Sunday is the day for recovering

Jan 25, 2009 22:40

A night out drinking is always good, even though now I'll only drink two drinks a night. Usually it's one at the beginning and one at the end, or two at the beginning. Last night I had a glass of Moscato while everyone was sitting on my lounge room floor talking, eating pizza, and watching the boys battle it out playing soccer on the PS3, and then it was a Midori and lemonade some time around midnight. It's fun watching everyone else drink, and even fun when some of them don't. Azaria didn't, which was odd because I think she's like Andie, always pissed. She had to work today though, which hasn't really stopped her before so I don't know what the deal was. I've kind of taken to the role of designated care giver, seeing as I can't be the designated driver because I don't have a licence. I took Mark home when he'd drunk too much, and walked him home holding him up and straight, and told him to not look drunk because that would make me (a pretty little girl in a short dress) look vulnerable. I tried to take his phone away from him but I couldn't stop him making an ass of himself to Azaria because he couldn't read what she said, or texting Emma asking her to come here for a fuck. I did text them both this morning though apologising. I took Mark upstairs and got him water before he slept and put him in bed so that he could pass out there instead of on the floor. I made sure there was a cup of water next to his bed. I put more water into the air cooler so that we would be comfortable. Yes, I've officially taken the role of care giver. It's only because if I go wild then no one would be there to take care of me, and I won't let myself go wild.

Walking home last night I got a little annoyed that I was always the responsible one. I've never really had much of a chance to be a party animal. I never really had enough people to go out with, and my friends aren't huge party animals really. And Mark's too cheap so he's always drunk and tired before I am. It's taken me forever to find the group of girls that I feel comfortable drunk with. I never really felt comfortable with Andie, and Nat never danced, and Melissa wouldn't pay attention to me, and I'm crazily worried that people will get the wrong impression when I dance with them. But Azaria and Eliza and everyone else seem to love me so it's all cool. I don't think I want to go wild though. I don't really like being drunk, not knowing what I'm about to do next. It's a bit scary for me, I'd rather be in control. Now my drunk tally is up to two, one when Sarah left me in the pub and I was drunk and crying at 10pm, and two when I got drunk on my own and cut myself after watching Girl, Interrupted. I'm too afraid to find out what I'm capable of, so I don't let myself do anything. At least I have common sense.

At 1am I was texting Melissa though, which made me not be so annoyed about the whole responsible thing. I'd texted her earlier saying that she'd love me because I was almost completely white; white underwear and a white dress. She says I'm innocent because I have lots of white things, and I put out the sweet and innocent image and that I love it, which I think is partly true. I got a text back saying "show me" just as I got home, but I was already undressed to put my pjs on so I was like "oh I can't I'm naked" and she goes "oh show me that lol" so I was like 'oh cool awesome' so we swapped one photo each because she was at a friend's place for a party getting undressed in the bathroom taking photos to send me! But that was really cool. That's only happened once. We're also talking a lot more lately, so I'm pretty sure 09 is going to be one for the Melissa-Trina friendship as well as the hook ups.

It was so busy in town last night. I love the festival, but I'm glad it's over for another year. I don't like waiting in line to get into a pub and having to pay for entry, especially not at just after 9pm. It was also really hot. We were all sweaty while waiting in line to get in, but to be honest, there is a good type of hot and sweaty and I love it. I know that makes me sound weird. It's like hot and sweaty as in having sex sweaty or dancing sweaty. Sweaty where you know you're having a good time. And I think people look hot with the right amount of sweat on them. Yea I know, I'm completely crazy. The pub was so packed, like more packed than I've ever seen it. We went straight down the back near the back bar and sat on the cement near the back gate because you could actually breathe there. I can't imagine what it would have been like in the middle of the dancing mass of people. We sat down there for a while, and then went upstairs to the posh lounge that is quite boring actually and sat outside talking for most of the night. We talked about sex. It was awesome. There was a girl there from Mark's work that I hadn't met before, but she was awesome. She reminded me of Melissa actually, like just her attitude toward sex and her outgoingness, if that's even a word.

I can tell that Ally is going to read this and think that I'm constantly talking about Melissa. She said it the other day when we were at lunch, explaining it to Charlotte. She goes "just when you think it's all over there's a new blog that's Melissa this Melissa that blah blah blah". It was quite funny. Well, I don't constantly think about her. And I don't write about her as much as Ally thinks. Ok, maybe I do, but only some of the time.

Today was a real lazy day. I bought a few new nose studs though, which is very exciting for me. I convinced Mark to get out of bed at some time around 11:30am, and we went over town and had lunch. Today was supposed to be his day, but I convinced him to walk through town with me today by promising a blow job! Which I haven't given yet because I have horribly period pain because I decided to have a period after three days of random bleeding for no good reason whatsoever so I stopped my pills a week early and now I'm having horrible pain just because I didn't take one today. And man I felt horrible. Yea, I'm sure everybody wanted to know that but this is my place to rant so I don't care. I read this article in the paper the other day at work saying that scientists think that the period pain associated with the withdrawal bleed on the contraceptive pill isn't actually period pain at all, but a withdrawal symptom as your body goes without the hormones that the pill provides. Which makes total sense, seeing as I get pain like four hours after I don't take a pill that day. My body tells me quicker then my mind does if I forget to take one.

I was just talking to Azaria on Facebook. I tagged her in that 25 things post that I did because I someone tagged me so I did it because I was bored. I wrote a lot of person shit in it and tagged a lot of people that wouldn't know that. Azaria goes "do you really think that no one likes you?" and yes, of course I do, even though I know that's really stupid and completely wrong. I know people like me, but sometimes I'm not quite sure why. But anyway, she goes "well I think you're a sweetheart", which made me feel good. Miranda commented saying that she just wanted to hug me because I made her cry. I'm not sure if she's being serious or exaggerating with the crying part. Jack also noted saying that I said 25 things and now he feels like he's known me forever. I tagged random people in the note in the vain hope that some people would actually do it, but I'm not sure if anyone will.

Lately it feels like a lot more people are getting to know me a lot better. Maybe I'm starting to actually let people in again. I just hope I don't get hurt this time. Things are going good so far.

friends, musings on life, that left out feeling, body stuff and health issues, tiff, tom, girl sex interests, alcohol/drinking, gemma, tom's friends, leash, going out, alisha, sexual stuff

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