Roberts Legacy: 7.1

Oct 22, 2008 10:48

.: 59 pictures behind the cut :.

Natasha went crazy and gray. I did a CC purge also.

Don't let George's sweet cuddle with his wife fool you. He's got issues.

I must show pros and cons of George, so that's why you get to see the sweet side.

Frances: Why did you call me over here again?

Ford: So we could make out baby!

Frances: Okay! I'll age to adult for that!

Frances joins the household and gets a makeover.

I warn you now, I spam with these two a lot this update. I couldn't contain myself.

Ford: Frances, I want to ask you a question.
Frances: Yes Ford, I can burp on command!

Ford: Will you marry me?
Frances: OMFG! I think I pissed myself.

Ford: I'm a lucky man.

Don't judge, my church content fell to the great CC purge of 2008.

They don't seem to mind.

Natasha finished his portrait almost right after.

They kind of go at it like bunnies by the way.

Richard: I'm feeding you Seymour I promise!

Natasha: I spy with my little eye...


Yeah George is a computer hog.

Me: You knew it was coming.
Frances: I didn't know it was coming!
Me: I'll refrain from a dirty joke here. ^.^

Plantsim please?

Frances hired a butler, and the butler fired the maid. Gotta love life.

She's starving and stinks but apparently Ford doesn't mind.

They're freaking adorable though.

Ford misses out on some woohoo though, because then she pops.

Natasha: I should write a book about a chess table.

I redid the house and Bella is always watching the big screen now. lol.

Natasha: Bella you have to remember to be quiet during Heroes. It's not nice to bark while Peter Petrelli is talking.

Frances: 0.o

Funny enough Frances was reading Richards "novel", Bella the Dog.

I love how Mia doesn't even care anymore and just walks away.

But I'm pissed that Natasha has taught George how to stalk.

I'm sure pregnant Frances, enjoys having to get out of bed all the time too.

Ford: I love my life!

George: I think I love his wife.

Frances: *hates George*

Ford: STOP IT!
George: You can't make me.

Then Richard walks in and *admires* Frances. It's really quite sordid this family.

Ford: I took care of that problem with my Dad honey!
Frances: Whatever you say.

No point, I just like it!

Richard: Must be angry. Must by angry!

Why I don't know, he walked around for hours glaring at people so I sent him to the punching bag. lol.

This picture needs to be made into a painting. In fact I need to make some Roberts paintings. lol.

Frances: Shoeflee?

Frances: Ford, you are not going to believe this!

Frances: Ford, where are you going?

Frances: He's got a great booty.

New Baby Boy, Rafe Roberts!
Rafe: Momma?
Frances: Look at his butt move when he walks.

For the record, Frances put the baby down and went to bed. Two guesses where he's going.

He woke her up and she went straight to a bubble bath. lol.

Family Fitness time!


Ford: I can't believe my Dad is still getting in bed with my wife.
Frances: I had a baby!

Ford: I'm getting some woohoo tonight!


Rafe has Frances' power to make people swarm.

He's adorable though so I forgive him.

Here's Leenyland Canyon as it looks now. I've been building a ton of houses for the other Roberts family members. It's quite fun actually. I'm thinking about posting updates with house tours between updates so it doesn't seem so long between them. Anyone interested? First up would be Mike and his 4 girls!


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