Some Molly Drabbles

Dec 06, 2009 18:07

Title: First Day
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Arthur/Molly
Word Count: 203
Prompt: for megans_writing who asked for Arthur/Molly - on the first day of Christmas my true love game to me for the first_order Drabble-A-Thon

Snow had come early to Ottery St. Catchpole. All the villagers looked in wonder up to the cloudy skies at the large fluffy flakes falling down on them. No one had expected this. Not the local BBC weatherman or the almanac which had never been wrong except for that strange freeze of '43.

"Shall we go for a walk, my love? The garden should be covered over by now."

Molly sighed, deeply content with sitting in front of the fireplace. Her fireplace. She was torn, though. A walk through the snow-covered garden sounded wonderful. Her garden. It was all so wonderful.

"The only problem," Molly whispered as they stood out in the storm, "is that I don't know what to get you for Christmas. I thought the house was my present this year?"

"The house isn't a present. It's a promise." Arthur kissed each of the large pink spots on her cheeks. She was beautiful when she smiled. "The snow is your present. It's my way of wrapping it all up for you."

"It's beautiful. It's all beautiful."

He pulled her into his arms, warming both of them. "And this is just the beginning. It's only the first day of Christmas, after all."

Gosh! I totally forgot to put Bellatrix in the drabble! Am writing an addendum to the story.
Title: Right Where it Hurts
Characters: Molly/Bellatrix
Word Count: 300
Prompt: for liliths_requiem who asked for Molly/Bellatrix - Narcissa Malfoy's Holiday Party at the first_order Drabble-A-Thon (Part Two to this story is here

"It is so wonderful to see you."

Molly's smile was still perfectly pasted on. So far, she was doing an admirable job of playing the polite acquaintance but she didn't think she would be able to keep this up for much longer. Already she was dealing with feelings of inadequacy and inferiority without even walking through the front door of Malfoy Manor.

"Wonderful to see you, Narcissa. Thank you for inviting us here tonight. Arthur should be along soon. He had to work late tonight."

With a small, tight smile that gave nothing of her true emotion away, Narcissa welcomed Molly into the main room. All the decorations were silver and gold, some of them made out of the actual precious metal. Tiny glowing lights floated just over the heads of the guests, causing the metal to sparkle and shine and look very expensive. Everything, actually, looked very expensive. It made Molly feel frumpy and out of place.

"I'm sure Lucius will want to say hello to him when he gets here."

Molly scanned the room, hoping there was someone - anyone - that she might know. It was highly unlikely she and Narcissa knew any of the same people. Sure enough, there wasn't a single familiar face in the crowd. It would be another evening in the corner for her. Why did she keep coming to these things when she knew that Arthur would never come with her?

An hour later, she was three plates into the buffet and looking for a good exit. Narcissa breezed by but this time she slowed down, gracing Molly with her trademark tight smile. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Of course." And with those two words, she earned herself at least another half hour of torture. The Malfoys knew just how to inflict pain.

2009, slytherin, first order, weasley

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