House Tour #1!

Oct 23, 2008 20:06

Parker: This may be how you remember me and my sisters.

Parker: This is our new house, we moved in shortly after Daddy Aidan died.

Parker: We have had a few fun afternoons on our cool playground. Daddy had that made special for our birthday. Oh yeah, did I remind you I'm a triplet? So our birthday presents are usually shared.

Parker: Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by. I feel like one of those people on Cribs!

Parker: So this is our living room. We spend a lot of time in here doing homework. Yuck! As you can see Emmeline likes to watch a lot of TV.

Parker: Next we'll go left. Right takes us upstairs.

Parker: Our Dining Room has a tiki feel. I love it! We used to dress up in our bathing suits and have Luau parties. Our Dad is so cool with that stuff.

Parker: Our kitchen is very sparse. Nothing fancy. I won't lie, we order out a lot.

Parker: I love Dad's bedroom. He doesn't spend a lot of time in here, so sometimes when I need a minute of quiet I come in here and read.

Parker: I really envy his walk in closet! I don't understand why only parents get cool closets. It's just not fair!

Parker: Time to go upstairs! I can hear Aidan already!

Parker: This used to be a play area, but we convinced Daddy to let us have a tiny dog. So we took all the toys down to the YMCA and now we have our little boy, Aidan!

Parker: This is our baby sister's room. You're lucky you didn't come last week. She still had a crib and toddler potty in here. She just outgrew all that though, so we redid her room. Her only requirement was PINK PINK PINK. haha.

Parker: She also gets her own bathroom which is so unfair. She's not even old enough to appreciate it yet!

Parker: Ah, that's better. So now we're in my bedroom! Which I share with my other 2 sisters. We like it though, so don't get me wrong. It's a bit cramped but it's fun late at night. Oh and please ignore the Sleeping Beauty rug, I've been meaning to move it over to Laurel's room.

Parker: There's our bathroom. Three teen girls + 1 bathroom = AHHHH! haha. Oh well, we manage.

Parker: So that's it. Now I'm going to hang out with my sisters in our favorite spot. Even after all this time! Emmeline is still convinced she's going to be President of the World by the way. She's so weird.

First Level

Second Level

Notes: This was my first building project, so it's not fancy. It's just a nice basic house. It's actually very functional, so that's my only requirement in a Sim house. =)
House Plan:


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