things come to mind... including the little nation state that could, but hey - that's not what this meme author intended IDT. So, personally-speaking? A certain prolonged relationship kind of comes to mind too.

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day what would you be?
Yeah, definitely a bird. Just to fly. If flying weren't involved: a bear, duh. A really big bear.

12. Ever have a near death experience?
well, depends what you mean. Being shot at by the IDF on a couple occassions. Also a serious car accident in which unlicensed 16-yr-old me miraculously drove into a ditch through the one car-sized break in the guard rail.

13. Name an obvious quality you have?
volume. articulation. fighting.

14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
a new song i'm writing.

15. Who did you cut and paste this from?

16. Name someone with the same b-day as you:
feb 9!!!!!!!!!!! i don't really kno ppl who share this AWESOME day with me.

17. Have you ever vandalized someone's private property?

18. Have you ever been in a fight?

19. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?

20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
that i don't believe in the sex binary, thus underming this whole "opposite" thing. But I first look at face shape.

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
never a thing.

22. Have you ever broken a bone?
nay. though i've tried to. to get out of gym class.

23. Has anyone ever said that you look like a celebrity?
yes - chloe sevigny. yikes.

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
The word 'kiddy' makes me v. uncofortable. but i did watch the extremely psychotic 'Pappy Drew-It' all through high school. Notably while having dispassionate sex at a motel.

26. Do you wear braces?
nay thank god. it sucked so much.

27. Are you comfortable with your height?
um...some times i wish to reach things taller than me, but, i'm cool with that.

28. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
romance is very strange. I would go with GAVE ME A SAXOPHONE. trump that, fools.

29. Do you speak any other languages?
not fluently no. a bit of hebrew, a bit of spanish, a bit of yiddish.

30. Do you have a crush on someone on your myspace/LiveJournal?
only everyone and my girlfriend.

misogyny, sordid past, dayjob, queer, family, band, memes, enneagram, music, zionism, tv

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