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Comments 37

marinw March 23 2013, 18:40:53 UTC
I don't think Kiefer hates women, I think the writers don't want Kiefer to play a reasonably happy person because they would rather see him sad. Kiefer DOES have the range to play someone happy with his shit together, but I doubt we will ever see this person ( ... )


leigh57 March 23 2013, 18:55:06 UTC
Well, as much as my insane love for Kiefer would like to allow me to give him a pass, I do know that he has clout, particularly with this show. Had he thrown down and said, "You guys, this is a fucking stupid idea. Figure out another way to write the character out," I am 99% sure the writers would have done so. He signed off on Renee's death in a heartbeat (bwah, poor choice of words). So I am only saying that it's not only the writers who enjoy making his characters suffer by way of making women useless plot points. He clearly enjoys it, too ( ... )


marinw March 23 2013, 19:03:51 UTC
Both! I am challenging myself to shoot things with difficult lighting for practice. After Easter I have a "Real" shoot with J and her 8 month old daughter. That should be fun.

Sticking Renee in surgery would have been a way to deal with Annie's pregnancy as well. *Beats dead horse*

Ever since you pointed it out, I'm have my eye out for that little pot belly. Shallow, thei name is Marin.


leigh57 March 23 2013, 19:23:13 UTC
Aw, eights months is like THE CUTEST age. Not blobs anymore but also not ambulatory. Well, at least not bipedally, LOL.

I think the extra weight works for the Martin character. Kiefer was pretty damn thin by S7 and S8 especially (something in the water -- so was Annie in S8), but when you check him out in like S2, he has some more weight going.

I notice these things;)


cybertoothtiger March 23 2013, 18:49:48 UTC
Oh, ugh. Fridging. And after a whole season of making people root for a reunion? What the actual fuck, TV?

Is K really that uncomfortable with playing a happy person? Or is it that he can really only play one character well?

I'm still editing this manual, and it is so boring I want to scoop out my eyeballs with a fork. OMG. Die, stupid manual, DIE.

However, a friend is in town this weekend, and we're going for wine tonight, so there's that to look forward to. Also, I re-watched the pilot of Touching Evil last night, and Jeffery Donovan rocks that part SO HARD. I so hope he puts down the phone and actually shows up for BN this season, because, damn, that man can act when he puts his mind to it.


marinw March 23 2013, 18:58:46 UTC
In K's defense, he can play Assholes and Complex Villains quite well. He has gotten some buzz for his turn as a Wall Street type The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Ah, manuals. Are you translating Government into English?


cybertoothtiger March 23 2013, 23:13:04 UTC
He was a very good creepy villain in Truth or Consequences, NM, I'll give you that. And I have to be honest and say that I have not seen Mirrors, Melancholia, the web series, or The Reluctant Fundamentalist. So I'm basing my opinion on his older stuff. I thought he rocked Jack, but maybe it was the scripts for the other things, because, meh.

I thought it was going to be translating Government when I took the gig, but it turns out it's more of a complete re-write, because it's so poorly organized and the writing just sucks, generally. Plus, it has a bunch of forms and checklists that people are supposed to fill out, and my eyes just glaze over.


marinw March 23 2013, 23:49:49 UTC
The Reluctant Fundamentalist hasn't opened yet, so no worries there!

I think writing clear forms and checklists is very important work. How many screwups are the result ofconfusing forms? I'm looking at YOU, Revenue Canada. And then there is the whole matter of designing forms and checklists so that they are easy to use before, say, flying a plane or preforming surgery.


adrenalin211 March 23 2013, 22:12:31 UTC
I agree with absolutely everything you said.

Honestly, the whole thing is making me respect Kiefer a lot less. Not only am I feeling like Kiefer once was a terrific actor, but then he learned to play one character reallly really really goddamn well and now can't really do anything too different.... but I hate that he's just killing off all the women in all the shows. I mean, how many on 24 were fridged? And then Touch, which is honestly worse, in my head, because my god with 24 (I'm not talking about Renee here, because I just ...can't) so much of the plot is about saving the world and fighting terrorism, and less about the story lines of various characters who are not Jack. Most characters get little to no personal story-lines, and when they are there, they usually serve to drive forward the plot or make you more interested in the character so you care when they bite it or when they make a mistake, or be filler time to give kiefer some time to eat some toast, or whatever ( ... )


leigh57 March 23 2013, 23:03:51 UTC
Well you are much stronger than I if you can unfind Kiefer hot because you disagree with his decision here. I mean I'm sure there are things that could make me unfind him hot, but this hasn't gotten me quite there yet. What it has done is make this show a whole lot less enjoyable for me to watch, and it's also (as you said above) cast some doubt in my mind on the choices me makes as an actor. I really do wonder if sometimes you just get frozen in a role. Like have you ever seen Jennifer Aniston play anything except Rachel? Because I haven't. Then again, I think she kind of sucked in the first place, but that's off-topic, ahahahaha. You are a better person than I, but we have all always known THAT ( ... )


adrenalin211 March 23 2013, 23:29:42 UTC
Well remember. I've mostly maintained (a few hiccups here and there) that it's Jack I'm in love with and not Kiefer. That's easy, because Kiefer is... yeah. He's driven drunk and he likes to kill off women and I mean.. yes he's funny and he looks hot when he smokes and he's a great actor who commands the role of Jack Bauer, which is amazing and I love Jack and yada yada, but that's why it's not hard for me to be like.. nope... the actor doesn't do much for me. But when he's embodying a role, it gets dangerous, because his portrayal of Jack has made me sign on to the whole package (poor choice of words, since that and his arms are mostly what I stare at most) and goodness, because Kiefer only seems capable of playing Jack right now, Martin IS like Jack and Martin is SO CUTE with Jake and it's a goddamn good thing the show sucks so much and is poorly written, because otherwise I'd totally buy his character and whoever I was supposed to ship him with.

Hahahaha. Jennifer Aniston. Hee. Eh, well. There was that movie The Good Girl in which ( ... )


marinw March 23 2013, 23:56:16 UTC
Could it be that this particular actor crush has gone as far as it can? Could it be?

I'm seeing a LOT of Daddy Donald in Kiefer in this way. Donald has been in a TON of stuff, a lot of it is very bad. The Sutherlands like to work.

We always assume that all actors are super rich and can take whatever roles they want. For some that may be true, but many actors have bills to pay like the rest of us.

I'm not writing off Kiefer just yet. Touch is one of those things that didn't work out and went off the rails. It happens.

If you want to see Kiefer doing something REALLY different, check out Dark City. You won't recognize him.


myheadisclear March 25 2013, 02:34:30 UTC
I basically started to laugh at the second half of this post, after you pointed out how much Martin is like Jack. Because that is exactly what I said to my husband the other day.
I missed four eps and remembered Annie was gonna be on the show soon and wanted to make sure I am up to speed on the story line for when that moment hits. (I am super excited as well)
I caught up over the weekend and the scene where he is lying on the bed next to Jake, supposedly whispering but sounding like Jack when he has just ran a mile down the road...

You do make me laugh!

When the show began to air, I did like this show and enjoyed the concept, but as it's gone on, its got gradually worse and I don't understand why they can't get the decent writers.
Like you say the dialogue is bad not to mention the directing is pretty awful too. None of it makes me believe in the show anymore. And when I watch a show I want to believe that the story could be true on some level, if that make sense.


marinw March 25 2013, 10:18:23 UTC
Word, I *wanted* to like Touch. I really did.


myheadisclear March 25 2013, 10:24:25 UTC
I hear you, I wanted it to stay good. I really did!


leigh57 March 25 2013, 13:33:36 UTC
The thing for me is that while I never loved this damn show at all, I liked the beginning of this season better than I have liked any other part of its very short arc. I couldn't get into the weird touchy feely connectedness thing, so I watched a couple eps of S1 and stopped. Then before S2 started, I found out that Annie would be on, so I decided to take it up again. And for a while it was at least okay. But holy CRAP. Even if you put aside the fridging (which it's very difficult for me to do, because I loathe that as a plot device), as you said, the show is just objectively terrible on so many levels. If you think about it at all, the entire thing crumbles. If you know the future, it stands to reason that you'd be able to change it, for example. And after improbably escaping after being shot a bazillion times, where is the throat slashy guy now? Idk, I will enjoy Annie and Kiefer on screen together, but it's just a terrible show. I hope Kiefer can find something better and stop phoning it in as Jack Bauer all the time, because I ( ... )


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