It's very very cold here!

Dec 08, 2009 12:53

Went and saw "The Blind Side" last night with my middle sister. It was her first time and my second. I can now say that the movie is EVERY BIT AS GOOD the second time as it was the first. There wasn't the tension of seeing it for the first time but there was still all the emotion! If you haven't seen it... GO SEE IT! And then watch a Raven's game and see for yourself that Michael Oher is a good player. I've seen two games since watching the movie and very few people have gotten through his block. Can't say the same for the guy on the left side (he's playing right side tackle from what I can tell with my remedial football knowledge) though.

My life is once again falling into a routine. I like routines. They make me feel comfortable. Not that I don't mix things up from time to time. But routine is nice! And it's just in time for the holidays. When I can count on a routine, the holidays are MUCH more comfortable for me. *grins*

Also, I'm such a big fan of Vitamin D right now. If nothing else, I like the fact that it's smoothing out my mood this winter. It really helped last winter, too. I don't deal with SAD quite like I have in the past. Check it out for yourself! There's a TON of stuff on the web now about it. Just be careful that you aren't taking TOO much. I have a friend here at work who is taking A LOT because she spends her day downstairs in the bakery. At first the doctor thought she had fibramaglia (sp?) or something like that. Turns out she just has a dangerously low Vit D count. She's doing a lot better now! So check it out!
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