Entwined SP (1/2)

Jan 31, 2009 14:52

Title : Entwined SP (1/2)
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Rating : PG-13

A/N : Hello minna~ sorry i haven't update in a while ^^;;, i'm at my hometown again! and i've been playing around so much~ XDD.. but now i give you something! i hope you'll like it ^^

That morning, Uchi found himself trapped inside Yamapi’s arms. Yamapi won’t let Uchi go, he acted like he was still asleep. Yamapi really was still sleepy, so he closed his eyes. But a sleepy person shouldn’t hold on to another person this tight. Uchi needs to go, but Yamapi won’t let him.

“Yamashita-kun, let go!” pleaded Uchi helplessly.

He was already dressed up and so ready to go to his University, yes, Uchi has transferred and study in a real University since three years ago. He has been working hard since Yamapi left.

Uchi regretted it that he wakes Yamapi up, he was actually intend to say good bye but got trapped in this kind of position. When he said ‘good morning’ and ‘I’ll see you later’ sweetly to Yamapi, suddenly Yamapi pulled him back to the bed until Uchi fell on top him, and Yamapi quickly locked him there.

“Yamashita-kun.. I’m not kidding.. I’m going to be late..” said Uchi again. He can’t even move. But Yamapi still closing his eyes, again, Uchi knew he was just pretend sleeping. He’s already awake.

“Nani?” Yamapi asked that easily.

“I have class..” pouts Uchi.

“Oh, you DON’T have class today? Well, that’s good.. You can stay..” said Yamapi smiling weirdly.

“Yamashita-kun!!” cried Uchi.

“Just stay today… Take a day off…” demanded Yamapi.

“I can’t.. I promise I’ll come back as soon as the class ends.. Okay? Please…” asked Uchi again.

Yamapi shook his head. “I’ve only been here for like yesterday.. And now you already want to leave me alone? I’m sad…” he pouts.

That’s right, last night Yamapi came back to Japan after 3 years, and they stayed over at the hospital until 3 am. Tegoshi, Ryo, Koyama and Kusano was there. Uchi can’t remember what kept them there, they were talking and laughing. Yamapi has just come back from America, they missed him and he shared a lot of stories.

Uchi had already slept in the car on the way back to the house, Yamapi even carried him up to the room. After that he sleeps on Uchi’s side, just like he used too. He’s not alone anymore, Uchi was there beside him.

That’s why now he felt lonely when Uchi wanted to leave, he still wants to be with Uchi. They didn’t even get a chance to be together just the two of them yet. Yamapi doesn’t care if he’s being selfish to Uchi, he’s like that and Uchi knew that already.

After struggling so much trying to escape, but Yamapi just gets more stubborn, finally Uchi gave up. He stopped moving, he can’t believe it.

“Okay, I’ll stay..” said Uchi. “You happy?”

“SO HAPPY!” said Yamapi with a sudden excite voice. He loosens his arms around Uchi, letting the younger boy get enough space now. Uchi quickly got up and sat on the bed. He saw Yamapi yawning, and blinking his eyes a couple times. The sunlight irritates his eyes, he still need to sleep some more.

“Now, that you’re here.. I can sleep tightly..” said Yamapi, he gave Uchi another of his I’m-not-wake-up-yet-so-please-forgive-my-lack-of-expression smile. Then he pulled the blanket over his body again and makes himself comfortable on the bed.

Uchi narrowed his eyes. “Eh?? You sleep again?” said Uchi. He jump on to Yamapi’s body until he heard the man shout in pain. “I’m not going to let you sleep!” He put his hand under the blanket and he tickles Yamapi.

“Ouch! Ouch.. St-.. Stop! Stop!! Okay, I’m awake… I’m awake!!”cried Yamapi. Uchi giggles at this. Yamapi wanted to get up and sat on the bed, but he can’t. Uchi was still sitting on him.

“Hiroki..” he called him slowly.


“Do you still love me?”

“I still love you..”


“Yes.. I love you more each day since the day you left..”

--- ---

Later that morning, Yamapi took shower and he makes Uchi join him. Even though Uchi had already shower before. How can you refuse when you were selfishly being carried and drag to the bathroom without even given a chance to say something?

And Uchi knew that Yamapi was pleased enough to be stripping him from his clothes. And nothing he can do or say to prevent him. Oh yes, he never forgets that his very own Yamashita-kun does anything he pleases.

Very selfish..

Pushy.. Demanding..

But.. that was his Yamashita-kun.

The one and only,

That was his beloved.

Yamapi let the water from the shower dripping on their body as he slowly kiss Uchi’s lip. Uchi put his hand around Yamapi’s neck, he missed doing that. Uchi was pressed against the wall and it felt so cold, but it doesn’t matter.

Yamapi touched Uchi’s bare skin and there’s just a lot of memories coming back in his mind. Those night everytime he misses Uchi, sometimes he misses him until he felt like crying. He doesn’t know that Uchi felt the same way. Worse, Uchi had been waiting for his call everyday but Yamapi doesn’t call very often. Uchi cried, sometimes in his sleep he calls Yamapi’s name.

The reason was because everytime Yamapi hears Uchi’s voice, he’ll begin to miss him again and it becomes too painful when he can see him right away. That was why he doesn’t call very often.

Yamapi dropped his gaze and start to kiss those pretty collarbones.

“Mnh.. I thought you wanted to take a shower..” moans Uchi.

“I am.. With you,.” replied Yamapi, smiling.

Uchi let Yamapi kiss him deeper and more passionately. He felt Yamapi’s warmth very close to him. He felt his feet weakening when he heard Yamapi whispering in his ear.

“Hiroki..” said Yamapi.

Uchi nodded. He knew what Yamapi wanted to do, it’s impossible to not wanting more than this. Yamapi was about to press himself more to Uchi when suddenly Uchi remembers something.

“Oh no!!” screamed Uchi. “I have to go to the university!!”

And the intimate moment that was almost happen between them was postponed. Yamapi frowned, he was really pissed that something just had to come up right now.

“What’s wrong?”

“I forgot! I have an exhibition today! The students are having their design of miniature house in the hall.. And the opening was today, how can I forget! You make me forget about it!” said Uchi, he gave Yamapi’s shoulder a little hit. Yamapi was pleased to hear that he was the one who makes Uchi forgets about everything, but still upset that Uchi might go now.

“And your design is going to be shown in there too?”

Uchi nodded slowly. “Yes.. The lecturer said that mine was good, and unique..” he said shyly.

Yamapi smiled. “I’m so proud of you…”


--- ---

So later that day, they went together by Yamapi’s car to Uchi’s university. In the car Yamapi didn’t let go of Uchi’s hand even for a second. It seems like he still want to be so close to Uchi. He looks like a child that doesn’t want to loose his blanket. Uchi leaned his head on Yamapi’s shoulder just to make his boyfriend feel at east a little.
It was already a little crowded, people are coming to see the exhibition. Yamapi was left alone in the hall because Uchi has to go to see the committee first. Yamapi walked around looking for Uchi’s design. There were so many of them that it was hard to find Uchi’s name.

But not long after that, Yamapi spotted a miniature design of a beach house. He really likes it and was very happy to see the name was Uchi Hiroki. Hiroki knew that Yamapi likes the sea, that’s why he made a design of a beach house.

Yamapi spent a while staring and observing the design, he really loves it. He doesn’t mind people passing by, he just stood there. He’s thinking of giving Uchi a present for this, because Uchi was really talented and he has worked very hard for this.

But suddenly, Yamapi realized something. There’s someone standing at the other side of the design. That man was also staring at Uchi’s beach house, he’s been there for a while too.

Yamapi narrowed his eyes when he recognized that person.

“You..” said both men at the same time.

--- ---

“Yamashita-kun!” said Uchi when he spotted Yamapi near his design. He ran to him. But then he saw someone was there too. “Ohkura! You came!” cheered Uchi.

Yamapi narrowed his eyes more when he saw Uchi suddenly gave a hug to Ohkura, thanking him for coming to see his design. And also he can’t help to be bothered by Ohkura’s free hand touching Uchi’s back comfortably. It was just a normal hug but definitely not for Yamapi.

“It was very nice, Uchi.. You’re going to be a great architect! Ganbatte, ne..” said Ohkura.

Uchi nodded. “Thank you.. I thought you can’t come.. I thought your tour starts today, right?”

“Yes.. The band was already in Tokushima.. I’ll catch up with them after this, I just had to see your design first..” said Ohkura warmly. Ohkura was having a nation-wide tour with his band but he still managed to spare some time to come here. Uchi was lucky to have a friend like him.

But Uchi become aware that the atmosphere dropped suddenly. He was standing in the same line with Yamapi and Ohkura, he was in the middle of it. And he hates it. Should he introduce them to each other or.. What should he do? He was speechless and confused.

“Umm.. Yamashita-kun..” Uchi began talking.

“I’m going out for smoke.. I’ll be waiting outside..” said Yamapi, he left there.

“Umm.. So, he’s back..” said Ohkura suddenly.

Uchi turn around, Yamapi wasn’t there anymore. “Yes..”

“Ne, Uchi..”


“You looked so happy today..” said Ohkura. He stared at Uchi’s eyes.

Uchi smiled a little. “I am happy, Ohkura..”

--- ---

Uchi was looking for Yamapi outside, he went to several places near and finally he found Yamapi sitting on the bench, smoking a cigarette. Uchi called him a few times but it seems like Yamapi didn’t hear him, or just too lazy to turn his head around.

Yamapi is in a bad mood, Uchi can sense that already.

“Yamapi..” Uchi patted on his shoulder.

“Oh.. Hi..” he said.

“I’m done here.. Do you want to go someplace else?” asked Uchi, trying to make a conversation. Yamapi still looked sturdy.

They went to the car without even saying anything to each other, well Yamapi didn’t talk at all so Uchi went quiet too. Uchi knew that it must be because of Ohkura was there, Yamapi could be a really childish person when he’s jealous.

“So, you’re still friends with that guy..” finally Yamapi said something in the car.

“Yes, he’s my friend..” said Uchi.


“Is there something wrong, Yamapi?”

He didn’t answer Uchi’s question.

“Yamapi.. He’s only a friend..” explained Uchi again.

“He likes you..” said Yamapi.

“He’s only a friend!” repeated Uchi one more time.

“What kind of friend?”

“A normal friend..”

“Do you hang out with him a lot?”


“So you’re going out with him?”

“No! Yamapi it’s not like that.. We’re friends..”

“Friends.. Like going to movies and stuff?”

“Sometimes.. We just have lunch together.. And go to trip together and he took..” but Uchi can’t even finished his words.

“TRIP? What trip?!” asked Yamapi. Uchi could feel the speed of the car increased a little.
Uchi parted his lips to say something, but no words can come out . He regretted what he just said. It just slipped through his mouth because Yamapi was asking those interrogate questions to him. He never plans to tell Yamapi about the trip he made with Ohkura. It was just normal trip, visiting the restaurants Ohkura wanted to see. That’s all.

--- ---

Yamapi was angry since then. Even though they stopped by at the hospital before going home, Yamapi still doesn’t want to talk to Uchi. He kept avoiding Uchi everytime Uchi tried to approach him. And it’s starting to drive Uchi crazy.

When they entered the room, there’s Ryo and Tegoshi cuddling-watching a movie side by side in the bed. They looked so cute together. Tegoshi wasn’t in a great condition these days, but with everyone there for him it makes him feel a lot better. His smile, that warm smile never fades from his face everytime he sees someone comes to visit him.

“Tegoshi-kun..” Uchi threw his head on the bed. He was sitting beside the bed.

“Yamashita-kun is angry with me..”

“Eh? Nani? What’s wrong?” asked Tegoshi. He looked to Yamapi who was sitting at the sofa,
talking with Ryo and Koyama.

“He.. He found out about the trips with Ohkura.. I told you about it, right?” said Uchi sounded depressed.

Tegoshi nodded. “Oh, I see… He got mad just because of that?”


“Oh, did you tell him what happened ‘that’ night?” suddenly Tegoshi remembers one moment.

“No!” said Uchi right away. “He doesn’t need to know about that..”

“I understand.. But Uchi..”

“I can’t tell him..” Uchi sighed. He shook his head a couple time.

--- ---

Recently i watched Uchi's performance in SC,
and suddenly i miss 'Hiroki' so i made this..
comments are LOVE ^^

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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