
Jul 23, 2001 21:37

Finally, one session done. Jay liked me as a teacher, as it turned out, and I think the rest of the kids did too, though Kristina continually complained that everyone hated her. I think she is hyperactive. And Steph has some learning disabilities. Plenty of challenges. It was fun though, too. Sadly I got attached and now I have to see a whole new set of kids. I don't really want to. I like my old kids. But as Ashley says, I'll get to like these too. I caught up on my sleep. Now I can not be cranky. Crankiness does not make customers happy. We very slow today, at least for lunch. My theory is that we didn't have our special, so nobody wanted to come.

Am finally getting back to reading. I'm still in the middle of "The Left Hand of Darkness," which continues to be bizarre but interesting.

Oooh. I think I will buy purple and green hair extensions for Jill for her birthday.

I still don't like the Martha and Mary gospel. I guess I am just bitter for my mom and her sister. My mom more, of course, since her name is Martha. I have not seen Aunt Mary for a long while. It has come to the point where when I hear "Aunt Mary" I automatically think of Mrs. Mack's sister.

One midnight gone, one midnight gone.

Got a package of stuff from Snith about HCA and leadership stuff. There is an article called "The social change model of leadership" or something like that and is, according to my parents, psychological gobbledygook. I am inclined to agree, but perhaps that is just because I don't get it. I have never taken psychology, and don't see why people have to use long phrases of complicated words just to say soemthing like, people don't liked being pushed around. I mean, duh. Anyone could tell you that. It doesn't have to be a psychological phenomenon to be true. Ok, enough ranting. John has some desperately important reading about Pokemon to do, so I can't use the computer much longer.

La di da.

Sixteen pounds of blueberries my family picked. Mmmmmmmm.

john, food, hca, smith, church, mrs. mack's, books, family, ccd

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