Entwined SP (2/2)

Feb 22, 2009 12:20

Title : Entwined SP (2/2)
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Rating : PG-13

A/N : Minna~ now i bring you the last chap of Entwined ^^

[Chapter 1]

Yamapi and Uchi didn’t stay late at the hospital.

Ryo patted on Uchi’s shoulder when they’re about to go. Uchi knew that’s the sign of hopeless. Even Ryo has given up on trying getting Yamapi to talk to Uchi. Uchi just replied with a bitter smile. His heart aches.

Once they get to the room, Yamapi took off his jacket and threw it to the floor as if he didn’t see there’s a table near by. He made his way to sit on the big red sofa and turn on the television. He kept changing the channel like he doesn’t even have interest on all the TV channels.

Uchi saw that, he was standing behind the sofa, not knowing what to do to Yamapi. But he doesn’t want Yamapi to stay mad at him. He can’t have Yamapi angry at him. At times like this, it’s useless to even hope that Yamapi will try to talk first.

“Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something, Yamashita-kun?” asked Uchi uncertainly. He took a deep long breath before deciding to speak to Yamapi. He kept hoping that Yamapi would at least turn his face to him.

“Not hungry..” he said shortly.

“If you want to take a bath, I’ll prepare the water for you..”

“No, thanks..” Yamapi said coldly.

Uchi bit his own lip, he gave up. Yamapi’ll just keep rejecting whenever he’s trying to be nice. So Uchi decides that he’s just going to confront Yamapi and ask him to scold him directly rather than being silent.

“Yamashita-kun..” said Uchi. He leisurely sat beside Yamapi. He put his bag and cellphone to the table infront of them. Yamapi frowned a bit.

“What..” Yamapi just gave him a quick glance.

“Please talk.. I’m sorry..” said Uchi.

Yamapi stayed quiet.

“About Ohkura..” Uchi began talking.

“I’m not angry..” snapped Yamapi.

“Yamashita-kun, please! If you want to say something then say it.. I can’t read your mind!”
said Uchi impatiently.

“Read my mind?! I can’t even read my own mind! It’s full of you and Ohkura up here!” Yamapi pointed on his own head, he’s making another of his irritating face. He threw his face away from Uchi again.

“Stop getting jealous! How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?”

“Then stop giving me reason to be jealous!” said Yamapi.

“We’ve only been together for these past few days, how can I gave you reasons already??” Uchi cornered him.

“Well those trips sure looks like a fun reason..”

“You’re unbelievable….” sighed Uchi vulnerably.

He stood up from the sofa. He can’t believe it that they’re fighting already. Yamapi was only been here for 3 days. They haven’t seen each other for so long, for three years. Uchi felt upset that things turn out to be like this.

Uchi thought he should just sleep first, he’s got no strength to deal with the moody Yamapi right now.

When Uchi made his way to the bed suddenly his cellphone rang on the table. The sound of ringing cellphone bothers Yamapi so much, so he wanted to silence it. But who would’ve guess…

When Yamapi saw who’s calling Uchi, the id caller just had to be Ohkura. Yamapi frowned angrily, his blood rising up to his head and it feels like it’s going to burst out.

“Here, your boyfriend calls..” pouts Yamapi, as he threw Uchi’s cellphone to the bed.

--- ---

“YAMAPI!!! STOP IT!!” cried Uchi finally. “Why are you doing this??!!”

Uchi can’t stand him anymore. He hates him so much right now.

“Stop what?” he said, sounded more awful than Uchi.


--- ---

It was around midnight when Yamapi opened the glassdoor’s curtain window and saw the snow was falling. He’s holding a cup of hot coffee on his hand, which he made it himself. And the other hand are drying his hair with the towel, he just finished showering.

He hates the taste of the coffee, because it wasn’t Uchi the one who made it. Only Uchi knew how to make the coffee perfectly just like Yamapi wants.

Looking at the snow, first thing Yamapi remembers is Uchi.

He dropped his gaze to the bed not far from him. There he saw Uchi in his pajamas sleeping quietly facing to the side. They just went through a big fight like half an hour ago. Uchi was so upset that he just went to sleep directly without saying anymore words to Yamapi.

Yamapi walked slowly to the bed, and sit on it. He was unsure whether to sleep there or make himself comfortable on the sofa. There’s no way Uchi wants to be near him right now, he’s worried about that.

Uchi’s voice of ‘I HATE YOU’ kept repeating on his head. He just made the one he loves hates him. He doesn’t like the way it feels when you’re not loved by the most important person for you.

“Hi.. ro..ki…” Yamapi whispered. He wanted to know if Uchi was still awake and just pretending to sleep, but there’s no reaction from Uchi. He was sleeping.

Yamapi sighed. He was actually relieved that Uchi was asleep, because he wouldn’t know what to say even if Uchi was awake. Apologizing is clearly not the first thing on his mind, even if most of it was Yamapi’s fault. But his heart felt uneasy since they end up having this fight. He was the one who made things worse.

Yamapi leaned closer until he can get a clear view on Uchi’s face. Then his hand slowly caressing Uchi’s face, carefully not to disturb him. Yamapi wanted to pull his hand back but he can’t. He wanted to be close to to Uchi. So he quickly lie himself beside Uchi where he can lock Uchi right in his arms.

“Hiroki.. Hiroki.. I don’t want you to hate me..” said Yamapi.

Yamapi’s touch and voice wakes Uchi swiftly. Uchi wasn’t all that sleepy anyway, how can he sleep when he was also feeling terrible. He could feel Yamapi buried his face on his back.

“Yamapi, I’m sorry.. I know you’re upset...” said Uchi.

“I’m sorry, Hiroki..”

“It’s okay..”

“No.. It’s not that I forbid you to be friends with him… You guys seems so close… I just felt left out.. Because.. He’s the one by your side at all these time.. He’s the one who shares laughs with you.. He’s there when you’re sad.. and he gets to do all the things I was supposed to do for you.. It should have been me..”

Uchi grew silent.

“I’m just afraid that you’ll fall for him and he might steal you from me..”

“That’s impossible..” answered Uchi.

Yamapi smiled. Uchi replied his smile back, turning his body until he can face Yamapi properly. But Yamapi has moved from Uchi’s side. He climbed and tops Uchi like Uchi was one of his pillows. Both chuckles at the weird position they’re in right now.

“So I’m still the only man for you...?"

“It has always been that way..” said Uchi. “ Yamashita-kun, let me clear this to you.. Ohkura wanted to be a chef, even though he’s already famous with his band.. So he likes to travel to visit all these restaurants in different places.. He asks me to join him, so as his friend I accompany him..”

“Really? Nothing happened between you guys..?” asked Yamapi. Uchi caught it from the glimpse of Yamapi’s eyes that Yamapi still wasn’t satisfied with Uchi’s explanation.

Uchi closed his eyes suddenly. Yamapi looked so innocent asking this question to him. Even though he knew that innocent eyes will turn into demon’s eyes once he say something that he’s been keeping it as a secret. But lying to someone you love is harder than keeping a secret from them, especially when they already corner you with the question.

“Ohkura and I…” Uchi began talking.

Yamapi knew that the end of this sentence is not going to please him, but he wanted to know. He demands to know.

“We kissed..” said Uchi.

Yamapi stared at Uchi’s eyes so sharply. Their faces were so close about a couples centimeters away. Uchi didn’t dare to move any of his body parts who was completely locked below Yamapi’s. He can’t even move his eye sight.


“It just happened one time.. He took me to see the fireworks.. When we’re back at the hotel, we’re just so tired… Everything was just.. We.. I can’t.. Yamashita-kun, it just happened one time..”

“Where?” asked Yamapi.

Uchi bit his lips. “Bed..”

He felt the grip of Yamapi’s hand on his hand grew tighter.

“Did you slee..”

“NO! I didn’t.. I didn’t sleep with him!” said Uchi hurriedly.

“But you kiss him back..”

Uchi nodded slowly.

Then suddenly Uchi felt Yamapi pulling himself from there. He sat on the edge of the bed, he wasn’t saying anything but just look mad again. He let out a deep sighed a couple time like he was controlling his anger.

--- ---

“I did that because.. That night he hugged me, and… I realized that I missed being hugged by someone for so long.. When he suddenly kiss me.. I just want to kiss him back..”
Yamapi didn’t move an inch. Uchi get closer where he can hold Yamapi from behind. Before Yamapi does anything like throwing the vas to the wall or such stuff. Yamapi’s body so tense, but when Uchi held him it became more relax.

“But when I heard him calling my name.. And I heard his voice.. Suddenly I realized he wasn’t you.. And then I stopped him..”

Yamapi stood up and Uchi still sitting there, afraid to stare at Yamapi.

“I’m sorry, Yamashita-kun.. I know I was wrong, I’m scared.. Please don’t hate me..”

“No, it’s my fault..”


“I made you feel lonely..” he kissed Uchi.

--- ---

“Sleep tight..” said Ryo, as he kiss Tegoshi’s hair. He can feel the warmth of Tegoshi’s face when he touch it. It was very hot. Tegoshi was having a fever that’s why he needs rest.

“Nishikido-kun.. Will Hiroki and Yamashita-kun be alright?” asked Tegoshi
Ryo laugh a little. “Dunno.. It’s their problems..” Ryo put blanket to cover Tegoshi’s body in the bed.

“But.. Poor Hiroki.. He felt guilty..” said Tegoshi, suddenly holding Ryo’s hand to show his concern. Ryo smiled softly at him.

“I know.. But Yamapi won’t do anything stupid.. I know he loves Hiroki, and this is just a simple problem.. Besides, three years ago he promised me that he’s serious with Hiroki, right? Ohohoho.. I will never forget that…” said Ryo, pretending to make a fist and punch it to hhis bestfriends face. He somehow remembers how silly he acts when he first find out about Yamapi dating Hiroki.

Tegoshi laugh at his boyfriend. “Baka.. Nishikido-kun..”

--- ---

“Yamashita-kun!!” screamed Uchi when he felt Yamapi’s member entering him. Yamapi let Uchi released his scream before capturing his lips again. Uchi buried his fingers on Yamapi’s hair, while the other one supporting himself holding Yamapi’s shoulder.

Once Yamapi apologized before, they talked again. Uchi told everything about him and Ohkura without hiding anything. And from what Uchi told him, Yamapi believe that Ohkura was only a friend to Uchi. And that only Yamapi was the one Uchi loves in this world.

At first they were only having a make-up kisses, but somehow it turns intense and intimate. It’s because both of them wants it. They’ve been together almost 4 days after three years of separation, and they haven’t done it.

Yamapi couldn’t wait any longer. He wants him. And he’s already very sure that Uchi misses being hug by him, being kiss by him. It’s just to tempting for Yamapi.

“Yamashita-kun.. Should I be jealous with you too…?” asked Uchi breathlessly.

“Of what?”

“You.. Over there, how about you? It’s impossible not to be with anyone..”

“ Yeah.. But it doesn’t matter..”


“Cause I think of you whenever I’m with somebody.. And for the record, I didn’t sleep with
anybody.. Cause I only want you..”

“Nnh.. Nnhh!“


It feels so good, everything is just so good.

--- ---

“Are you okay?” asked Yamapi the next morning when they woke up. He saw Uchi opening the curtain and letting the sunlight enters their room. Uchi was only wearing a coat, and that was Yamapi’s winter coat from last night. Yamapi assumed Uchi just grabbed anything he could find on the floor.

Yamapi sat on the bed, leaning back against the pillow as he stares at Uchi. He’s surely going to have some thoughts whenever he saw this coat again, because it just looked so sexy on Uchi. Uchi can feel it Yamapi’s stare. And he gets shy.

“Nande?” asked Uchi.

“Come here..”

Uchi did what he told him. First he sat beside him, giving him a good morning kiss because Yamapi wants it. After that Yamapi spread his arms and Uchi rest his head on it.

“You know, Hiroki… I haven’t told anyone about it.. But I’m going back to America tomorrow..”


“Ahahahahahhahaha!!! I’m kidding!!”

--- ---

The new years celebration was held in one of the most luxurious Hotel in Tokyo city. It was hosted by their very own Akanishi Jin. Indeed it’s going to be an unforgettable party. And it’s even better when you celebrate it with everyone that you loves.

“Where’s my new year’s present?” demanded Yamapi when they arrived at the hotel, and was just entered their presidential suite room.

“Mmm.. What do you want?” Uchi let himself being trapped so close Yamapi.

“I want you to take your design of beach house off the exhibition..” said Yamapi boldly.

“Eh? What?” asked Uchi confused.

“I want you to take it off the exhibition and give it to me.. Because my new year’s present for you is that I’m going to build that design into a real building of a beach house..”
Uchi almost didn’t believe what he was hearing. Yamapi will build that beach house for him?

“Yamashita-kun… What.. Is it for real? Yamapi!!” Uchi jumps to hug his boyfriend with his full arms. He can’t hide his happiness, it was just too amazing. Yamapi smiled on Uchi’s reaction, he’s thrilled whenever Uchi is happy.

“Yamashita-kun.. Thank you!! I can’t even.. Waaa!! I’m too happy!!”

Yamapi laughed, he was overjoyed too.

“I promise I’ll give you a better present.. Matte ne, once I get enough money from my current
part time job at the studio.. I’ll buy you anything you want…” said Uchi, smiling. He promised that to Yamapi.

It’s not like Uchi doesn’t have any money right now, his own account has more than he could
ever need, Yamapi always said that to him. But Uchi want to give Yamapi something from his own attempt.

“Well.. I’ll be waiting then.. I want you to buy a matching sweater for me and you, and it has to be pink.. Don’t forget, okay? I really really can’t wait…” teased Yamapi.

“Uhn!” nodded Uchi enthusiastically. “Eh? But.. Why pink?”

“Cause it looks good on you..” said Yamapi.

“But that means you’re going to be wearing pink too?” Uchi blink.

Yamapi nodded.

Uchi laughed as he hugs his sweet boyfriend. “ Yamapi will look cute in pink..”

“Ofcourse I will!” pouts Yamapi.

“Then.. Let wear that sweater later, and meet Ryo-chan!”

“Eh? NOOO WAY!! No.. No… I’m just going to wear it if it’s just us, okay…” said Yamapi hurriedly. Uchi giggles seeing his boyfriend gets shy. Uchi knew that Yamapi will definitely not let Ryo see him wearing pink sweater, it’s just too amusing for Ryo. His bestfriend will make fun of him and he will never hear the end of it.

They laughed together. But after that Uchi leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on Yamapi’s cheek. Yamapi dropped his gaze when Uchi did that, then he slowly pulling Uchi closer and once again they’re close to each other.

“I love you, Yamapi..”

“I love you.. more, Uchi Hiroki..”

They kissed before walking out from the room to have lunch with the others at the Hotel’s restaurant. Everyone already waiting for them to join. Everyone, that means it includes Tegoshi.

Tegoshi was given permission from the hospital to join them for two days at the Hotel. Ofcourse he wouldn’t miss any treatment at all. Ryo booked the room and all of Tegoshi’s needs were already prepared there. There’s even a stand by doctors right there at the room.

He looked so happy to be able to join them. He actually cried the day before, he’s afraid that he might not be able to go and must celebrate new years at the same hospital room. But everyone support him saying that he must be healthy and keep his spirit up, and that gives Tegoshi strength to go on.

Everyone was having lunch at the restaurant’s private room. They were having sushi party. Yamapi and Ryo were having a silly competition on who eats the most salmon sushi. They both stopped at the 50th plates. And it was a tie. Yamapi and Ryo were laughing the whole time they eat.

They kept bragging about if Ryo wins then Yamapi has to pay for Ryo’s trip to Egypt. And if Yamapi wins then Ryo has to give his favorite full-modified black Mercedes to Yamapi.

Jin was the most excited one. He wants to join the competition but Yamapi and Ryo forbid him. Because Jin’s stomach could fit Tokyo Dome in there, surprisingly he eats a lot.
Uchi was sitting near Tegoshi, he can see the younger boy was having a good time. He could see

Tegoshi was smiling the whole time. But the smile was mixed with the pain he’s feeling right now. His whole body hurts, around his chest were the most painful one.

“Tegoshi, daijoubu?” Uchi asked him.

Tegoshi hurriedly nodded. “Genki!”

--- ---

At 10 pm, it’s a party at the ballroom. There were live music performances. Jin and Koyama were talking on the stage giving their almost-drunk speech and everybody laughed. Everyone was excited welcoming the new year. Letting all the bad memories of last year disappear and heading to a better year.

And Tegoshi wasn’t in good condition after all. Tegoshi was tired and he was brought back to the room right after he finished dinner. Tegoshi refuses to go at first, but he has to. He kept pleading Ryo to let him stay there, it broke Ryo’s heart to send him back to the room. Ryo also wants Tegoshi to have a good time, but he cares about his health more.

“Are you crying?” asked Ryo. Now it’s only the two of them at the room.

Tegoshi shook his head, but tears were rolling down from his eyes. He grabbed a pillow and cover his face with it. He can’t answer Ryo’s question right now. He felt dizzy and upset.
He could feel Ryo lift his body from the wheelchair and rest him on his bed. That pillow still covers his face. Ryo stares at him and his behavior for a couple minutes. He knew Tegoshi was that disappointed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why am I sick right now? I was fine before.. I hate it..”

“Tegoshi, don’t say that…”

“I want to be down there.. I want to celebrate it with everybody..” said Tegoshi with his shaking voice. He reached Ryo’s shirt and pulling him closer. Ryo knew Tegoshi wanted to hug him, so he did that first. Ryo hugged Tegoshi’s head that was already buried on his stomach. He can feel his shirt getting wet because of Tegoshi’s cry.

“I’m tired.. I’m tired of being sick all the time..”

--- ---

Knock knock..

Ryo opened the door and found Yamapi and Uchi standing in behind it.

“I was just about to talk to you two..” said Ryo. He got out from the room, closed the door softly. Trying not to make any sound that might disturb Tegoshi.

“How’s Tegoshi?” asked Uchi.

Ryo just smiled a bit. “He’s finally asleep..”

“How’s everything? What happen, you guys suddenly disappear? ” asked Yamapi concerned. He’s afraid something bad has happened.

“Tegoshi.. He’s condition was down.. I thought he could be happy when I brought him here to celebrate it with us.. Because he asked that to me, he doesn’t want to be alone.. But.. But…
How can I be okay, Pi..? I can’t do this anymore, I can’t watch him suffering like that.. I can’t.. I don’t know what to do..” Ryo lowered his head. “I wish I could take his place..”

“Ryo-chan..” Uchi held his bestfriend’s arms to support him. He knew how Ryo must be worried a lot about Tegoshi. He loves Tegoshi more than his own life.

Then suddenly they heard someone screaming in pain from inside, and the only person there was Tegoshi. Ryo, Uchi and Yamapi hurriedly get inside to find Tegoshi was coughing holding his chest, he let out a quiet scream because he seemed to having trouble to breathe. That was the most terrifying scene Ryo has ever seen everytime Tegoshi shrunken.

“Tegoshi!” shouted Ryo. “Call the doctor!!”

Yamapi ran to find the doctor that was waiting outside the room.

It’s getting worse than before, this time Tegoshi couldn’t even speak, he was in pain. Ryo held him, he held his hand and kept calling Tegoshi’s name. He felt useless at times like this.
Tegoshi always says that Ryo was the one who always give him strength to live on, but right now there’s nothing Ryo can do.

He hoped that Tegoshi at least could hear him. But Tegoshi only cried, he’s very weak, until he slowly losing his consciousness. And let himself falling back. Ryo’s tear dropped when he felt Tegoshi might not even feel his presence there anymore.

“No! Nooo!” screamed Ryo.

“Tegoshi!!” cried Uchi.

--- ---

I never liked the feeling of losing someone..

I feel that way when Yamashita-kun was gone..

And right now..

I’m afraid..

--- ---




“Happy new year…”

“Happy new year, Tegoshi..” whispered Uchi. “We’re here.. Celebrating the new year with you.. See? Everyone is here…” said Uchi softly.

“Ha..happy.. Nn..New ye..year..”

Tegoshi saw all of them gathered around his bed. Even though his visions were still blurred he recognize all the people there. It was 00.01am and why is everyone here? Why didn’t they go downstairs where the new years celebration party was held?

His hand was reaching for someone, and that was Ryo.


“I’m here.. I’m here..” he took Tegoshi’s hand and let it feel his face. “You scared me.. You scared me, Tegoshi…” he leaned in and hugged that tiny body. It was very nice, the feeling of embracing the ones you love after having a fear of losing him.

“I’m.. So… Sorry..” said Tegoshi weakly. “Nishi..kido-kun..”

Tegoshi cried. His wish really does come true. To celebrate new year with everyone.

“I have a present for you…” said Ryo. “See? Up there.. Everyone works hard to draw the sign.. You were unconscious for 3 hours.. Everyone gave their best!” said Ryo pointing up to the wall.
There was this big white fabric hanging there. It’s almost looked like a banner. It’s very
colorful and says…



--- ---

And that was what happened on new year..

I’m glad we did celebrate it with every person we’re close to.. We understand about Tegoshi’s condition, but that won’t stop us from hoping..

I wish to become a stronger person, just like Ryo-chan and Tegoshi.. I’ll always watch over them no matter what.. I want to protect them..

It’s silly..

I can’t even protect myself from everything.. But he’ll do it for me, he promise that he’ll always be with me.. And that man was Yamashita-kun..

Ne.. You promised, right?

I care for you.. I love you more than anything..

I told you my heart is only for you, I would never fall in love with others..

Don’t be jealous again!


As long as you’re there.. I feel safe..

As long as our hands entwine together…

--- ---


yess this time is the end..
i hope i didn't scare you too much XDD
anyway, maybe after this i will took some time off from writting fanfic..
but that doesn't mean i will stop writing..
i just dont have any idea at the moment ^^

*hugs and kisses*

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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