
Oct 12, 2011 19:24

+ Two more days of work before my vacation ( Read more... )

work, asshats, life update, depression

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Comments 9

lawless523 October 12 2011, 23:50:17 UTC
Sometimes the only way to deal with assholes is to snap at them because they don't understand anything else.

Enjoy your vacation.


lindentreeisle October 13 2011, 19:21:29 UTC


loolaa October 13 2011, 09:35:28 UTC
I hope you feel better after your vacation. Enjoy it it and forget everything else.


lindentreeisle October 13 2011, 19:21:37 UTC
Thank you! I'll sure try.


in_the_bottle October 13 2011, 11:39:01 UTC
Oh yeah, law, such a glorious profession. Ha! Staying at work until 8pm and still only have 4 billable because your boss is an insane bitch, junk food eating just because you're so stressed and that's comfort food (for me, it was cupcakes, or just cakes), putting on weight because of all the cake I ate (I'm STILL trying to shed the bloody weight after 8 months!), the gigantic physio bill because I'm so tensed all the time my neck/shoulder muscles just completely fucked up and I keep getting tension headaches because of it. Oh yeah, glorious career in law.

Every time I talk to someone who's doing a career change into law, I ask them "WHY?! Do you know what the hell you're getting into?!"

Yes, it does seemed like I'm quite bitter about it all. Especially since I could've been a neuro-psychologist instead and look at people's brain all day.

Enjoy your holiday, you totally deserve it! And it WILL do you a world of good!


lindentreeisle October 13 2011, 19:22:01 UTC
Haha, yes, the joy of lawyering.

And thanks- I will DEFINITELY enjoy the time off!


natsuko1978 October 13 2011, 13:26:08 UTC
I take it that in America "bint" has no racist implications/overtones? (It's the feminine form of "bin", as in "bin Laden" - and means "daughter of")

Also, between the lack of blood-sugar testing and your lack of balanced food intake today, your stress levels are bound to increase, as your blood-sugar bounces around. Give yourself a break? I know that knowing this may *not* help, but with my own mood problems, understanding them is half way to forgiving myself. So I throw it out there.

It's no wonder you are craving fat and carbs. The diet can always (re)commence tomorrow. :)

::HUGS:: Good luck, you're in my thoughts and prayers.


lindentreeisle October 13 2011, 19:21:19 UTC
The problem is I've been telling myself that for far too long...

You're probably right about the blood sugar.

Re: bint. In America the word isn't used at all. I chose it specifically because my understanding is that it's mildly derogatory toward women. I don't use the word irl- it's just the pseudonymn I use online/in texts when I'm talking about this particular person. I was honestly unaware it had any racist overtones- is it usually only used to refer to women of color, or something?

*hugs* back


natsuko1978 October 13 2011, 19:31:34 UTC
Historically (and derogatorially) it was used of any/all Muslim/Arabic women, as "bint" is part of many female family names in taht background. (Think similar to, say, referring to all Scots as "Macs"; but with more baggage b/c of race/religion/history.)

It used to be a fairly common insult for all women, but with increasing awareness, it's become almost unacceptable. I can't remember the last time I heard it. (Except by Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.) It just made me blink a bit, that's all.

Hope you're doing better today.


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