
Sep 29, 2007 19:30



if you have to hypnotize one character to get him in bed with another


Damn kids, stay out of my fandoms!

Sho said, "Well, my family's gone for the weekend, so I'm just going to make myself something."

There was silence from the cell phone. It had a rather stunned and horrified quality to it, something like the way Sho had always imagined NewS had reacted to being told not only were they thrown together from everywhere in the company, but management expected them to have member-ai with Ryo.

"Matsujun?" said Sho, finally.

"Oh my God," said Jun. "Do not touch the stove until I get there, I mean it."

"I can cook!" said Sho. "There's powdered miso and everything."

"Stay out of the kitchen!" bellowed Jun, urgently. "I'll be there in half an hour."

("This," said Jun, pointing, " is a container of cold rice. This is a package of instant chazuke. This is an electric kettle. This is your water faucet. If you manage to mess this up, I give up."

Sho looked brave.)

Aiba was wearing a sad expression, a silver chain and soap foam on his shoulder, over the birthmark, not that Jun was paying attention. "The others are gone and they took their stuff and I forgot my shampoo and my hair is really gross, Matsujun, please."

Jun closed his eyes and then opened them again, glaring at Aiba. "You're hopeless," he said. "I should let you suffer with it." Aiba ducked his head a little and looked ashamed of himself. Jun sighed and reached over to his bottle of hairwash. "Hand," he said. Aiba held out his hand and Jun squirted a generous dollop into it. "Put it in so it can soak," ordered Jun. "It's an all-in-one, so you should be okay until you can wash your hair properly."

Aiba obediently rubbed his hands to spread out the shampoo and then began to put it in his hair, moving his hands in circles.

"Stop," said Jun, horrified. He took a step closer to the outside edge of the stall and reached out. Aiba ducked his head and made scrunchy faces as Jun scrubbed his hair, his eyes squeezing shut and his nose wrinkling. Jun was in no mood to be gentle as he worked his fingers through Aiba's hair. "Go with the grain of your hair," he said, dragging his fingers efficiently through the top of Aiba's hair. "Otherwise it will break and you'll have split ends!"

Aiba made a noise that Jun chose to take as assent, although it could have also been a whimper of pain as Jun ripped through a tangle.

"There," said Jun.

"Thank you," said Aiba, very meek, and retreated to his own shower stall.

Will now pretend I can write a coherent sentence in English that has a beginning, middle and end. Also that I can follow a plot outline. Note to self: 'and then Frederick is badass' is not a plot.

fandumb, ficbits, arashi

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