learning me one statement at a time

Sep 04, 2008 18:14

The Bolded are true, italics are my comments


- I am 5'4 or shorter.
I don't actually know how tall I am

- I think I'm ugly.
There are some days I don't agree with the way I look, but it's been years since I've thought I was ugly

- I have many scars.
I think I have three; one on my head from splitting it when I was a toddler, one on my foot from working at the corner store and dropping a sign and one on my shoulder from the chicken pox

- I tan easily.
I burn very, very easily

- I wish my hair was a different color.
I wish I could dye my hair different colours, but I'm happy with it at the moment

- I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
Not many thought, it's been the same colour for over a year. I dyed it when I broke up with Mark and haven't let it grow out since.

- I have a tattoo.
I'm thinking of asking someone to pay for one for my birthday

- I am self-conscious about my appearance.
I am self conscious all the time, sometimes less so than others

- I have/I've had braces.
My top teeth are very straight, and you don't take notice of the bottom ones.

- I wear glasses.
I'd like to wear glasses, I think they're uber cute looking, but I just don't want eye troubles!

- I'd get/have gotten plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free, scar-free.
I definately would, I'd probably get a boob job. I don't desperately want one, but if there were no risks I'd definately do it.

- I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
Does being hit on at the pub count? A guy once yelled out at me through his car window while I was standing waiting to cross a road, and many people have told me I'm pretty.

- I have had more than 2 piercings.
I have my ears done, my nose done, and the top of my left ear done. I want my lip done but work won't allow it.

- I have had piercings in places besides my ears.

- I have freckles.
They're pretty pale though so no one can tell. You can see them after I go swimming in the ocean though, for some reason.

Family/Home Life:

- I've sworn at my parents.
I've sworn to them, not at them.

- I've run away from home.
I was eight, and I ran up the street to a relative's house and then I went home half an hour later. Last year I left home (I don't say run away because I was over 18, I could go anywhere I wanted) and took an hour walk into town where I sat in the park, and then took a two hour walk to Mark's house (in an out of town suburb). I say it's running away because for that day I was unreachable, no one knew where I was and I wouldn't answer my phone. I was invisible for a whole day.

- I've been kicked out of the house.
I've been nonverbally kicked out of home, but I've been verbally kicked out of my boyfriend's parent's house.

- My biological parents are together.
They were never together.

- I have a sibling less than one year old.
He'll be one year old this month.

- I want to have kids someday.
In about seven to ten years!

- I have children.

- I've lost a child.


- I've slipped out a "LOL" in a spoken conversation.

- Disney movies still make me cry.
I don't see how that's embarassing! I cry in movies all the time. I even cry in TV shows.

- I've snorted while laughing.
That would be pretty embarassing though.

- I've laughed so hard I've cried.
Not in a very long time though.

- I've glued my hand to something.
Thank god, I don't play around with glue.

- I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
I've seen that happen, it's pretty gross.

- I've had my trousers rip in public.


- I was born with a disease/impairment.

- I've had stitches.

- I've broken a bone.
I hurt my toe pretty badly dancing with no shoes on once at school, but never went to check if it was broken.

- I've had my tonsils removed.

- I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend.
I've sat waiting with my boyfriend.

- I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
I have had some random tooth pulled out before.

- I've had serious surgery.

- I've had chicken pox.
When I was 17! It was horrible.


- I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
I've been in the car with someone else who's driven that far in one day. Does that count? I didn't actually do the driving myself.

- I've been on a plane.

- I've been to Canada.

- I've been to Niagara Falls.

- I've been to Japan.

- I've been to Europe.

- I've been to Africa.


- I've been lost in my city.
Considering the place I live isn't that big, it's quite sad!

- I've seen a shooting star.

- I've wished on a shooting star.

- I've seen a meteor shower.

- I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
Some of my pajamas are pretty damn awesome!

- I've pushed all the buttons in a lift.

- I've been to a casino.
We were supposed to go when we went on holidays after year twelve, but we had too many other things to do! I'm not a big fan of gambling anyway.

- I've been skydiving.

- I've gone skinny dipping.
Skinny dippping is the best!

- I've played spin the bottle.
And kissed all my straight friends.

- I've crashed a car.
Damn near almost though! A few times.

- I've been skiing.

- I've been in a play.
I've sung and danced on stage though.

- I've met someone in person from the internet.
Last year I invited a girl down from another town and she tore my life apart. Lesson learned. I have met various people that live in my town who I had first met online as well.

- I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
It doesn't even snow here!

- I've seen the Northern Lights.
I am planning to one day.

- I've sat on a roof top at night.

- I've played chicken.

- I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

- I've eaten Sushi.

- I've been snowboarding.


- I'm single.

- I'm in a relationship.

- I'm available.
It's called polyamory. I'm not actively looking for a girlfriend.

- I'm engaged

- I'm married.

- I've gone on a blind date.

- I've been the dumpee more than the dumper.
I think I've been dumped twice maybe?

- I have a fear of abandonment.

- I've been divorced.

- I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
Who hasn't?

- I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.

- I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.

- I've kept something from a past relationship.


- I've had a crush on someone of the same gender.
Many crushes.

- I've kissed a member of the same gender.

- I've had sex with someone of the opposite gender.
Only my current boyfriend though. It's not bad since everyone thought I was a slut!

- I've had sex with someone of the same gender.
I've had sex with four girls but one boy.

- I've had sex with more than one person at the same time.
My boyfriend and I have had threesomes with two different other girls, and we had two with one girl.

- I am a cuddler.

- I've been kissed in the rain.
It doesn't rain much here, and my boyfriend isn't a big fan of it!

- I've had sex outdoors.
In a pool.

- I've hugged a stranger.

- I have kissed a stranger.

- I have had sex with a stranger.


- I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
I'm sure I have but not sure if I made a promise not to do it in the first place.

- I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
I got depressed when I told myself that I'd better get happy.

- I have lied to my parents about where I am.
I have lied to my boyfriend before about where I have been.

- I am keeping a secret from the world.
And if I mentioned it here it would no longer be a secret.

- I've cheated while playing a game.
I'm a fair player, seriously.

- I've cheated on a test.
No, but if there was a way to cheat through a driving test damn I'd do that!

- I've driven through a red light

- I've witnessed a crime.

- I've been in a fist fight.
I slapped a girl once and punched a guy another time. Hardly a fist fight because it's always been me doing the hitting.

- I've been arrested.
I've had issues with the police while I was at school though, for things that I didn't do nevertheless.

- I've shoplifted.
I used to steal drinks when I worked at the corner store. I just pretended to pay for them.


- I've consumed alcohol.

- I smoke cigarettes.
Not really socially because I don't smoke with other people, I just do when things get a bit tough.

- I smoke pot.

- I regularly drink.

- I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
I don't make a habit of it though.

- I've taken cough medicine when i wasn't sick.

- I've done hard drugs.

- I've been addicted to an illegal substance.

- I can't swallow pills.
I do have issues swalling pills though, but I can.

- I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.

Mental health:

- I have been diagnosed with depression.
That's probably going to happen in about a weeks' time though. I am depressed, or something.

- I shut others out when I'm depressed.
It's something I've always done.

- I take anti-depressants.
Not yet, it's possible that I will be soon.

- I have had an eating disorder.
I have had troubles forcing myself to eat at times.

- I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.

- I've hurt myself on purpose.
A few times.

- I'm addicted to self harm.
I could easily do that.

- I've woken up crying.
I had a dream that my boyfriend died trying to save me from a house fire, I think.


- I'm afraid of dying.
I'm not afraid, but I don't look forward to it. It's something that will happen to everyone.

- I hate funerals.
I've only ever been to one.

- I've seen someone dying.

- I have attempted suicide.
I have thought about it.

- Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
People I know now have attempted/committed suicide before I knew them.

- Someone close to me has committed suicide.


- I can sing well.
I'm itching to go back to lessons.

- I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I have a McDonald's tray somewhere.

- I open up to others too easily.
About things that don't matter as much as the things I keep hidden away. I think I appear as overly open to act as a diversion to the fact that I keep a fair bit hidden away.

- I watch the news.

- I don't kill bugs.

- I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for sake of being able to rhyme.
I hate rap. I'd rather have beautiful lyrics than rhythm

- I fucking swear regularly.
I say "shit" alot, but not much else.

- I am a morning person.
I am anti-morning. Even though I start work before the sun comes up two days a week.

- I paid for my mobile phone ring tone.

- I'm a snob about grammar.
 Somewhat. I know I'm no grammar nazi and I make mistakes.

- I am a sports fanatic.

- I play with my hair.
I especially love others playing with my hair

- I have/had "x"s in my screen name.
I don't think so actually.

- I love being neat.
But most of the time it's too hard.

- I love Spam.

- I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day.

- I bake well.
I'd like to think I bake pretty well, but I always follow a recipe.

- I don't know how to shoot a gun.

- I am in love with love.
I am also in love with my boyfriend.

- I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
I totally missed that craze, thank god.

- I laugh at my own jokes.
It's so funny when you can't finish a joke because you're laughing so hard but no one else gets it because you haven't finished it.

- I eat fast food weekly.
I buy crap food at work pretty much every time I have a lunch break.

- I believe in ghosts.
I'm not completely closed minded. I don't believe and I don't not believe. I think it's one of those things where you need proof to sit on that side of the fence.

- I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
I am online a fair bit, but not all the time.

- I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.

- I am really ticklish.

- I love white chocolate.

- I bite my nails.
I bite the skin around my fingernails.

- I play video games.
I can play Guitar Hero

- I'm good at remembering faces.

- I'm good at remembering names.

- I'm good at remembering dates.

- I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life
My problem is that I have too much that I want to do.

death, musings on life, body stuff and health issues, my relationships, travelling, random, piercings, quizzes/surveys, my depression, hair, family, funny, sexual stuff, my past, sexuality

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