Nota Legacy: 4.1

Oct 26, 2008 21:03

.: 66 pictures behind the cut :.

Watch out ladies, Sophia is on the prowl.

or not...

haha, that guy thinks he has a chance!

Right, Teresa, the girl who rejected both River and Jayden.

and now Sophia is added to the list.

Or Teresa is just the queen of mixed signals.

Sophia switches locations and immediately spots another prospect.
One that hasn't rejected the previous generation. Always good.

Alrighty, the Notas are not attractive to townies, I get it now.

Well, not attractive to most townies. This lady has all of Sophia's traits though. red hair, gray eyes.

She'll do for a karaoke partner though!

I give up and ask over Sophia's childhood sweetheart. Oops, her dates also choose that moment to bring her gifts.

Talk about saying hello and getting down to business. O.O

Carolyn moves in because even through 3 dates with townies, Sophia maintained the want to fall in love with Carolyn. So I guess she's the spouse. ^.^

I love makeovers. But then I realized Carolyn has red hair too. What is it with the Notas and red hair!

I guess we'll roll the genetic dice and see what happens.

It's a Servo!


Yes, I named my Servo Johnny5.

Awesome, he doesn't even eat half the chocolates he makes! Score!

At some point Sophia popped. I'm guessing I have a hack that stops it from automatically zooming to the "events". I downloaded the MATY Directors pack or whatever it's called, so whatever is in there I have it. haha.


The expressions on the 'tune up' are the most funny thing ever.

Carolyn: I love women!


Ruth I expected more from you!

Actually I wanted Carolyn to have the affair with the servo. Bastards!

Sophia: I'm one sexy bitch.

Jayden does not like Carolyn very much.

Then again men don't need to like women to find them attractive.

Freda: What is that? I can't see without my glasses.

Freda: Oh.

Jayden: *cries*
Carolyn: Can I make out with someone now?

Timing. Sophia does not have it.

A boy, with Red hair and Freda's eyes. Aww. His name is Conor.

Carolyn: My girlfriend was as big as a sumo wrestler.
Johnny5: You shouldn't be in the criminal field.

Johnny5: When you go to jail, I'm going to run away with your wife.

Jayden: She likes handcuffs.




I wouldn't do that guys.

I warned you.

Ruth: What'd I do!

I will have alien genetics in this legacy.

That was quick! ^.^

Carolyn: Now that your wife is living with that robot elsewhere, you should date me.

Big P.I.M.P.

Sophia: They made me do it with boys! *shocked and appalled*

Jayden was peeping on his son in law with the telescope.

This is his new girlfriend.

They have three bolts.


Seriously, why do my Sims get hotter with elderhood?

Conor, you are officially cute!

Jayden's girlfriend, you are officially cute!

I caught this pop!

I love toddler pictures.

Ruth dropped by to use the barre.

Jayden would have preferred she didn't.

Ruth is badass and doesn't care what Jayden thinks.

So I have Sophia invite Ruth back into the household. ^.^

Which I immediately might regret.

Alien baby time!

another boy named Matthew! He's got brown hair so I don't have much variety yet. Doh!

I'm using a new alien default. I liked these skintones but couldn't find a default version of it. So I read the tutorials and made it myself! I tried blue first but I realized I wanted green.

Ruth: Hows the weather asshole?

O.O Ruth! You're freaking gorgeous!

I think they all like the animal print bed. y/y?

I guess Maxis didn't think about the poor toddlers being tossed INTO the ceilings when they decided to add ceilings.

I re-modeled the house as I played! This is the outside. That roof is actually the third floor which is serving as the attic career reward storage. I love those roof thingies that were included in Apartment Life!



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