Triumphant return...or something

Jul 08, 2001 21:56

Having returned hence from the marvelous land of the Midwest, I say a cheery hallo to all those in Livejournalland. To all those of you who have never tried Hungarian food, I say to you, chicken paprikash is good stuff, despite my brother's opposition to such a food item. But even he liked the desserts. Ten-layered chocolate cake is something very few of us are able to turn down.

My cousins are all well. We talked extensively to Mike, who is a plumber now, and a bit to Katy though she spent much of her time with her new boyfriend, who looks the same as every other one, and her beautiful friend Randi. Donna has a new boy as well, who is a Red Sox fan and therefore embraced by us Massachusettsites and rejected by the Indians fans of the family, which is everyone else.

Another word concerning food. Do not eat chesecake that has been sitting on the table for five hours, no matter how benign it may look. I was sick for two full days of my vacation.

Having some difficulty with Jill, whom I am too tired to deal with. Love her I do, but she has much more energy than I can handle. And seems to have forgotten her sharing of dictatorship idea. Seems our trip to Northampton is fading into oblivion. Speaking of which, one month and ten days to my return, triumphant or not, to Smith.

Had a weird dream about musicals and Bob from the kitchen and Nate Colby. Wonder where that one came from. I should stop questioning my dreams; none of them make sense. At least this one didn't rhyme. Or have scrolling credits.

Tomorrow I embark on the next great adventure: teaching seventh-graders about God. Wonder if they'll listen. I started listening around the end of sixth grade. Seems to me my class might make or break their faith. Kind of a lot of pressure. Trying not to panic. Doing so anyway. I wish I started morning session first. It's harder to worry when you are not awake. But no. 5:45 begins the reality. At least I can arrive early, set up my classroom and everything. Should call Jill Sullivan and ask if everything is a-okay.

*deep breath*

Loocha is still sick, Jean in a rotten mood, John about the same, Liz off in Amherst again. Mom is tired, as is Dad. Suppose that is understandable. Today's homily discussed vocation. Apparantly, Anglicans are suffering the same scarcity of priests even with married and co-ed clergy. I don't know. I think that allowing female and married priests into the Catholic church couldn't hurt. I would join in a heartbeat, celibacy or no. But that was not the point of the sermon, of course. The point was that we of today's society are so wrapped up in working for ourselves and making a life for ourselves that we have no desire to serve others, to help them along with their lives. Thus we suffer a scarcity not only in the field of priesthood, but also in nursing and teaching, and whatever other kind of service work we might do.

The best thing for this country just might be a depression.

Have been wasting much time playing Simfarm, but got bored since I took over the world and became a millionaire. And my so-called "home-improvements" seem to be invisible. Maybe I will enable disasters, so I will have something to do. Or maybe I could do something useful.

Bought a Dar Williams CD, and justified it by also buying the Gospel of Thomas, albiet hardcover. Am happy about this.

The day after tomorrow is Johnster's eleventh birthday. I am getting him a Swiss Army Knife, which is the only thing on his wish list I approved of and can afford. (If I could, I'd buy him his most desired gift, a real star named after him, but I hear it is a tad expensive.) I hope he invites John Reckenmeyer to his party. That kid seems cool.

Enough for now. Toby, if you read this, I miss you lots.

john, music, dreams, computer games, food, liz, jean, oochie, jill, ohio, god, church, sickness, cousins, books, toby, family, ccd

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