tampon kingslostcosmonautAugust 25 2012, 14:41:53 UTC
all right while we're on a roll, real-talk-wise, let's discuss BFF rankings. If you're my BFF, which you are, yr status is immune to th ebbs & flows of everyday life. Other types of friends drift away, become FBFs (Facebook friends), or otherwise turn into a handful of fond memories. It's v. hard to lose BFF status; you basically have to do something really bad to th human race. What you can easily do is climb up & down th rankings of th BFFs, assuming there's more than one (which there ought to be, as you know), like teams in Bill Simmons' power rankings. As of this moment, thks to yr komment, you're my most-recently-talked-to BFF. That's something, though not th most important something. Somebody I haven't talked to in a year could still be BFF #1, depending on a weird formula of feelings nobody can explain. Just like Simmons' rankings, it's based on RL input but den there's that level of gut subjectivity. Basically you & Diego have been flipping th 1 and 2 spots this whole year. I hope you are happy to know that today's kommentude noses you into th top spot again. Rome, who never calls (because I never call), has spent 2012 cellar-dwelling @ #5. But if Dwight Howard decides to exercise his free agency after his one-year contract w/ th Lakers is up, and signs w/ Rome? He could easily be looking @ a worst-to-first scenario. Th message: keep yr eye on th pack. Love you Shazz'n
P.S. stuff has been friend-lonely down here. Writing's th one thing keeping me busy, but soon S. & I will have plot in th community garden
when i was little i had only 1 BFF at a time, mostly k. greenwade, whom i was BFFs with @ a time when neither of us understood "forever" was one word and so wrote "BFFE" on all correspondence. there were years in college when i had zero BFFs. beginning in 2005-2006 i had i think 5-6 slippery BFFs that over time & road trip gently separated into two parts, like land & ocean. the land part is the immune part. you, nelly, k$ and me on an island at sea, others splashin' in the surf, others on boogie boards getting closer or further away, some str8wads on sailboats on the horizon, fingers of smoke visible from campfires on distant, shitty islands, manna from heav'n.
here it's easy to see how BFFs are different from other people, like when you have to ask for help with stuff nobody would ever want to help w/ unless he were your BFF or not even then. there are lots of sweethearts but 't'amp'on is BBF-lonely. got to see k$ a little in nyc. nelly's workin 60 hrs/wk. haven't talked on the phone to you in a longtime, but yr never #3. <3
phone stuff soonlostcosmonautAugust 25 2012, 18:26:19 UTC
look'd @ KG to size up th competition: her likes today are Harry Potter, Wheel of Fortune, volleyball, 60s music, and I Want To Draw a Cat For You! (Product/Service)
Loved NYC pictures -- y'all stayed w/ Andy/Birk? How's K$? She seem 2B on th Internet less than th rest of us. Nelly, too, ah reckon. Nelly's closer somehow, though
NOLA's v. nice in th fall, ah heard. Only ever been here when it's trying to melt my skin off, so fall's a new ballgame. Me & my remaindered copy of IJ look forward to it
P.S. stuff has been friend-lonely down here. Writing's th one thing keeping me busy, but soon S. & I will have plot in th community garden
here it's easy to see how BFFs are different from other people, like when you have to ask for help with stuff nobody would ever want to help w/ unless he were your BFF or not even then. there are lots of sweethearts but 't'amp'on is BBF-lonely. got to see k$ a little in nyc. nelly's workin 60 hrs/wk. haven't talked on the phone to you in a longtime, but yr never #3. <3
Loved NYC pictures -- y'all stayed w/ Andy/Birk? How's K$? She seem 2B on th Internet less than th rest of us. Nelly, too, ah reckon. Nelly's closer somehow, though
NOLA's v. nice in th fall, ah heard. Only ever been here when it's trying to melt my skin off, so fall's a new ballgame. Me & my remaindered copy of IJ look forward to it
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