Devil or Angel (10/10)

Feb 06, 2009 12:36

Title : Devil or Angel (10/10)
Pairing : Ryotego - Uchipi
Summary : Two young men suddenly living as roommate. Uchi and Tegoshi. Two different person, two different personality. Who’s Devil? Who’s Angel?
Rating : PG-13


[chapter 1] [chapter 2][chapter 3][chapter 4][chapter 5] [chapter 6] [chapter 7][chapter 8][chapter 9]

Chapter 10

“I feel lost.. When you say it’s over..” said Uchi slowly.

He caressed Uchi’s hair gently.

“Say you’ll love me only…” smiled Yamapi. He stared at Uchi’s eyes so close. They’re sitting on the carpet inside the Uchi’s room. But, Uchi’s eyes still wet, he can’t stop it from falling in front of Yamapi. It’s like he can’t stop, even if he wanted to. Right now he can’t even talk, he just kept rubbing his eyes with his pajamas sleeves.

“I.. I…” Uchi nodded.

Yamapi put both of his palm and cupped Uchi’s face. His thumbs slowly wiping Uchi’s wet cheek. Maybe Uchi was not ready to say it yet. It’s okay for Yamapi, he’ll wait. “Ne, Uchi… You… It’s like when you’re with me.. You’re always crying..”

Uchi chuckles between his tears.

Yamapi was smiling in front of him, and that smile was for him. It has always been for him only. And this is the first time Uchi replied his smile. “I never thought that… But.. You made me feel.. like I’m… loved.. And it’s something that I’ve never..”

“Uchi.. you don’t have to…”

“I will try, Yamapi.. I will try to make you feel the same way..” said Uchi.


Uchi nodded without doubt.

“You don’t know how happy you’ve made me right now..” said Yamapi.

In a second Yamapi grabbed the back of Uchi’s head and simply pulling him closer where he could hold Uchi tightly in his arms. He never regrets it, falling in love with Uchi. Even though until now he’s been hurting and there’s nothing but painful feelings he received every time Uchi did something that’s making him sad. You just can’t hate the person you love, no matter how hard you try.

Because in the end, if you really meant to be with that person, you’ll be together somehow....

--- ---

“I feel sad..” said Uchi suddenly.

“Why?” asked Yamapi. They’re still sitting on the carpet. Yamapi leaned his back to the bed and Uchi sat at an empty spot between Yamapi’s legs. He leaned his back on Yamapi’s wide chest. It was raining outside and they just staring at the window, doing nothing. But it feels nice just to be together.

“You’re graduating soon..” said Uchi. “I told you I want to make you feel the same way that you did to me.. I’m scared that I can’t do it when you’re already leaving..” Uchi looked disappointed at himself.

“Don’t say that! Now you remind me that I’m going to graduate soon and leaving this dorm and not seeing you everyday… I don’t want to think about that.. I want to be like this forever! Forever!”

Uchi giggles hearing Yamapi say those words. He’s shy so he close his face with his hand.

“I’m a bad person, aren’t I? I had so many chances to make you happy all these times, but I was afraid to love someone… I hurt you instead.. I’m a devil..” Uchi laughed a bit at himself. He put his chin on Yamapi’s hand that was wrapped around his shoulder.

“Maybe you are… But, if it’s for you I’m willing to become a devil too…” smiled Yamapi teasing.

“Yamapi.. You are not a devil, and never will be.. You’re a good person..” said Uchi.

“A good person.. Hmmm…. And what that makes me? An angel?” Yamapi laughed.

Uchi didn’t answer it. But he thought in his mind, that if there’s a person with a heart of an angel, that person was Yamapi. And that was the person he loves.

“Maybe.. Maybe I should make myself fail this year so that I would have to repeat a year and graduate together with you next year…” said Yamapi suddenly.

“Silly boy! Don’t do that! I can’t believe you!!”

--- ---

“How about… Karage?” asked Tegoshi.

“I like that..” answered Ryo.

“How about… Beef cutlet?”

“I like that too…”

“Oyakodon? Spicy Chicken Ramen? Ebi Furaidon? Sukiyaki?”


They’ve been talking for a while about food, it makes them hungry again. Even though they already ate at the date before. Ryo opened his refrigerator and show Tegoshi what he got in there. Tegoshi stared unbelievably at the ‘quite-empty’ refrigerator, trying to think of something he could make from it.

“Aha!” Tegoshi clicked his fingers.

Ryo smirk at him.

“I know what we can make… Pancakes!” said Tegoshi. He saw eggs, flour, milk and honey. It’s really easy to make. Oh, and also there’s strawberries there too. Which Tegoshi assumed to be Yamapi’s. Actually, everything there was Yamapi’s, Ryo would just buy an instant noodle to eat if he’s hungry. There’s no way he can cook, he’ll burn the kitchen right away.

--- ---

“Oishi!!” shouted Ryo when he taste the pancakes just now.

“Arigato!” said Tegoshi cutely.

“I’m a lucky man ne…..” said Ryo with his dreamy voice.

Tegoshi laughed a little. “Should I make this for tomorrow? What time are you practicing.. It’s Saturday, right? We don’t have school tomorrow.. So you’re practicing in the morning??” asked Tegoshi.

“Sat… Saturday??!!! Tomorrow is Saturday?? God, I forgot!” said Ryo suddenly. It was like he’s dissatisfied on something he just remembered.

“Nani?” asked Tegoshi.

Ryo looked frustrated. “Ck.. I can’t practice soccer on Saturday… I got detention! I have to clean the indoor pool tomorrow… Damn.. I hate water! AAAAAARHGGG……”

Tegoshi can’t help to laugh again. He kinda has to settle with the fact that his boyfriend is a trouble maker who gets detention on a day off. And then now he thought, wouldn’t it be nice to accompany Ryo on detention tomorrow?

“I can come!” said Tegoshi. “I’ll help you!”

--- ---

So the next day, Tegoshi and Ryo came to indoor pool at 7 am in the morning. They went together because Tegoshi end up to sleepover at Ryo and Yamapi’s room. Actually they waited for Yamapi to be back but it seems like he’s staying over with Uchi. So, that night Tegoshi sleeps on Yamapi’s bed and Ryo on his own upper bed.

Tegoshi was wearing Ryo’s shirt and Ryo never knew that his shirt could look that good on someone’s body. He tried hard not to think about it, but…. What the hell.. he’s still a man. He’s allowed to think of anything he wants in his own head.

But it just keeps getting harder when the water splashed to Tegoshi and he became wet and… Ryo really tries hard to keep his mind clear.

“Nishikido-kun.. Brush the floor over there! It’s still dirty!” said Tegoshi pointing at a spot. They were cleaning the floor right now. It’s almost over. They’ve been doing it for like 2 hours straight.

“Wow.. it’s almost done.. Last week it took me 3 hours to get it done by myself..” whined Ryo.

“Ooh.. Poor you..” said Tegoshi, he pray some water to Ryo’s face playfully. He smiled seeing Ryo wiping his own face. Tegoshi turn his body again to continue brushing the floor, but who would’ve thought that suddenly he felt his body being carried up and was thrown successfully to the water.


“Uwaaaaa………………..!!” screamed Tegoshi surprised.

Tegoshi hurriedly went up for air, he’s good at swimming, thank God. Ryo threw him to the deep part of the pool. Then he saw Ryo smiling and suddenly he took off his shirt away and jump to the water, smimming his way to Tegoshi.

“What do you think you’re doing?? Nishikido-kun bakaaaa… Waaaaaa!!!” shouted Tegoshi when suddenly Ryo’s head popped up from the water, right in front of his face.

“Heehe.. I thought, why not have some fun..???” said Ryo. He shook his hair and the water spread away from it. Tegoshi shut his eyes because it sprayed on him. He felt Ryo grabbed on his waist, Tegoshi put one hand on Ryo’s shoulder to support him to keep floating, while the other and wiping his face.

“What if you’re going to get another detention for this?” asked Tegoshi.

“It’s okay.. Because that means I’m getting a detention with you… Why shouldn’t I be happy?” smirk Ryo. They laughed hearing that.

“If I catch a cold, it’s your fault then, Nishikido-kun..”

“I’ll take all the blame..” said Ryo easily.

Their feet keeps moving to keep them floating, they’re not moving anywhere just keep going round and round. This wasn’t the first time Tegoshi saw Ryo’s topless body, he saw it before when Ryo was sick and Tegoshi had to change his clothes. He never thought he’ll see that skin again, and so close like now.

“You want to race?” invited Tegoshi. He’s sure he can beat Ryo swimming to the other side of the pool. He’s good at sport, and swimming was one of his greatest skill.

“No..” answered Ryo. It seems like he got something else on his mind already.

“What do you want to do then?” asked Tegoshi.


Ryo leaned forward so fast, he kissed Tegoshi’s lips. But because it was too sudden Tegoshi lost balance and falling down to the water.


When he managed to get to the surface again, he saw Ryo laughing. Tegoshi blushed and when he saw Ryo was swimming away from him, he catch up with him quickly. Ryo stopped at the stairs, and was about to run away from his lovely pissed boyfriend. But he was too late, Tegoshi grabbed him and he’s back falling to the water again.

“Okay.. Okay.. I’m sorry.. Sorry…” said Ryo, but he looks so happy.

“You’re so mean!!” cried Tegoshi. “What if I drown???”

“I’ll save you..” answered Ryo.

“No need to.. I won’t be drowning, I’m good at swimming..” Tegoshi let out his tongue to Ryo, mocking him. He wasn’t mad about drowning or so, he’s actually just surprised at Ryo’s sudden kiss.

“Why are you blushing?” asked Ryo.

“Because you kiss me..” said Tegoshi honestly. It just slipped through his mouth. “You’re a devil!”

“Well, if I’m a devil then… The devil has fallen for an angel..” said Ryo bluntly.

Tegoshi blushed even more. He never thought that the nervous-Nishikido Ryo can also turn into a seductive-Nishikido Ryo. But whichever it is, he likes both. As long as that person was his Nishikido-kun.

Ryo leaned over, slowly this time. Tegoshi stare at his dark eyes before closing his eyes waiting for Ryo’s kiss. And when it happened, it was sweeter than the first time. The kiss was longer and more passionate and they just ignored the facts that they’re still inside the water.

--- ---

“Ryo-chan!” called two voices at the same time. Ryo and Tegoshi broke the kiss after a while. They saw two people came from the door. Ryo was ready to be scold if it was one of the teachers, but he’s fortunate enough. Those two who just came was Yamapi and Uchi.

“We knew you had detention today.. We thought you’re working really hard so we brought you some breakfast… Well, I see you’re really really really working hard, ne…..” said Yamapi sarcastically teasing his bestfriend.

Ryo chuckles as he rolled his eyes. Both Ryo and Tegoshi got out from the water after that. Uchi took the towels from the locker and gave it to Ryo and Tegoshi. While Yamapi opened the orange juice bottle and set 4 little cups on the table.

“Yeah!! Sandwiches!” said Ryo excited.

Uchi gave a piece of sandwich to Tegoshi. “Are you hungry, Tegoshi?”

Tegoshi did nothing but stood still. He’s stunned. Staring at Uchi strangely.

“Nani?” asked Uchi concerned.

“Uchi-kun…” said Tegoshi.

Ryo and Yamapi who were already stuffing their mouth with the delicious sandwich turn
their faces to Tegoshi. They’re also wondering why Tegoshi still look like he’s shocked of something.

“Uchi-kun.. You just called my name…” said Tegoshi slowly.


“You called me Tegoshi..” said Tegoshi happily.

Uchi smiled at his roommate. “Tegoshi…” he repeated the name again.

“Uchi-kun knows my name!!” Tegosi jumps in place a couple times to show his happiness.

“Nishikido-kun, Uchi-kun called my name… Heeheheehe…. Yamashita-kun, Uchi-kun said my name!! Bye-bye TOMODA!!!”

Everyone laughed at Tegoshi’s reaction. And Uchi also felt so bad, he should have realized it sooner that he was calling the wrong name. But he’s learning from now on, he’ll change himself. He should care more for things going on around him. He’ll become a better person.

That morning the four of them ate breakfast together, talking about random things and lots of laughs. They’ve been together and connected with each other. Somehow without them knowing they’ve learn about love, friendship, patience and trust. It’s all wrapped up perfectly in one thing, called life.

--- ---

Devil or Angel

oh my god! it's the end..
gosh this was the hardest last chap i ever wrote..
sorry for taking so long, maybe a part of me doesn't want this to end.
That's why it took me long enough to finish this chap (well i played around so much too though ^^) anyway i hope you all like it!


uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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