Sep 28, 2007 17:29

I sent the tam off to Becky (nb: make ingrid one - find more friends who live in frozen north? move to alaska?) and realized just now I hadn't taken a picture of the damn thing for Ravelry!


Speaking of knitting, I WOULD KILL MYSELF.

Also threw a good fifty or sixty bucks at Gingetsu today (I'm trying to be good about changing oil and such -- and of course he takes the USD15 air filter =_=;) and started putting all the yarn in one place, divided by type. It's mildly depressing to realize that, except for the whack of black Homespun that I either need to give away or make a sweater of, my yarn is looking to fit more or less neatly in one 20gal container. I, I feel inadequate. I actually had more but I'm not really using acrylic yarn and so I'm just throwing it at Goodwill and work.

I am not cheered to realize the first two scenes of the heist (steampunk, due in ... ten days? PLENTY OF TIME AMIRITE) take nearly a thousand words. Also, the air pressure dropped like a thing that is not a feather and I spent most of the day with a nagging headache.

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