Honestly, the whole thing is making me respect Kiefer a lot less. Not only am I feeling like Kiefer once was a terrific actor, but then he learned to play one character reallly really really goddamn well and now can't really do anything too different.... but I hate that he's just killing off all the women in all the shows. I mean, how many on 24 were fridged? And then Touch, which is honestly worse, in my head, because my god with 24 (I'm not talking about Renee here, because I just ...can't) so much of the plot is about saving the world and fighting terrorism, and less about the story lines of various characters who are not Jack. Most characters get little to no personal story-lines, and when they are there, they usually serve to drive forward the plot or make you more interested in the character so you care when they bite it or when they make a mistake, or be filler time to give kiefer some time to eat some toast, or whatever.
But this? The WHOLE season was about Lucy finding Amelia. As you said so much better than I could, if people were still watching this show last night, it was almost definitely because they were, to at least a degree strong enough to not flip the channel, invested in that story arc. How do I know this? BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY STORY ARC. So yeah. I'm just really really done. I'll watch Annie's ep because my heart would do well to see them together, but after that I'm not gonna watch for Kiefer's hotness, because I'm sorta disgusted at the whole idea, and it makes him less hot to me. Maybe he even suggested it, when it wasn't working out with Maria Bello. He's the one who has experience with character death, and he certainly loves to act sad broken manpain grief related to a woman. So to me that is just not hot. My red rage, I've just shown it.
Well you are much stronger than I if you can unfind Kiefer hot because you disagree with his decision here. I mean I'm sure there are things that could make me unfind him hot, but this hasn't gotten me quite there yet. What it has done is make this show a whole lot less enjoyable for me to watch, and it's also (as you said above) cast some doubt in my mind on the choices me makes as an actor. I really do wonder if sometimes you just get frozen in a role. Like have you ever seen Jennifer Aniston play anything except Rachel? Because I haven't. Then again, I think she kind of sucked in the first place, but that's off-topic, ahahahaha. You are a better person than I, but we have all always known THAT.
I really do wonder what the stakes can be now. I don't think even this show is going to off a child. So what's left to damage? I really hope Annie's character doesn't die. I'd say it was unlikely because after this week it would be overkill (pun intended:P), but we all know how well that theory worked the last time I put it into practice in a show with which Keifer was involved. Yikes.
Well remember. I've mostly maintained (a few hiccups here and there) that it's Jack I'm in love with and not Kiefer. That's easy, because Kiefer is... yeah. He's driven drunk and he likes to kill off women and I mean.. yes he's funny and he looks hot when he smokes and he's a great actor who commands the role of Jack Bauer, which is amazing and I love Jack and yada yada, but that's why it's not hard for me to be like.. nope... the actor doesn't do much for me. But when he's embodying a role, it gets dangerous, because his portrayal of Jack has made me sign on to the whole package (poor choice of words, since that and his arms are mostly what I stare at most) and goodness, because Kiefer only seems capable of playing Jack right now, Martin IS like Jack and Martin is SO CUTE with Jake and it's a goddamn good thing the show sucks so much and is poorly written, because otherwise I'd totally buy his character and whoever I was supposed to ship him with.
Hahahaha. Jennifer Aniston. Hee. Eh, well. There was that movie The Good Girl in which she was very different, but the movie totally sucked balls, so probably that doesn't count, so you're right. I've never really seen her play anyone other than Rachel, or even more uncomfortable, herself. Remember when Katie had that comment about her that made me go YES! THIS! It was about how horrifyingly uncomfortable it makes her to see Jennifer Aniston playing ___________ fill in the blank with whatever situation her life is in, usually related to not being able to keep a man. Ugh ugh. Our culture, for serious.
Well I don't think Annie's character will die, because her dad is dying and stuff. But you never know! I said that last time.
Could it be that this particular actor crush has gone as far as it can? Could it be?
I'm seeing a LOT of Daddy Donald in Kiefer in this way. Donald has been in a TON of stuff, a lot of it is very bad. The Sutherlands like to work.
We always assume that all actors are super rich and can take whatever roles they want. For some that may be true, but many actors have bills to pay like the rest of us.
I'm not writing off Kiefer just yet. Touch is one of those things that didn't work out and went off the rails. It happens.
If you want to see Kiefer doing something REALLY different, check out Dark City. You won't recognize him.
Could it be that this particular actor crush has gone as far as it can? Could it be?
Well yes, but for me it was never really an actor crush. I've had the biggest crush on Jack since I started shipping him with Renee. 24 makes it super easy to fall in love with Jack, all his faults and strengths and heroic moments. I loved him at the end of s7 and then S and I went back and watched all of the seasons, except for 1, and I just fell in love with him more. But Jack isn't Kiefer, and despite the way it can be confusing to look at the face and body of the man who plays Jack and appreciate it very much, even get confused sometimes, I've never fallen for Kiefer because I'm head over heals for Jack. If that makes sense.
So I mean, to me, it's not a huge loss to feel the way I'm feeling right now about Kiefer and his choices. I don't know how else to explain the way it works in my head. But I definitely don't have a problem with other people still loving him. I think he's an excellent actor, and maybe as more and more time lapses between Kiefer and his 24 career, he'll be better able to do the kinds of different acting he did in 1998 (I looked up when Dark City was made). For now, I feel he's too close to Jack and he's bringing Jack into characters like Martin. I see all of Jack's ticks (breathing, twitching, that nervous way that, in an intense situation, he looks around before speaking) manifesting themselves in Martin. It's so distracting and confusing for me.
I know that actors don't always get their choice of roles, and I know Kiefer is a workaholic (I'm glad that he is, goodness. I don't think it'd be good for him to not work), but I do fault him, at least partially, for the fridging women business. I know he was a strong supporter of Renee's death, and he's doing it again in Touch, so I think it'd be naive to assume he doesn't have some kind of say there as well. He's one of the executive producers, after all.
I really wish him luck on all his future endeavors, but I'm just not feeling him anymore, and that's okay. I'll always have Jack.
Kiefer was/is Executive producer on both 24 and Touch. So I guess the Fridgeing business mostly does fall on those beautiful shoulders.
This is why I try not to think too hard about an actor's personal or interior life.
...and maybe as more and more time lapses between Kiefer and his 24 career, he'll be better able to do the kinds of different acting he did in 1998...
Here's hoping! I want K to find at least one more really, really good role. Mostly because I'm selfish like that and enjoy watching a good actor in a good project.
ETA: He is currently filming Pompeii where he will play a corrupt Roman Senator! So that's different. Whether the film is any good remains to be seen.
I really liked Melancholia, the first project Kiefer did after 24 ended. In that film his character is rich, entitled and ultimately weak. Not like our Jack at all.
I hope he continues to work on different and new projects. He just really doesn't do it for me as he once did. It's a combination of all sorts of factors and associations. I really hope that you continue to enjoy him, because it's good fun!
It's in J's status. Pretty damn funny. Oh and there is also attempted convincing about TWD. I'm like, OY. DOES NOBODY UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I WISH I HAD THE BALLS TO WATCH TWD?
Hi-Jacks like a hijacking thingcybertoothtigerMarch 24 2013, 15:29:10 UTC
I totally get this. I remember back in Grade 7, telling someone I was in love with Magnum, P.I., and they said, "You mean Tom Selleck?" but I didn't know Tom Selleck at all. I did know Magnum, because I spent an hour a week with him. It was the character I fell in love with.
In K's case, something about Tommy Douglas' grandson playing this incredible American badass led to an obsession with the actor as well for a while, but the DUI killed that for me. Still adore Jack, though.
Honestly, the whole thing is making me respect Kiefer a lot less. Not only am I feeling like Kiefer once was a terrific actor, but then he learned to play one character reallly really really goddamn well and now can't really do anything too different.... but I hate that he's just killing off all the women in all the shows. I mean, how many on 24 were fridged? And then Touch, which is honestly worse, in my head, because my god with 24 (I'm not talking about Renee here, because I just ...can't) so much of the plot is about saving the world and fighting terrorism, and less about the story lines of various characters who are not Jack. Most characters get little to no personal story-lines, and when they are there, they usually serve to drive forward the plot or make you more interested in the character so you care when they bite it or when they make a mistake, or be filler time to give kiefer some time to eat some toast, or whatever.
But this? The WHOLE season was about Lucy finding Amelia. As you said so much better than I could, if people were still watching this show last night, it was almost definitely because they were, to at least a degree strong enough to not flip the channel, invested in that story arc. How do I know this? BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY STORY ARC. So yeah. I'm just really really done. I'll watch Annie's ep because my heart would do well to see them together, but after that I'm not gonna watch for Kiefer's hotness, because I'm sorta disgusted at the whole idea, and it makes him less hot to me. Maybe he even suggested it, when it wasn't working out with Maria Bello. He's the one who has experience with character death, and he certainly loves to act sad broken manpain grief related to a woman. So to me that is just not hot. My red rage, I've just shown it.
I really do wonder what the stakes can be now. I don't think even this show is going to off a child. So what's left to damage? I really hope Annie's character doesn't die. I'd say it was unlikely because after this week it would be overkill (pun intended:P), but we all know how well that theory worked the last time I put it into practice in a show with which Keifer was involved. Yikes.
Bill thinks Kiefer is a moron. Yep.
Hahahaha. Jennifer Aniston. Hee. Eh, well. There was that movie The Good Girl in which she was very different, but the movie totally sucked balls, so probably that doesn't count, so you're right. I've never really seen her play anyone other than Rachel, or even more uncomfortable, herself. Remember when Katie had that comment about her that made me go YES! THIS! It was about how horrifyingly uncomfortable it makes her to see Jennifer Aniston playing ___________ fill in the blank with whatever situation her life is in, usually related to not being able to keep a man. Ugh ugh. Our culture, for serious.
Well I don't think Annie's character will die, because her dad is dying and stuff. But you never know! I said that last time.
Kiefer IS such a moron. Bill is right.
I'm seeing a LOT of Daddy Donald in Kiefer in this way. Donald has been in a TON of stuff, a lot of it is very bad. The Sutherlands like to work.
We always assume that all actors are super rich and can take whatever roles they want. For some that may be true, but many actors have bills to pay like the rest of us.
I'm not writing off Kiefer just yet. Touch is one of those things that didn't work out and went off the rails. It happens.
If you want to see Kiefer doing something REALLY different, check out Dark City. You won't recognize him.
Well yes, but for me it was never really an actor crush. I've had the biggest crush on Jack since I started shipping him with Renee. 24 makes it super easy to fall in love with Jack, all his faults and strengths and heroic moments. I loved him at the end of s7 and then S and I went back and watched all of the seasons, except for 1, and I just fell in love with him more. But Jack isn't Kiefer, and despite the way it can be confusing to look at the face and body of the man who plays Jack and appreciate it very much, even get confused sometimes, I've never fallen for Kiefer because I'm head over heals for Jack. If that makes sense.
So I mean, to me, it's not a huge loss to feel the way I'm feeling right now about Kiefer and his choices. I don't know how else to explain the way it works in my head. But I definitely don't have a problem with other people still loving him. I think he's an excellent actor, and maybe as more and more time lapses between Kiefer and his 24 career, he'll be better able to do the kinds of different acting he did in 1998 (I looked up when Dark City was made). For now, I feel he's too close to Jack and he's bringing Jack into characters like Martin. I see all of Jack's ticks (breathing, twitching, that nervous way that, in an intense situation, he looks around before speaking) manifesting themselves in Martin. It's so distracting and confusing for me.
I know that actors don't always get their choice of roles, and I know Kiefer is a workaholic (I'm glad that he is, goodness. I don't think it'd be good for him to not work), but I do fault him, at least partially, for the fridging women business. I know he was a strong supporter of Renee's death, and he's doing it again in Touch, so I think it'd be naive to assume he doesn't have some kind of say there as well. He's one of the executive producers, after all.
I really wish him luck on all his future endeavors, but I'm just not feeling him anymore, and that's okay. I'll always have Jack.
This is why I try not to think too hard about an actor's personal or interior life.
...and maybe as more and more time lapses between Kiefer and his 24 career, he'll be better able to do the kinds of different acting he did in 1998...
Here's hoping! I want K to find at least one more really, really good role. Mostly because I'm selfish like that and enjoy watching a good actor in a good project.
I really liked Melancholia, the first project Kiefer did after 24 ended. In that film his character is rich, entitled and ultimately weak. Not like our Jack at all.
In K's case, something about Tommy Douglas' grandson playing this incredible American badass led to an obsession with the actor as well for a while, but the DUI killed that for me. Still adore Jack, though.
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