Ahhh... the middle of the week. Love it.

Dec 10, 2009 13:53

Still cold. That won't be going away until this weekend when it snows. BOOOO! Oh well. What can you do about it. Nothing!

Need to start Christmas shopping. Have all the kids on my list checked off and now I need to work on my sisters and B.I.L. because they'll take the most effort and expense. This kinda sucks because Tif and Alex are now a COUPLE so we'll only get couple gifts from them but then we're supposed to get them each a gift? The math doesn't add up!!! I'll probably get them movies or something. They don't have cable so Tif watches a lot of PBS when she's at home by herself in the middle of the day. *grins* Makes me laugh because I love PBS. She always has the most interesting things to talk about now!

Watched Glee last night and I cried. That show always makes me cry. Not because of the cheesy drama (which I love) but because of the awesome music! Love it all! Even the songs I haven't really liked when the original artists did them. Last night's version of "My Life Would Suck Without You" was SOOOO GOOD! Well, I liked it. And I liked the way that it ended. You knew that they would end up together, after all. And no one really broke up a home like everyone feared. They just... veered off the set paths. Now to wait until Spring. *sigh*

Plotting out my Jossverse Big Bang. Bet you never thought I'd say that, did you? Well, I'm working through this Plot WriMo thing for my NaNoWriMo "crap" so I thought I'd utilize what I'm learning. It's been helpful in that I don't think I'll bog down there toward the ending quite so badly. Still trying to figure out how to end it. What does Faith learn? What does Mal learn? I don't know. I'm hoping it comes to me. Hoping to start writing it this weekend. Only have a few weeks until it's due. Only 15k which I should be able to do pretty quickly, especially since I'll have the bones laid out. Now I understand why people do it. Of course, I don't know how much I'll be able to do it with my original stuff since I'm coming up with the world while I write... which tells me that I need to know more about the world before I really get deep because that's what bogs me down. That's a lesson I've learned over and over but I knew this NaNo story was just a tasting to see what I could uncover. *sigh* I just wish these things wrote themselves... no, that's not true. I wish the ENDS wrote themselves. I like writing the beginnings!
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