Master Post : Underneath a Stretching Skyline

Mar 07, 2014 14:57

I saw many writers had master posts and master's lists of their fics so it makes them easier to find. I decided to make my own.

This one will be dedicated only to my series of sammyverses a.k.a. Underneath a Stretching Skyline.

This story is inspired by spnshannanigans’s prompt which was “Sam's memories from hell threaten to overwhelm him every moment of every day. To calm the storm in his head, he comes to rely on either drugs or alcohol (or both).  Dean allows this to continue (for now anyway) because he doesn't know how to help Sam and he can't stand the screaming”

The whole story is rated M because of disturbing subjects. Basically it means that if it makes you uncomfortable, don't read it.

Here are the verses (in chronological order)

Underneath a Stretching Skyline trailer :
     Which is a fanvid I made for the whole series of verses. It's based on season 7 and how Lucifer torments Sam after his wall has been broken down.

Over the Edge of Another Night
    Verse #01. It sets the table for what is to come. Sam is struggling from his memories of Hell and Dean just wants to help. (2,600 w)

The Lights Are Flowing Down
    Verse #02. Sam wants to start hunting again and Dean is worried it's too soon. Unfortunately, he can't refuse his brother anything and ends up having to patch him up after Sam gets hurt on the hunt. (3,500 w)

Skyline Just Hit the Ground
    Verse #03. Sam vanishes and Dean has no idea where he is. He hates that. (3,050 w)

The Water Keeps its Course
    Verse #04. Sam's calling for the bottle and the bottle is calling for him. But no, he clearly doesn't have a problem. (2,200 w)

Our Shadows Are Our Ghosts
    Verse #05. The hallucinations and memories are bad. But there's worse. (3,350 w)

Like a Soul Kneeling for Peace
    Verse #06. Dean thinks he knows what'll help his brother. He only realizes how wrong he is when he sees Sam. (2,900 w)

For Faithless Wonderlands
    Verse #07. Sam gets a broken wrist and a massive dose of pain medication. Dean gets a headache. (3,000 w)

In the Drift of Days
    Verse #08. Dean is overprotective, Sam is overreactive and everything ends in overconsequences. (4,300 w)

The World is Falling on its Knees
    Verse #09. Sam has a migraine and Dean takes care of him. (5,200 w)

Dreams Become Wishes That Will Vanish Into Prayers... (Part 1)
    Verse #10. Sam has a reason to go on a drinking spree and then one to stop short. He goes into withdrawal, or so he thinks. (8,200 w)

...And Prayers Are Turned Into Empty Promises (Part 2)
    Verse #11. Curtain fic and AU for a while. Sam is disabled and Dean brings them out of the hunt to take care of his brother. (8,400 w)

A Thousand Cries Without a Tear
    Verse #12. Sam cries out for help and Dean is concerned so he decides to help. He just doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into this time. (8,700 w)

My Twilight's Getting Brighter
    Verse #13. Sam gets his hands on some ‘happy pills’. Only, he should never forget that what goes up has got to fall. (4,000 w)

fanfiction, sammyverse, supernatural, underneath a stretching skyline, master's list, master post

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